The Main-Lining Thread


Active Member
So r u feeding ur girls super soil or are the on a feeding schedual plus whixh r u using.....ur plants look amazing.... Ive been growing the "Secret of The West Coast Master" 1 plant 15 gal - 2 nodes with 4 main branches each branch having 16 tops giving me 64 tops per plant per 4x4 space avg a pound dry. However the size of the 16 colas on urs r much larger. Im guessing doing ur tek w 4 plants would get me really close to 2 lbs per 4x4.....
I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and feeding Jack's Classic All Purpose fertilizer. I've used nutes on the last 3 waterings. 1st was 1/4 strength, then 1/2 strength and last one was full strength. Will probably just use straight water for next one - possibly just a 1/4 strength if any if there is still no sign of nute burn. Don't want to have to 'fix' anything.

Sounds like you've got some huge girls. I only intend to have 8 colas on mine - only have 41" of height to work with so I can't let them get huge. Do you have a thread/journal on here with pictures of yours? I wish I had the freedom of space to work with - would love to grow some girls 'with a big bush'.


Active Member

  • so if they all come off the main stem, like spokes on a wheel, they should all be pretty much the same.....right?​

From what I've seen and read, that's the idea. Equal large colas off of a hub. Really the reason I'm trying it this way - don't have a lot of room to let them get big so I want to keep them low grow large buds from a small plant.


Active Member
Removing fans leaves is never really a good idea, since those are the power houses for the plant. I always just let my plant decide when it wants to kill off fan leaves then pluck em when they are starting to shrivel.
Don't take me wrong the plants on your picture are amazing and based on your rep i'm sure you must be a skilled grower , they are many "ways" and I'm a bruce lee diciple when it comes to picking what works for you and staying away from dogma in anything you do BUT (you saw it coming ;) ) what would you say to all those guys having great succes wiht loly-popping?

Dioxide - Sub says he's right about it - explained the logic behind the technique in the school of dank i believe, I personally had great result with it and just like main-linning it might seem counter intuitive at first but rather logical at the end of the day - just like any scientifical breakthrough...
It seems to me like an other form of "training" teaching/pushing the plant to adapt to her environement. If you think about it a scrog isnt "natural" and through those modification the carpet of leaf that's created obstruct the light creating a difference even bigger between the lower bud and the top ones as far as light exposition goes.
Plucking the lower leaves that dont get as much light would be like pinching a branch or cutting the main one to promote a "smarter" growth that includes human ingenuity to ri the benefits from aplant that's pretty bad ass already.

Again i dont mind to be rude, just wan't your opinion, and sorry if the text is a bit heavy, English isnt my mother tongue, i'll try my best to be clear but sometimes it's hard to be clear and simple when you want to be uunderstood :)



Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure what loly-popping is, but i am thinking it is when you trim off the bottom 1/3 of your plant? I do that bro....I trim the small little branches off, but like I say I keep the huge 2 fan leaves that stick out of each node and let them fall off on their own. There are tons of stored up sugars waiting to be broken down in those leaves, cutting them off while they are still good and green is counterproductive since if you would have left them on there, a few days later they would start yellowing on their own signaling that the plant pulled all stored energy out of that leaf and now it is ready to fall off.


Active Member
Yeah loly-popping is exaclty that, but from what i've read people suggest going even up to 2/3 of the lower branches, it seems really absurd but my experience with it was really convincing, i've been amazed by how adaptive cannabis can be and it seems like there's sometime a thin line between training and stress... (I wouldnt go for the one hour of light 12h of darkness kind of bs :p )

Thanks for the advice, i'll try your way on a couple of plants in my next grow to see the difference, always learning :)



Active Member
It depends on strain how much you have to prune. They all grow different. I have a berry bomb that the bottom 4th had to be pruned to get a single lollipop but say a jillybean those nodes stretch even a few inches from the top so some strains are better than others for different techniques. Sour diesel is another branchy plant. It took me a while to figure out all strains grow different and finding a strain that suits the style you most want to accomplish is very important. When i read seed descriptions i see a lot of christmas tree shaped, bushy, branching, dominant single cola descriptions. The latter is the most elusive and seems to be most adapt to main lining, lollipopping, and sea of green grows. Subs style of topping for two main tops then allowing them room to grow to stretch out their branches etc seems adapted to his strains like vortex, cheese, jillybean.


Well-Known Member
I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and feeding Jack's Classic All Purpose fertilizer. I've used nutes on the last 3 waterings. 1st was 1/4 strength, then 1/2 strength and last one was full strength. Will probably just use straight water for next one - possibly just a 1/4 strength if any if there is still no sign of nute burn. Don't want to have to 'fix' anything.

Sounds like you've got some huge girls. I only intend to have 8 colas on mine - only have 41" of height to work with so I can't let them get huge. Do you have a thread/journal on here with pictures of yours? I wish I had the freedom of space to work with - would love to grow some girls 'with a big bush'.
Thats why I top > LST/Tie down > Scrog to keep te plants short but still fill out te desired area.

Your solution is to grow in soil beds like Soma. This will cut your pottinh size down in half and still give you all the root room you need. Then train ur 8 colas lik he did but as soon as finis your last top add your scrog net at your desired hight do a scrog from tere after....Scro nets and LST are awesome for hight restrictions.

My very first grow was in 2x 32 gallon rubbermaids with 2x 5 bulb Bath room vanity wit just over 300w of CFLs. and off of 2 plants LSTed I got just over 2 oz on each. pretty new here. I had all my stuff on the old website back in the day. long before SofWCM. Since it went down I stopped using message boards until now ;p

I got the book. maybe Ill post it up how he (dru west) explains it.


Active Member
It depends on strain how much you have to prune. They all grow different. I have a berry bomb that the bottom 4th had to be pruned to get a single lollipop but say a jillybean those nodes stretch even a few inches from the top so some strains are better than others for different techniques. Sour diesel is another branchy plant. It took me a while to figure out all strains grow different and finding a strain that suits the style you most want to accomplish is very important. When i read seed descriptions i see a lot of christmas tree shaped, bushy, branching, dominant single cola descriptions. The latter is the most elusive and seems to be most adapt to main lining, lollipopping, and sea of green grows. Subs style of topping for two main tops then allowing them room to grow to stretch out their branches etc seems adapted to his strains like vortex, cheese, jillybean.
Amen brother!


Well-Known Member
so i'm a little confused with this. seems like a method that i use but all from one node? do you start at the first or second real node? if anyone with some experience could pipe up that would be lovely:confused:


Active Member
@Nugs I'm sorry for the noob question but what are you calling a claw?

Thanks - props to everyone for making this thread survive :)