WTH who is the TnT mod today

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Well-Known Member
lol u just proved how stupid u are finshaggy, look it up, Shiva only has 2 arms kali has 6 wow ur dumb.


Active Member
i enjoyed reading his post as well. the gun powder line had me cracking up. this ninja using a remington from 1895 that he gotta load up for half an hour before shootin LMAO.


Well-Known Member
lol u just proved how stupid u are finshaggy, look it up, Shiva only has 2 arms kali has 6 wow ur dumb.
Lol. Kali doesn't dance on the demon of ignorance. And shiva does have 4 arms at times, fucktard. The gods on hindu each have 5 forms.


Well-Known Member
Here u go for that special person u know who u are

shiva.jpg1st we have Shiva
Kali.jpg2nd we have Kali, do we see a difference boys and girls? Now class who can tell me who the dumb ass is?


Well-Known Member
Really so ur saying they r depicting Shiva with fire and flames surrounding her and standing on a corpse, wow, like I said before pick up a book and put down the bong.


Well-Known Member
Really so ur saying they r depicting Shiva with fire and flames surrounding her and standing on a corpse, wow, like I said before pick up a book and put down the bong.
Hes not standing on a corpse. It's a demon, the demon of ignorance and Shiva dances on it, way to go :clap:


Well-Known Member
lol u idiot they have the same trident lookin thing in both pics, u prove nuttin except u only see things the way you want to, and aren't open to any thoughts besides ur own. Exactly like what happened when ppl tried to tell u ur friend is a lame ass rapper u blew up and attacked me because I have a pic from a manga as my avatar. Correct? So because I have a manga pic I don't know shit bout rap, that was what u said right?


Well-Known Member
lol u idiot they have the same trident lookin thing in both pics, u prove nuttin except u only see things the way you want to, and aren't open to any thoughts besides ur own. Exactly like what happened when ppl tried to tell u ur friend is a lame ass rapper u blew up and attacked me because I have a pic from a manga as my avatar. Correct? So because I have a manga pic I don't know shit bout rap, that was what u said right?
someone sounds butt hurt


Well-Known Member
Lol, maybe I would be if I cared what some kid in suburban white america thinks of me. Lol, I don't need to I know the difference I can bet good money that I have been in way more ashrams than u have, I mean my parents only met there and had a hindu wedding, but I don't know shit. Tell me who Hanuman is Mr. All knowing.


Ursus marijanus
Here is a remarkably compact little morality tale to enhance this already awesumb thread ... enjoy! cn

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