Karma's Little LED Tent

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
It's been a week since I've updated the grow journal, where does the time go?
In addition to the Lemoneese, I have 3 seedlings now, 2 Kandy Kush and 1 Lemon Skunk.
The seedlings stretched up pretty high while I was away out of town for a bit.
I dropped the light back down to alleviate this, so it's roughly 30" above them now, and around 18" above the Lemoneese.


Kandy Kush

(Out of focus) Lemon Skunk

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I apologize for the sporadic updates to my grow journal.
A lot has been going on in my life the last few weeks.
Like I mentioned before in the journal, the only constant is change.
I started this journal when this tent was for vegging and keeping mothers.
Then the tent was put into flower mode for the 4 Lemoneese, but I only got 1 female.
Since my tent was so empty, I put 3 new seeds in, sprouting them straight into a 12/12 light cycle.
Now everything has changed, again.
Yours truly has fallen madly in love, has gotten engaged, and will be moving at the end of the year.
So now my focus is on getting one more crop in before I move.
Which means that at some point this week, all 4 residents of my little LED tent, will be moved outside.
This will make room for a new crop of seeds that will get vegged for 4-5 weeks and then thrown into bloom.
When that time comes, the new crop will be Godberry, bred by Freedom of Seeds.
This maybe the last photo update before all of that happens.

The Lemoneese buds continue to swell and get shiny with resin.
Although there is some sort of issue going on that has the leafs getting a yellow hue to them.
But my other plants show no signs of problems, so I'm trying to isolate the culprit.
I believe that one of the bottles nutrients that I use has spoiled, most likely the CalMag.

The Kandy Kushes are growing nicely, even though KK#2 overloaded her stem, and is growing off of her side.

The Lemon Skunk is starting to come into it's own, but lags behind the growth of the Kandy Kushes.


Well-Known Member
awwww karma's been struck by the love bug! ..... no seriously theres a fucking love bug on your plant bro! lol congrats on that man nothing like finding true love , been with mine for two years and never been happier but in the mean time this means two things for ya my good man #1 get a big crop going for your self of the finest stuff around #2 make sure you have your self one hell of a bach party! its your last hurrah brotha man!


Well-Known Member
congrats on the engagement/good luck..........now have you checked your Ph? how are your watering habits?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
awwww karma's been struck by the love bug! ..... no seriously theres a fucking love bug on your plant bro! lol congrats on that man nothing like finding true love , been with mine for two years and never been happier but in the mean time this means two things for ya my good man #1 get a big crop going for your self of the finest stuff around #2 make sure you have your self one hell of a bach party! its your last hurrah brotha man!
Thank you.
She is truly one in a billion and the most unique flower I've ever come across in the garden of life.
There was no way that I was going to let her slip threw my fingers, so I'm putting a ring on her's instead.
As for a bachelor party, no need, I'm good.

wow man! in 8 days they grew that big :) IMPRESSIVE! faster than daylight from where i'm from!
I agree, the Kandy Kushes are shooting up and bushing out quite quickly.
I've never done 12/12 from seed before, so it's a new experience for me as well, but they are growing fast.

congrats on the engagement/good luck..........now have you checked your Ph? how are your watering habits?
Thank you.
I've checked my Ph and it's right where it always is.
My R/O water purifier dying is another option in this equation.
Sacramento water is fucking horrible for gardening, full of sediment that chokes roots out and kills plants, happened to my first crop out here.
So if the water purifier is dying, it would make sense that more sediment is getting into my water again, and slowly choking out my plants as it builds up.
I might have to start lugging water home from the store again, but I'm trying to avoid that, if I can.

P.S. - This is my 666th post :fire:


Well-Known Member
^^^^^that's probably your culprit...well at least you don't have to add cal/mag:p............Shitty about your city water/ I usually walk around my new neighborhood when i move in and look for the best garden in the area and ask them if they use the their tap(gardeners usually love talking about their plants)...It's a simple check that works.....good luck grower

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Out with the old and in with the new.
All 4 previous residents of my tent have been moved outside and are doing well.
This made room for the 6 new Godberry residents that moved in 2 days ago.
So far, 4 of the 6 seeds planted have sprouted up through the soil.


Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
So far, only 4 of the 6 Godberry seeds that I planted have sprouted.
Keep your fingers crossed that the last two break the surface.
To be official, GB1, GB2, GB3, GB4, have all broken ground.



