Say a few kind things about the person above you.


Well-Known Member
Many of the threads these days have been fairly morbid. Let's change the pace a bit. Say a couple kind words to the person above you. If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all. Let's try to make this a nice thread. Thanks everyone, and have a wonderful day.

Obviously many of us do not know each other personally, but based on what you know of them in RIU is a good start.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't eat all his boogers.
Fucking loves to color. Has a good sense of humor, makes people laugh.

P.S. I roll my boogies in a ball and put them on people without them knowing. Is that bad? I suspect it is.


Well-Known Member
Sunni you really like this thread like.. Every comment.

greenswag.. Shares an affection for gecko eyes with indagrow

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
^ Likes to play with his words and instigate. Or fueling the fire as some call it.
You're good at fueling the fire.
Carry on.