Marijuana origin


Well-Known Member
so I was just wondering where pot came from and how there came to be so many different strains? This could be a good history lesson for people:mrgreen:

also just thinking that weed is a weird ass plant isn't it? like weird flowers, don't get me wrong it's beautiful, but just weird


Well-Known Member
Marijuana has been used since the dawn of humanity :blsmoke:

maybe not really, but it's been used for thousands of years. not sure when people started smoking it, probably as soon as they discovered it and burned it haha :joint:


Well-Known Member
Marijuana has been used since the dawn of humanity :blsmoke:

maybe not really, but it's been used for thousands of years. not sure when people started smoking it, probably as soon as they discovered it and burned it haha :joint:
ur prob right natives were the first to pass the peace pipe


Well-Known Member
marijuana originates back to the Hindu mountains of Pakistan / Afghanistan and breeding came into effect by using different sub species of the plant in the are


Active Member
all of those 500 types came from one plant. i heard that it was much taller about 35-45 feet tall. ive seen what kind of weed people can make so the true pure weed would be much stronger. it would be crossing all breeds of weed. the plant would be huge and have hues of purple red orange and green. the high would be one like pcp. you'd probibly would halucinate really bad and pass out.


Well-Known Member
all of those 500 types came from one plant. i heard that it was much taller about 35-45 feet tall. ive seen what kind of weed people can make so the true pure weed would be much stronger. it would be crossing all breeds of weed. the plant would be huge and have hues of purple red orange and green. the high would be one like pcp. you'd probibly would halucinate really bad and pass out.
The tree of life dude. lol


Well-Known Member
I was reading that scientist have dated the presence of cannabanoids back to the primordial soup. Marijuana has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years.


Well-Known Member
actually marijuana has been dated back to the earliest human recording 8000 years ago, a piece of hemp paper was found in china with writing on it


Well-Known Member
I dont remember where I was reading but I know they've found pot seeds with remains of a lot of the caveman graves.


New Member
so I was just wondering where pot came from and how there came to be so many different strains? This could be a good history lesson for people:mrgreen:

also just thinking that weed is a weird ass plant isn't it? like weird flowers, don't get me wrong it's beautiful, but just weird
First God made Man. Then God saw that Man needed a help-mate, so God took a rib out of Adam's side and created Eve. Eve was nagging Adam's butt off and God figured that Adam needed some relief. So the third thing God did was place Cannabis on the Earth.

That sounds logical to me. :mrgreen:


[email protected]

Active Member
so when did seedlees hit the maket? I know I was 17 the first time I saw it. I think most of what we saw in those days came form the seattle area.