Well-Known Member
looking great man any chance of seeing shots of the girls you took outdoors? would love to see how they finish up :D mmmm godberry sounds tasty whats the cross on that strain?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
I believe it's some form of BlueberryxGodbud (or vise versa), but the package only says "a hybrid of medicinal strains".
GB6 is no more, I dug up the seed, and it had clearly died under ground after starting to sprout.
GB5 has earned a stay of execution, since it looked to be ready to break the surface when I dug it up.
I'll give it a couple of more days, but if it doesn't continue to show promise, out it goes.
I've already replaced GB6 with a Cheeseberry seed, and is labeled as CB1.
If GB5 gets heaved, I have another Cheeseberry seed (CB2) already in dirt, in another tent, just waiting to take it's place.
So get your shit together GB5!!!

I'll try to remember to take some pics of the outdoor plants tomorrow, when I do a full photo update of the tent.


Well-Known Member
sounds great karma , ahhh the parrels of growing from seed ... i hate that waiting time of not knowing if there going to break ground or not so frustrating.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Alright, the Godberry seedlings are starting to take off now, so let's take a look.






The Cheeseberry I planted has not sprouted yet at this time.

As requested, here are all of the previous residents of my Little LED Tent, enjoying their sunny outdoor home.

The Whole Gang (Kalichakra, Lemoneese, Lemon Skunk, and Kandy Kush)

These 2 Kalichakras were sexed as males today, but due to their height, will most likely NOT be used for breeding.

A close up of the much loved Lemoneese


Active Member
yo karma,
Come to check the grow karma! been reading back, unlucky with the males! the lemoneese looks great though would really have liked to see it fully flower under the LED! your space is exactly the same size as mine almost, ive been recomended getting 2 of the 180w versions, would you say your happy with it in that space or could it do with more coverage? i know it'll be hard to say since you didn't get to do the full grow but those plants did look real healthy before you had to take them out!

looking forward to this refreshed grow the new ones look great, if karma has anything to do with it you'll get 6 ladies this time!

led user unite!

Edit: nice said your name twice, endless stoner grammar mistakes

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
your space is exactly the same size as mine almost, ive been recomended getting 2 of the 180w versions, would you say your happy with it in that space or could it do with more coverage?

Edit: nice said your name twice, endless stoner grammar mistakes

I originally purchased this LED light and tent to be my veg area, but as time went on, things changed.
If I was purchasing again, with the intent to illuminate flowering plants, I would have gotten a bigger light/more lights.
Exactly how big of an area do you have?
Depending on your budget, I would recommend either one of the A51-135 (260W) or two of the A51-90 (360W total).
I'm glad you've found my grow journal to be helpful and informative.

Make all the stoner grammar mistakes you like, this isn't English class, and we're all too medicated to notice anyways.
Be careful about saying my name three time though, otherwise, some Beetlejuice type shit might start happening:o


Well-Known Member
Looking good karma/love outdoor grows...........your little one's in the led tent are growing fast!/ some signs of heat stress on the outer edges??.....be safe and happy growing karma..........well I only said your name twice/no beetlejuice shit for me:P

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
your little one's in the led tent are growing fast!/ some signs of heat stress on the outer edges??
Heat stress, is that what that is?
I saw the signs of stress of the leaves, but thought it was due to them being under such an intense light as seedlings.
Heat stress makes sense though, as GB4 is the most sativa looking of the bunch, and shows no signs of said stress.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, sativas are much more tolerant of high temps than indicas are.
So far, GB1 looks to be leaning indica, GB2 and GB3 look like hybrids, and GB4 looks like it's on the sativa side.


Active Member
I originally purchased this LED light and tent to be my veg area, but as time went on, things changed.
If I was purchasing again, with the intent to illuminate flowering plants, I would have gotten a bigger light/more lights.
Exactly how big of an area do you have?
Depending on your budget, I would recommend either one of the A51-135 (260W) or two of the A51-90 (360W total).
I'm glad you've found my grow journal to be helpful and informative.

Make all the stoner grammar mistakes you like, this isn't English class, and we're all too medicated to notice anyways.
Be careful about saying my name three time though, otherwise, some Beetlejuice type shit might start happening:o
haha it keeps looking like it's two lights then! my cupboards 32 by 20" by 69" high so a little bit smaller, but i want some decent bud out of the space more than lots i think, with your seedlings im surprised they might have some heat stress, LED's run a lot cooler than hps cfl's right? i think that some narrower lense led's bleach leaves if they are too close, i think on a51 even they say 40" veg distance max, but since i haven't used one yet i'm the learner here! would love to grow a good sativa props on the strain too

im not into intergalactic vengeance so your BK from know on, Pwoice