World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Watt a question for you.

I am transplanting seedlings grown in soul into perlite hempys, did this last time and ran into a bit of lockout. Was watering with a hydro Ph range. Plants yielded fine but ok my question...

I will be doing some soul pots but with a 2 inch perlite hempy res..when you do soul caps and use soul cores what do you Ph your nutrient solution to? For now I've been using 6.2 or so since it sits close to both mediums tolerance levels. Thanks.


Anyone here place seeds directly in 100% perlite when their seeds start to show a root? If so what is your process? Do u water every day to keep moist? Do u put a dome on top to keep in moisture? I have a heating mat and a dome if u think it will help the seed! Any help would be nice and thnx guys!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone here place seeds directly in 100% perlite when their seeds start to show a root? If so what is your process? Do u water every day to keep moist? Do u put a dome on top to keep in moisture? I have a heating mat and a dome if u think it will help the seed! Any help would be nice and thnx guys!!
If I had to start in perlite, Id probably use a dome. Water every day even if its only a tablespoon. You'd probably be better off starting in either soil, rockwool, jiffy pucks, rapid rooters etc.


Well-Known Member
Over the years and different mediums I've used and reused, pretty much anything you can think of. I've found that things just don't always go as clock work as when I use new every time. For that reason I don't reuse my stuff anymore. There's zero unknown variable when starting fresh every time. Yeah it's more expensive but I figure how much am I really spending in comparison to buying someone else's meds. It's just a little higher level of piece of mind for me. And if I do switch to purely hempy, the perlite I buy is $19 for 4 cu ft. When its done I mix it into my garden soil.
Im with ya Chaka, expect I'm getting a 4 cu ft bag for half that. Makes it hard to go coco.


Well-Known Member
Im with ya Chaka, expect I'm getting a 4 cu ft bag for half that. Makes it hard to go coco.
...yeah man, i actually just keep re-using my coco and adding more in as it slowly and inexorably diminish's with each harvest, ...i lose some with every rootball that goes into the compost pile.

...i have 2 bins that i use to store my coco, one gets the freshly harvested coco while i use up the other one and when i use one up, i just begin using the other and when it starts looking a little low i just add in a 5kg brick, ...i have a brand new brick that has been sitting in my closet waiting for me to need it for almost a year. ...which means i haven't had to buy coco for more than a year and unless i experience some unforeseen problems i shouldn't have to buy any for at least another year.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
Watt a question for you.

I am transplanting seedlings grown in soul into perlite hempys, did this last time and ran into a bit of lockout. Was watering with a hydro Ph range. Plants yielded fine but ok my question...

I will be doing some soul pots but with a 2 inch perlite hempy res..when you do soul caps and use soul cores what do you Ph your nutrient solution to? For now I've been using 6.2 or so since it sits close to both mediums tolerance levels. Thanks.
I have always shot for ph 6.0 +or- and have add very few ph probs, you might want to check the runoff ph, to see what sort of buffering the soil is doing to the nute solution. I wouldn't want to end up with a rez that was higher than 6.5. I'm trying to remember which way the ph drifted in the rez over time, it seems like I had to add ph down if I remembered correctly, but with a hempy rez being so small I don't know if this would even be a factor.


Well-Known Member
Good news today, it didn't get below 0 last night only got down to 9, and my friend finally handed over some of his Purple Heroin seeds, so I'm all in on the purp hunt.
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...yeah man, i actually just keep re-using my coco and adding more in as it slowly and inexorably diminish's with each harvest, ...i lose some with every rootball that goes into the compost pile.

...i have 2 bins that i use to store my coco, one gets the freshly harvested coco while i use up the other one and when i use one up, i just begin using the other and when it starts looking a little low i just add in a 5kg brick, ...i have a brand new brick that has been sitting in my closet waiting for me to need it for almost a year. ...which means i haven't had to buy coco for more than a year and unless i experience some unforeseen problems i shouldn't have to buy any for at least another year.

peace, bozo

I have no problem recycling, but I don't try to recycle soil, ran into some probs doing this before. I have to use 3/16" opening screen when rinsing to be able to flush out all the osmocote prills. It's fine for the chunky perlite but the coco coir blows through the screen faster than the prills. I'm thinking of getting a brick of the coco chunks and mix it with the coir, to see if I can get some return.


Well-Known Member
Need to clean my trimming scissors. Found a scorpion crawling out from under my germination bin and used my trimming scissors nearby to pick him up....clipped him in half over the toilet. Saw drops of poison on the blades as he struck continuously with his barbed tail. Somehow it feels like a sin to keep using them on buds but good old IPA should dilute it and remove it. Funny, the experience taught me how dammed good I was with those scissors....scorpions around here are something you look at for 5 minutes wondering "how the fuck am I gonna pick that sucker up". Clobbering them is useless, they are flat and "tough" and just start running can spray them with insecticide they just walk away effortlessly.


Well-Known Member
Watt a question for you.

I am transplanting seedlings grown in soul into perlite hempys, did this last time and ran into a bit of lockout. Was watering with a hydro Ph range. Plants yielded fine but ok my question...

I will be doing some soul pots but with a 2 inch perlite hempy res..when you do soul caps and use soul cores what do you Ph your nutrient solution to? For now I've been using 6.2 or so since it sits close to both mediums tolerance levels. Thanks.
Shiva...I read this after a couple hits of C99...and it made perfect sense at the time. Next day I did do some some soul searching on 4G if that makes you feel better.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like it will be 40 under the 600 for the first round. Did a couple shots of the transplant, just to have it on the books lol. Bunch of different phenos of my cristal limit x cristal limit (K.C Brains) Plan is to start 12/12 in 7-10 days. Peace!!


Wanted to add in that these clones were taken Jan 15th. All were not rooted like this one but close, not bad for 9 days in some homemade promix bx n superthrive/willow tree sap!!


Well-Known Member
Well looks like it will be 40 under the 600 for the first round. Did a couple shots of the transplant, just to have it on the books lol. Bunch of different phenos of my cristal limit x cristal limit (K.C Brains) Plan is to start 12/12 in 7-10 days. Peace!!

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Very nice, Shaggn. Those clones love those 'cubes'?

Ive used the 'root riot' ones from the same company as 'clonex', they're great.


Active Member
Looks like i had a powdery mildew outbreak on my clones.. or some type of spore.. was all over my rez bucket also, are my girls in the tent okay? Sprayed them down with some PM wash and h2o2 flush just to make sure.


Well-Known Member
Shiva...I read this after a couple hits of C99...and it made perfect sense at the time. Next day I did do some some soul searching on 4G if that makes you feel better.
Yo jela was that some brothers grim c99 or female seeds version. Just asking cuz i want to do a run with c99 but havent been able to get my hands on some of the brothers grim strain. Thinking about trying the female seeds one but kinda hesitant so far.


Well-Known Member
Heres a nice blurry pic of my hempy a few days back. Not sure if I had posted it already. It's been growing great, although not super impressed with the tric production yet. It's a cross of my own I haven't grown yet so who knows. I've bumped up the ppm to around 1400 which is another 3-400. Get frosting bitch!