How FC - Fuck Combustion Forums treat their members.


I just wanted to let you know how FC - Fuck Combustion, the famous vaporizer forum treat their members. I was fairly new to this forum, and when I joined the chat yesterday I almost immediately got hateful comments from a OP named SpideyMon. I was being called a nutjob right off the bat by this hateful individual, and I think it's a fucking disgrace that people like him are in charge of this beuatiful website and the channel. You can ask anyone besides SpiderMon, and I'm sure they will tell you I was only there to spread positive energy.

I had read the forum rules, and I have not broken against a single one. He allthough said that "you can't question authority", and "you have a problem with authority". If I belive somone is doing something wrong, you can count on that I will not shut my mouth about it. And no, this is not a thread of flaming anyone, I simply want to know when I'm allowed back. After he had IP-banned me several times, without being able to answer my question about when I was allowed back and I think it's my right to know when. I will continue to post this thread all around cannabis forums, so people know about how certain forums treat their members. Like the fucking police, "don't ask questions and don't question authority", I'm fucking shocked people on forums like this, and I've been around a lot on similar forums, and never in my life I have been treated like that.

This looks more and more like a prison camp, where SpideyMon is the control freak "authority" kinda type, and it seem's that he is able to do whatever he wan'ts just if it suits his personal values and opinions. I really didn't see the police state of mind philosophy flowing here, but I just wanted everyone to know what's up. And once again, I didn't knew people that was supposted to be under the influence of this wonderful herb was so full of hate, it's, once again, a big fucking disgrace, and I hope that people will continue to spread this story.

I decided I had enough, trying to talk to these, outloud fucking morons, so I made a thread at the FC forum instead. First my original account got banned, the htread got taken down. Then I did it again, registred a new account, posted the same thread again. Half an hour later, I was suspended - thread deleteted. That is just so fucking silly, not even willing to talk to me and give me a fucking answer. What a bunch of retard covards, really.

And also, SpideyMon, if you are reading this, I got really upset when we where chatting about cancer, and the first thing you wrote was "not another Rick Simpson fan", like it was something wrong with being a fan of a man that has gave up his freedom in his own country to help and inform sick people about the anti cancerogenic properties of this beautiful plant. But apparently, as he expressed "more importantly, didn't I ban you yesterday?". I don't think it's good when a OP say such things when we are discussing something as important as this.

It has been shown in several studies, that goes back even as late as the 70's, that CBD inhibit's the growth of tumour cells in a variaty of different types of uncontrolled cell splits. Even leukemia. And the only reason there haven't been any clinical studies which been involving humans, is simply beacuse the US government haven't allowed such studies. Oh, and I wonder why that may be. They only want what's best for us, right?

However, if you look around you will find very many stories of people who have sucesfully been curing their stage 4 terminal lung cancer disease, in as short as a period between one and two months, digesting the extracted oil daily. I belive it is extremely important for people to know about the health benefits we humans can have from having a proper endocannabinoid system activated. It activates the system our bodies, which has an inbuilt anti cancerogenic system. If there is a way of preventing, and also complete cure all cell split diseases, I sure hope that people will look into this in more detail. Like Rick Simpson said, "Don't belive a word I'm telling, simply find it out for yourself". There is nothing to be concerned about except ignorant and hateful people that rather stick their head in the sand and acts like "everything is just okey".

Here is a farily short informative movie about this system, I suggest you watch it; CANNABIS SCIENCE - The Endocannabinoid System - YouTube

Also here is some other more reading, I have much more links to studies on my other computer if anyone is interested.

The Emerging Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Endocrine Regulation and Energy Balance

Much love, peace and spread the truth!


Well-Known Member
stonedcockatoo makes a point but i really want to see where this goes.

a spiderman thread would also be welcomed.
Read the whole fucking post, please. And for you who don't care how you treat other people, you obv are too fucked up to understand why. Stay fly...

lokie>>> Funny pic though xD

/Uncle Ben


Active Member
The cunt sounds like some fuker needs to get a grip but OP telling people to fukin read your post is kinda agresiv you may have come acros a bit GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR.

Just chill there will have been somwhere in the form you could complain about the MOD to people with a bit more brains than him?
Nah, I actually got IP-banned by another retarded mod, who didn't gave me an explanation or anything at all. Haven't even talked to that geezer, my guess is that he just stood up for his fag ass brotha. That brainless tard was named pakalo or something like that. But hey, I guess they can do whatever they want as long as no one question there authority. Pathetic fucking scums are what they are.


Well-Known Member
So this forum, or another forum? Are you just coming on here to complain, because I can dig it...I am also a chronic bitcher...just want to make sure this is more a rant thread...


Well-Known Member
The only thing I don't like about FC is that they have this condescending attitude towards anybody that doesn't vaporize 100% of the time....I vape like 80% of the time but I like to spice it up ya dig :weed:


Ursus marijanus
I have two issues with the OP's diatribe.
1) It doesn't say one thing about the issues that led to OP's ban ... just a string of strong words (hateful, prison camp, control freak, etc.) from someone claiming to "only have been there to spread positive energy".
That same someone's first post here is a negative-energy area weapon of a sort rarely witnessed even here. This site has a no-defamation policy balanced by certain unofficial traditions ... i wonder which way this thread will break. In any case, your manner kills your message.

2) If you've come to preach the Gospel of Rick, don't expect to gain any converts. Some here are true believers, and you'll find community. Others however aren't, and I hope you'll treat us with a respect greater than your opening diatribe suggests.