Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia


Well-Known Member
It may be symbolic but if we allow our leaders to torture our enemies the next thing you know our President will be murdering citizens without due process. Can't wait for those trials.


Well-Known Member
It may be symbolic but if we allow our leaders to torture our enemies the next thing you know our President will be murdering citizens without due process. Can't wait for those trials.
I will wait until an international court of law finds proof of direct orders from Bush to torture people until I judge.

This whole setup was a phony...


Well-Known Member
It may be symbolic but if we allow our leaders to torture our enemies the next thing you know our President will be murdering citizens without due process. Can't wait for those trials.
What about the American citizen that obama had killed with a drone. Oh I forgot he is a god(damn idiot)


Well-Known Member
Direct orders? No, all we needed were the torture memos of bybee and Yoo. And we have them. The moment those memos and were shown to be contrary to International law and still accepted by the President, then he became culpable.


Well-Known Member
Torture is inhumane but I'd rather be waterboarded than have my wife, children and neighbors blown up. We should hold ALL leaders accountable for reprehensible acts, not just the ones we don't like. Not a fan of either method truthfully.

What bothers me is how little people are even aware that we have an execution czar, a man that has been arbitrarily given powers of judge, jury and executioner. Everyone knew we waterboarded. Our 4th estate has dropped the ball.


Well-Known Member
Torture is inhumane but I'd rather be waterboarded than have my wife, children and neighbors blown up. We should hold ALL leaders accountable for reprehensible acts, not just the ones we don't like. Not a fan of either method truthfully.

What bothers me is how little people are even aware that we have an execution czar, a man that has been arbitrarily given powers of judge, jury and executioner. Everyone knew we waterboarded. Our 4th estate has dropped the ball.
False choice. what has your preference to being waterboarded to do with your wife and children being blown up?


Well-Known Member
connect the dots canndo.

I'm saying by allowing our leaders to get away with crimes the inevitable outcomes is worse crimes by our leaders. Bombing American citizens without due process from a group that abhors capital punishment for even the worst of criminals, whose guilt was proven in a court of law, is an example.

The really sad disappointing aspect of this is that if Obama were bombing rare lizards, the media and the left would crucify him.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
connect the dots canndo.

I'm saying by allowing our leaders to get away with crimes the inevitable outcomes is worse crimes by our leaders. Bombing American citizens without due process from a group that abhors capital punishment for even the worst of criminals, whose guilt was proven in a court of law, is an example.

The really sad disappointing aspect of this is that if Obama were bombing rare lizards, the media and the left would crucify him.
I think there is a common misconception that theres an us and them (lefts and rights). For the average folks who aren't earning $250,000. a year there is only an us. As long as people remain divided our so called leadership exploits this and us .


Well-Known Member
I think there is a common misconception that theres an us and them (lefts and rights). For the average folks who aren't earning $250,000. a year there is only an us. As long as people remain divided our so called leadership exploits this and us .
I think we treat them like our favorite sports teams. I was huge bad boys fan but if Laimbeer were on another team I would have despised him. I still maintain to this day the Rodman was normal while a Piston and was only crazy like a fox after he left.

Using 250k as the dividing point, none of our leaders are us.


Active Member
almost as bad as the illegal in the whitehouse now, and his group of wanna be communists. if its from a liberal its called "free speech". if its from a conservative, its called "hate speech" . we know....liberals are so class warfare minded, its no wonder all our jobs are gone. the ones who bitch the most, like the criminals called the "occupiers", dont even want a job anyway. just a handout from the current socialist regime. in america, u want it, work for it. and get it. simple. and our youth continure to be brainwashed, by this "hate the wealthy" mentality. or "hate whitey".....or, hate christians. or hate the flag. or other not so intellegent pot scorched minds........ill bet your heros are rosanne barr and mike moorer.... dont worry;. i felt the same way at a young age. i finally, thu life, figured out, that i could waste my life bitching, or get to work and make something of myself. (i quit smoking during these years, as i dont think i would have, otherwise.). im near 55 now. and know class warefare is just a tool of a loser. barack. so. based on what accomplishments, should anyone vote for him? my best freind is black. and he and his freinds dont care for him, one bit. (they all work, and support themselves), too! not our presisents thoghts. we did not do that!!!!-lol- someone else made that happen!! so pathetic. somewhere in kenya, a village is missing its idiot.


Well-Known Member
Bush Jr And his puppet masters who lied our way into IRAQ should all be serving life sentences without parole for the Hundreds of thousands of lives lost and trillions of dollars of U.S. treasure wasted..


Well-Known Member
connect the dots canndo.

I'm saying by allowing our leaders to get away with crimes the inevitable outcomes is worse crimes by our leaders. Bombing American citizens without due process from a group that abhors capital punishment for even the worst of criminals, whose guilt was proven in a court of law, is an example.

The really sad disappointing aspect of this is that if Obama were bombing rare lizards, the media and the left would crucify him.

We agree. the problem comes with the consitutional sucession of leadership in this country. We can't have the sucessors punish those they suceed.


Well-Known Member
I think there is a common misconception that theres an us and them (lefts and rights). For the average folks who aren't earning $250,000. a year there is only an us. As long as people remain divided our so called leadership exploits this and us .

You think our leadership exploits us? Hardly, it is corporatism that does that.


Well-Known Member
ohbama, and holder, should be charged with treason, and attempting to bring communism to america.

What a weird comment. How is it treasonous to change our form of government with the aproval of the majority and without violation of the Constitution? Furthermore, the Constitution has a specific description of treason in this country, Obama's actions don't fit that definition.


Well-Known Member

At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment
I dont live that far from him so if the Secrect Service cant protect him I am willing to help. Why dont you lead the charge to arrest him, do me a favor, wear a yellow tshirt that says "I AM A DUMB FUCK" so I dont miss you.