What pisses you off the mmost????


Well-Known Member

^ Love this quote.. and the Dutch too..

I'd say..close-minded people..


Well-Known Member

did you download a new app on your cell that has big words.. I have noticed this lately.. you and CN.. but CN has always said crap that flies over my head.... not sure if you have or I am just now paying attention to your scopious lexicon.. not that it bugs me.. but.. your making me confuse you with CN lately


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

did you download a new app on your cell that has big words.. I have noticed this lately.. you and CN.. but CN has always said crap that flies over my head.... not sure if you have or I am just now paying attention to your scopious lexicon.. not that it bugs me.. but.. your making me confuse you with CN lately
Occasionally bits and pieces of my old vocabulary can still peek through the veil, thankfully not much and not often, LOL.


Well-Known Member
My last three were from columbia, south america, and tialand ....what a variety from good ol homestead.


Well-Known Member
women who give bomb ass fellatio but refuse to swallow........... doing a ball or more of coke with someone for a few hours and they wont stfu with there annoying ass to the point u want to kill them almost............ mother fuckers who try to match me down on mids and I don't find out until my blunt is done and we fire up theres......... DRUG ADDICTS {ironic huh} I hate crack heads. dope feinds, tweekers, pharm animals, and sherm heads....... SO called friends who only wanna hang out when u got money or some bomb ass weed {buy something mother fucker}


Active Member
When you have earbuds in, forget they are in, and stand up and walk away from your computer. GOD DAMN IT!


New Member
women who give bomb ass fellatio but refuse to swallow........... doing a ball or more of coke with someone for a few hours and they wont stfu with there annoying ass to the point u want to kill them almost............ mother fuckers who try to match me down on mids and I don't find out until my blunt is done and we fire up theres......... DRUG ADDICTS {ironic huh} I hate crack heads. dope feinds, tweekers, pharm animals, and sherm heads....... SO called friends who only wanna hang out when u got money or some bomb ass weed {buy something mother fucker}
Amen my freind^^^^^

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
You no what does it for me , Driving down the road and this asshole drifted out of his lane straight into mine
I had to slam on my brakes almost hitting another 2 cars that were next to me .
I got up beside him and gave him a gesture pointing at my head , I didn't relise this was one big fucker ,
anyway he ended up rolling his window down abusing me , then proceeded to chase me for 10mins while holding a clublock out the window
It was him that almost caused this accident then chases me for it ? WTF


Well-Known Member
You no what does it for me , Driving down the road and this asshole drifted out of his lane straight into mine
I had to slam on my brakes almost hitting another 2 cars that were next to me .
I got up beside him and gave him a gesture pointing at my head , I didn't relise this was one big fucker ,
anyway he ended up rolling his window down abusing me , then proceeded to chase me for 10mins while holding a clublock out the window
It was him that almost caused this accident then chases me for it ? WTF
yeah fuck yea!!!!! get it out there brother let out the hate lol
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