Is Egypt bad for the US and Israel?


Well-Known Member
mowing a lawn makes you a success?

damn, just call me rockefeller then!
I dont mow lawns and as many times as you choose to repeat the shit you make up in your head it still will not be true. This is a perfect example of my previous statement. You simply cannot accept other people's successes and must create fantasy shit in your head to compensate. Which just shows how sad your life is.


Well-Known Member
did they promote you to "guy with clipboard who watches people mow lawns" now?
Who would they be? Probably the people in your head again...

I am going to bed now, alone. After seeing pictures of your wife I can understand how that makes you envious as well... Have fun staying up all night as usual. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Who would they be? Probably the people in your head again...

I am going to bed now, alone. After seeing pictures of your wife I can understand how that makes you envious as well... Have fun staying up all night as usual. LOL!
have fun sleeping alone, as usual

maybe your predictions of skewed polls might come true in 2016 and you might get that blowjob from your chicago friend.

you sound enamored with him, so i wish you the best of luck! make sure he brushes his teeth before and after though.


Well-Known Member
have fun sleeping alone, as usual

maybe your predictions of skewed polls might come true in 2016 and you might get that blowjob from your chicago friend.

you sound enamored with him, so i wish you the best of luck! make sure he brushes his teeth before and after though.
It would take having to have sex with your wife to turn me gay bucky...

She has flown in from Chicago and given me multiple blowjobs since that conversation.

But you still cannot accept the fact that I am a successful businessman that owns my own house, etc... Continually proving that any other person's success puts you in denial so your life image is not impacted by the obvious envy you feel due to your failed life...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
have fun sleeping alone, as usual

maybe your predictions of skewed polls might come true in 2016 and you might get that blowjob from your chicago friend.

you sound enamored with him, so i wish you the best of luck! make sure he brushes his teeth before and after though.

I have a feeling that the polls are all ready skewed....The Dems are working on that now...Using the IRS and what ever goverment power they can get away with...I say if a public employee takes the fifth on a question that had to do with the public they should be publicly hung until dead...


Well-Known Member

I have a feeling that the polls are all ready skewed....The Dems are working on that now...Using the IRS and what ever goverment power they can get away with...I say if a public employee takes the fifth on a question that had to do with the public they should be publicly hung until dead...
See. We like it that you are not in charge. We are trying to rise from barbarism. It is costly, is all.


Well-Known Member
It would take having to have sex with your wife to turn me gay bucky...

She has flown in from Chicago and given me multiple blowjobs since that conversation.

But you still cannot accept the fact that I am a successful businessman that owns my own house, etc... Continually proving that any other person's success puts you in denial so your life image is not impacted by the obvious envy you feel due to your failed life...
As a troll you are getting dumb and dumber.


Well-Known Member
Let me be plain. Why the hell are you conducting yourself this way? Flame war? Dirty mouth? Oh, right. Buck does it....if Buck jumped off the GG Bridge, would you also, please? :)

Dumb and Dumber. And the politics of the runned around.

In my humble opinion of course and meaning no harm to anything. I would not even want breath in a bug.

Oh, this is my wife, btw, really. This time I'm not kidding, really.
And of course, I don't have to care to comment.



Well-Known Member
Let me be plain. Why the hell are you conducting yourself this way? Flame war? Dirty mouth? Oh, right. Buck does it....if Buck jumped off the GG Bridge, would you also, please? :)

Dumb and Dumber. And the politics of the runned around.

In my humble opinion of course and meaning no harm to anything. I would not even want breath in a bug.

Oh, this is my wife, btw, really. This time I'm not kidding, realy.
If UB jumped off the GG bridge he would blame it on Bush the whole way down...