Hijack - Auto Seeds CFL/T5 Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna get a new bulb. I'm growing ww x afghan kush, sweet deep grapefruit, and Some bagseed from Alaska and some bagseed from Seatac washington!


Well-Known Member
Matt maan you lucky bastard lol, I on the other hand still got to pay for my smoke, fuck $20 a day a gram is killing me but at least that ain't no shawg but still $20 a day.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna get a new bulb. I'm growing ww x afghan kush, sweet deep grapefruit, and Some bagseed from Alaska and some bagseed from Seatac washington!
Bumps seeds from Alaska? Damn, them seeds must be some hardy Bitch's lol
WW x afghan kush sounds very yummy buddy ;)


Well-Known Member
I took a sample. I just couldn't wait and it was meh. I hope that is because I piced it about 2 weeks early and I put it in a microwave. We shall see! I'll do a good ole fashion smoke report!


Well-Known Member
I also have that Fruit auto in the box, I have a 23W 6500k above her with a diy hood made out of ice-t can for veging, but don't know if that's enough of light for one auto plant just for veging, first signs of pistils and the 23w is going bye bye, if I have to I'll just get the 125w in there, I don't want her to stretch so that's why I'm keeping her under 6500k.
I noticed one thing on the side with the 6500k light the HiJack's buds have more sugar on them same with the leafs so every day I turned the pot 1/4 turn lol.
lighting is overrated, 1 23w bulb is fine for a small plant/seedling its when they flower you want that wattage


Well-Known Member
I took a sample. I just couldn't wait and it was meh. I hope that is because I piced it about 2 weeks early and I put it in a microwave. We shall see! I'll do a good ole fashion smoke report!
Same here, I'm tempt to take a sample but I think I can wait it out till the end. But I did it on my first grow had a little sample quick dry that sample and it tasted like shit lol but still got me a bit high lol.

technical dan

Active Member
I cant wait to see how that hijack looks when its done! :)
My auto ak popped up yesterday and im planning on buy a camera this weekend so ill be able to get some pics up n maybe start a journal.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see how that hijack looks when its done! :)
My auto ak popped up yesterday and im planning on buy a camera this weekend so ill be able to get some pics up n maybe start a journal.
Can't wait to sse some pictures from your grow buddy.

Tomorrow the HiJack will be 7 weeks old since she broke the ground so I think another 4 and half weeks.
So when it's dry and a bit cured I should have some of my own herb to smoke for my birthday lol.

technical dan

Active Member
ok I got a camera and these are my plants right now
Mig 29 day 35 at 13.5 cm IMAG0007.jpg

Berry Ryder day 28 at 12.5 cm IMAG0006.jpg

auto ak day 4 or 5 since it popped above the dirt IMAG0009.jpg

I also took a pic of my polar express harvest (not uploaded); its really blurry Ill try to stick a better one up when I feel like messing with the camera again.


Well-Known Member
Dan, those look Great man! I mean I'm still a noob but to me they look very nice.
Can see them pistils popping on the Berry Ryder, nice job Dan.

Hope to see some more pictures in the future. Feel more then welcome to post pictures of the progress they make.

I like how the MiG stands out tall and with it's two nice strong branches nice.


Well-Known Member
Just lil update on my end, so I got rid of the AKR, I gave that plant away to a friend of mine that's just starting out with his own grow so I let him have it..oh well, they come and go so easily lol.

And finally I got a carbon filter with a 4" inline fan, so no more smelly girls, I could go with an 6" but for my small box 4" should be just fine.

Here's the link if you guys want to check it out



Active Member
Acid: let me know how that fan/filter work out. i was looking at the gotham brand recently. Also i owe you some updated pics of my girls. ill have to get on that...:eyesmoke:

Dan: that mig 29 looks very bushy! potential for lots of great bud sites!:leaf:
im curious though, day 35?? wouldnt she be alot taller and budding by then?