The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
ahh shit fred sorry about that! heard its going to hit connaught and munster tonight and tomorrow. we shall wait and see. hope your plants do well


Well-Known Member
Not much I can do about it tonight so, they are kinda sheltered where they are so we shall see, they might be wrong about the weather, they usually are:)


Well-Known Member
I'm about 15 miles from the sea so who knows what will come, if I had known earlier I would got a few pallets up around them, I didn't watch any tv until a while ago so hadn't heard the poxy weather.


Active Member
Damn! gona be a nervous night and day for you buddy. I hardly ever watch tv anymore. I just read an article about it on yahoo :D


Well-Known Member
I'd have the tv on but wouldn't be watching it much.
This evening I was transplanting, spraying for caterpillars, putting out more slug pellets, feeding a guinea pig plant with new food and giving them a dose of epsom salts so between mixing the soil and getting everything up to them it takes a while.
I brought the dog out there now to the jacks and it's very calm but I know that doesn't mean much.


Well-Known Member
@jasper: you try 30% h2o2? Do you have good airflow going across the roots and do you change out the res frequently?

can you get a hold of this stuff?

31b-kCxMWNL.jpg [h=1]CX Hydroponics - Regen-a-root[/h]


Well-Known Member
I have always had good luck ordering from attitude and cannazon myself

Going to let the BLZ Bud veg for a month in the co-op then take some cuttings for the clone chamber to get a mother and a few cuttings and then me and my buddy are going to texas for labor day weekend, we both grew up there and when we get back we will put the cuttings in the cab to veg and flower. The three pheno's are super silver haze, train wreck, and G-13 so hoping to get a strong pheno of either.


Well-Known Member
@jay: that sucks

@fr3d: thanks man......I still have some good ones I want run in my set up hopefully when I get back from texas!

BLZ Bud is G-13 x Super Silver Haze x TrainWreck

TGA Subcool has a new strain called Mickey Kush (Sweet Irish Kush x Jack the Ripper) it is sativa Dom, I want to get my hands on some of these beans!


Well-Known Member
The first monday in september is labor day holiday. I am taking thurs and fri off so I will have five days off and only have to take 2


Well-Known Member
Thinking about going back to coco, the ease of watering every day or two beats checking on the dwc. Plus it would provide more headroom, something which I am very short on :P


Active Member
Fred: how did you get on with the weather? Was it bad down your end. Nothing but calmness up in leinster :D

Mdjenks: Tried looking for 35% food grade h2o2 but all i could find around here was liquid oxygen which is 17.5% h2o2. the bottle is nearly empty so when its finished going to flush the system for a few days then hit her with cannazym. I change the res out every 4 days. Just because i have the feeling of root rot so change out the water and add fresh ph water and nutes


Well-Known Member
Apart from torrential rain there was no storm.
I went to the plants first thing this morning and one section of wire had been flattened so the paranoia kicked in so I moved the smaller plants to another location, only problem is that it's a more shaded there
Anyway before I could secure it fully from goats I had to go somewhere and thinking with the deluge of rain the fuckers wouldn't be about, when I got back to it they had eaten an RP auto and a fan leaf off another, not sure why they didn't eat more, only thing I can think of is the neem I sprayed last week must still be there some little bit, with the poxy rain everything is getting washed off them.
I sprayed caterpillar killer last night and they had been back as well.
All the plants are well overwatered at this stage and thank fuck for slug pellets, there must be hundreds of corpes everywhere.


Well-Known Member
hmmm thats weird jasper I wonder why you get hit with root rot so much you seem to be doing everything right.

two out of 3 BLZ popped so we shall see.