Yet Another Noob's First Grow


Active Member
Overall I paid a little over $300 for everything. Bought everything new on either Ebay or Amazon. Where I live an oz of anything quality is $350 or more so I figure the whole thing makes up for the cost if I get at least an oz.
And you will be glad you invested in this in the long run! But trust me, once you get the won't go away and you will find yourself getting more and more equipment as time goes on!


Active Member
Haha luckily for me my apartment doesn't really have enough room for more equipment. I'm sleeping next to the tent already, and had to return a bigger tent that I originally ordered. I keep reading things about 250w lights not being enough but for a two plant grow for personal use I think it'll serve me well. It's got to be better than 10+ cfls. I do plan on making more than one run at this new hobby (as I have 17 even tastier seeds in the waiting), but I'm hoping there is a considerable amount of success with this go around. Definitely not trying to put in this much money and work into raising brown hermies.


best of luck with your little project dude! i too am on my first grow. am now just entering 3rd week of 12/12 cycle. flowers are starting to form and in the last week or so the smell has probably doubled or even more in strenght. i had 2 WW growing but 1 turned out to be male so i had to get rid of it and the smell with 1 is still pretty strong! and ManishWayz is right! i too have a small space but find i cant help buying new stuff all the time. i think the bug has got me :p


Active Member
Nice start man. I also think 250 is better than CFL's. Maybe You'll need more light later on the way and You can add that anytime.
Happy growing. It's addictive !


Active Member
Haha I'm hoping to get to a point where I don't need to buy anything else. Had to but that soil tester today and hoping that's the last time I need to whip out my credit card. If your avatar is your girl she is looking good. I haven't had any white widow in years, so that and Blue Dream were on the top of my list of seeds to get. Along with some Sour Diesel and O.G. Kush of course. This waiting game is going to kill me. I'm sure it gets better after the first complete grow but I wish I could just hit the fast forward button right now.


Active Member
Man don't feel bad at all, I started out with only 1 - 150 hps sun lamp and a closet, and now I'm in a 4x4x7 tent w/ 600w switchable ballast. The best way to figure out how many plants you will "want to grow" verus "can grow" is really based on your light, you would want to keep it as a 1:100 (1 plant for every 100 watts) and you also want to keep in mind growth so try to keep about a foot of space between each of them. You can grow 12 plants under 150 watts but the problem is going to be space and not enough light for the plants, but now say that you had the light(s) on a light mover, you can get away with a little bit more.


Active Member
Light mover? Wow never heard of that one but can see how effective it could be. I don't know if you can tell from my pictures but I wouldn't have room for more than four pots in there, which is what I originally planned on growing. But once I put the four pots in the 2x2x5 tent I decided to go with two plants to give them room to spread their wings. I go through about an oz a month so I'm really just trying to grow enough to keep me afloat so to speak. But if and when I move out of this tiny apartment I can definitely see myself upgrading to a bigger tent.


Active Member
You said it. Can't keep smoking my money away. Plus it'll feel so good to tell my friends, "I grew this shit right here."


Active Member
Lookn good man keep it up, ive only been growin for 22 months but my first grow was 15 cfls at 26 watts a peice two plants crap bag seeds mg soil n nutes flushed 3 weeks solid,at end of,12/12 pulled off 3 oz dry. In a closet with heat problems and 1 1/2 gallon pots. Anything is possible. But now I run 2x 400watt mh for veg above and 2x 320watt signing on its sides and 1000 watt hps above and two 400watt hps shining at its sides. But I lucked into a job I work on signs and street lights so I have unlimited supply of bulbs n ballasts for mh,hps,flouros at next to nothing cost, but there is a secret to the ballasts like the older ones. U can run both mh/hps on a hps ballast, like a magnetic one. U put a switch in between ur ignitor, on for hps off mh, it has an ignitor and capacitor. Mh only needs cap to start n burn, but hps needs both to light n burn. So u turn the switch on for hps. It jus kills the power to the ignitor when off so it does not effect the bulb... But good luck, and I learned everything about growin on here. Keep it green.


Active Member
Yeah I started in a closet for a few weeks before deciding to just shell out the money for a real setup. Pretty sure a thread on here convinced me to go mh.


Active Member
Ok so I woke up to Bubba looking way worse. Alquimista is looking pretty much the same. I gave them a nice amount of water thinking maybe it had something to do with me watering less and was able to test the runoff. It was the same Ph as the water going in. It's kind of breaking my heart. My first grow in this expensive setup is turning into a disaster.