Can Marijauna pollenate or be pollenated by any other plant


Well-Known Member
Sometimes different species of the same genus can come together to make a new plant, but usually that plant is unstable in terms of fertility. Ex: Horse + Donkey = Mule, but it is a sterile creature. Mint + Sage = Salvia (Salvia is simply the genus for "sage") A plant that was bred by Indians who (supposedly) had no knowledge of genetics. But it very seldom releases seeds, and survives mainly through cloning. My question is, what other plants can Cannabis breed with? Are Rudaralis, Indica and Sativa it? Why doesn't it have a hard time reproducing when mixed?


Well-Known Member
Same reason the odds of grafting and budding between go down.. let me help you with this one, a chart produced by 3 major horticulture colleges as part of a crashcourse on propagation of plants by cloning and budding... pretty self-explanatory.

Edit: As for the mule portion.. yes, that only holds true if it's a male donkey and a female can't be the other way around due to one having 64 chromosomes and the other having 62.


Well-Known Member
Genus and Species are just words we use to basically be scientifically racist. What is classification but racism. Who is to say what genes can cross.


Well-Known Member
Genus and Species are just words we use to basically be scientifically racist. What is classification but racism. Who is to say what genes can cross.
Its for categorization purposes numb nuts. The fact that caucasoids mongoloids and africoids are different in features is why they were classified. How is it racist to note these differences and categorize them for scientific purposes?

Caucasoid: Caucasoid skulls have a nasal sill. This nasal sill (or dam) can usually be found inside the nasal opening. Caucasoids have a face that comes to a point along the midline. Their cheek bones don't extend forward. They have retreating zygomatics. This is where the facial features below the nose are retreated back into the skull and are flatter from the chin to below the nose. Caucasoids often have a long narrow face, a narrow nasal opening, depressed nasal root, and a narrow high bridge for the nose.
Africoid (Negroid) skulls don't have a nasal sill. Their skull exhibits prognathism, which is the oposite of the Caucasoidal retreating zygomatcs. Their mouth protrudes outward. They have little or no nasal depression, a rounded forehead, bregmatic depression, a wide nasal opening, and often have an almost ivory texture to the bone.
Mongoloid: Mongoloid skulls are between to two extremes with the nasal sill. Mongoloids havea much flatter face than Caucasoids, and the cheek bones extend further forward.
Their faice is also moonlike. They have an edge to edge bite. Many American Indian incisor teeth have occlusal wear (older skulls that is). Mongoloids also have shovel-shaped incisors and in some cases they are turned slightly to the midline. Often the zygomatic bones dip below the edge of the maxilla, and they have a nasal overgrowth (the nasal bones project forward past where it meets with the front part of the maxilla).

One starred.


Well-Known Member
Genus and Species are just words we use to basically be scientifically racist. What is classification but racism. Who is to say what genes can cross.
Racism is accompanied by discrimination and typically irrational fear or hate. I seriously doubt biologists are out there discriminating on different plant genus'. Biology is what says.


Well-Known Member
If cannabis wasn't racist, then why wont they breed with other species?
We got a Nobel Peace Prize winner over here!


Well-Known Member
Same reason the odds of grafting and budding between go down.. let me help you with this one, a chart produced by 3 major horticulture colleges as part of a crashcourse on propagation of plants by cloning and budding... pretty self-explanatory.

Edit: As for the mule portion.. yes, that only holds true if it's a male donkey and a female can't be the other way around due to one having 64 chromosomes and the other having 62.
This chart is tripping me out.


Well-Known Member
By all means go for it if you think it'll work - stick to normal phytology guidelines for working with them though.
This needs to be done more. I bet Cannabis is the most widely and densely grown house and farm plant, why aren't more tests done with it?


Well-Known Member
Do we not discriminate or show hate against certain plants? The feds sure do.
But not the biologists that named the plants. Which is what you were talkin you are just reaching. You said simply categorizing them was essentially racist. Now it's the Feds are racist agains pot. Fucking Einstein over here.