Should those who speak obscure languages be allowed to use public property?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Depends on what state you live in. Washington Elementary school is a public school in San Jose California. 94% of the students there only speak spanish. 6% bilingual. So your kid better be able to speak spanish if they want to go to the school that your tax dollars pay for. Its either that or no education. And you better learn spanish if you want to be able to communicate with the teachers and other staff as well. Good luck.
Liberal mind pollution is why I homeschool my kids.


Well-Known Member
I'm not dealing with all you who are bitching and cling. I was an emotional wreck and this is what I get. I already clarified. Can I abort and murder my baby? No you say? So how is that equal? I then went on to say we should PRAISE our differences. This is MY OWN FUCKING PERSONAL DEFINITION OF LIBERAL MENTALITY, GOT IT? 1, entitlement 2, inability to infer from context how your view is different from others.3, the moment you find a difference, try to convert. I was trying to say and failed (because you, ac and paddy have 1,2 and 3) this, "Even though we have our differences, though I'm not liberal, this we can agree on." How the three of you are acting proves me right. Your liberal ideas cause myoptic knee jerk number 3 reactions. You can't sympathize I went through emotional trauma and do number 2 on me. So whatever. Go jerk off to the fact you proved I'm a heartless righty you knew all along!
Poor persecuted you...


Well-Known Member
I see things this way.

I got into an altercation in Mexico in 2011. I had 3 guys swarming me. My wife started stabbing them from behind and did a great job. There was blood everywhere and I kicked the brains out of two and only one went to jail conscious.
The way I see it...

Me and my wife are smart enough to travel places where she doesn't need to carry a knife. You should set your sights in life a little higher.


Well-Known Member
Mexican? You be be shocked if you knew who I am. I did spend 3 years in Mexico. This is documented and retained for the purpose. Don't question me little boy. People like you are terrified of stepping off your own front porch.

Men own this world even though you support the tyranny of corporate government.

Bring your ass into the bush with Tib and see poverty you coward. You never will. You don't have the funds to manage your life while you walk with Tib.

i have invited countless people to come with me, Aryan included. 100% are afraid. I have never seen someone come with me but I have a new taker from the marines who wants to do some bush time. We will see if he holds to his promise. He met me in Mexico and saw my grows and wants to see how things are in Colombia.

All of you are cowards. White and afraid of your own shadows. You have no ambition other than what is given to you and you are afraid to make things happen on your own.
You're a fucking clown. I have seen more shit than you ever will, from war to hurricanes to ghetto to parties and college, you'll never come close. Colombia isn't that big of a deal, plenty of white people go and get blowjobs just for being white. The reason you think "bush time" is travel is because you don't have the money to do parachute and boat time. You don't have the brains to do book time. You aren't good looking enough to do vagina time and you don't have the game to do it in a foreign city.

If white people are so inferior, why were so many Colombianas on my nuts when I was in Medellin?


Well-Known Member
Liberals think women have equal rights, but I was helpless to have handled this in the same manner had this been a dickhead man. We have a long way to go towards men and women relations. She even called me a little girl based only on my hair which is longer than most women's. I have no idea how this would've turned out had I a "proper" man's hair. My description of her action's speaks more than any physical description.
Is this why you blame Obama for the fact that you almost got your ass beat by some red neck woman?


Well-Known Member
No need to get pissy just because Pablo decided to play Nintendo today instead.
You keep calling me a pedophile because you're worried about everyone finding out why you're a substitute teacher and why you resent that thread I made. You're not really retarded, you're just weird.

I bet that is why that red neck woman almost beat your ass.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You keep calling me a pedophile because you're worried about everyone finding out why you're a substitute teacher and why you resent that thread I made. You're not really retarded, you're just weird.

I bet that is why that red neck woman almost beat your ass.
You're the expert on that sublect. Does your family in the states know Pablo isn't your adopted son?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You keep calling me a pedophile, but you're the one who gets attacked by mothers at playgrounds.
It's ok if you dress up as a woman. Pablo needs you for his mom and dad too, not just a lover Those bigoted Mexicans don't understand your transgender needs. Just like America doesn't get NAMBLA is more than carrying a card.


Well-Known Member
It's ok if you dress up as a woman. Pablo needs you for his mom and dad too, not just a lover Those bigoted Mexicans don't understand your transgender needs. Just like America doesn't get NAMBLA is more than carrying a card.
What is NAMBLA?

Notice how I called you a pedo with out making anything up or fabricating?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What is NAMBLA?

Notice how I called you a pedo with out making anything up or fabricating?
Don't be ashamed of who you are. Of course you aren't making it up, Pablo loves you. I believe you. But why isn't Pablo coming when you call? Also why do you keep spelling his name wrong? That's rather disrespectful!