Miracle Grow Bloom Bosster


Well-Known Member
I am using the 30-10-10 MG right now too......I use it for foliar feeding every morning without fail
It's good stuff. I got it originally for my blueberries and other berries, but I thought why not for the girls? I foliar fed weekly with it, alternating with organics and plain filtered water. I tend to be conservative with any additives (nutes and pesticides), particularly non-organic. I strongly believe that less is more, especially for me for whom more can mean death, lol. I've killed more plants with kindness than lost through neglect but after years of gardening, I'm starting to find the happy medium.


Well-Known Member
It's good stuff. I got it originally for my blueberries and other berries, but I thought why not for the girls? I foliar fed weekly with it, alternating with organics and plain filtered water. I tend to be conservative with any additives (nutes and pesticides), particularly non-organic. I strongly believe that less is more, especially for me for whom more can mean death, lol. I've killed more plants with kindness than lost through neglect but after years of gardening, I'm starting to find the happy medium.
yeah I killed over 30 plants this year lol....hopefully next year it will be down to 10 lol. i foliar feed every morning and spray with plain water at night.....They seem to love it....I just foliar feed at 4/5 strength to avoid any burn


Well-Known Member
I fed at full strength and never had a problem, but I think the way you do it is better. Next year I am going to take it down a notch but use it a little more often.


Well-Known Member
I fed at full strength and never had a problem, but I think the way you do it is better. Next year I am going to take it down a notch but use it a little more often.
yeah I am scared of doing anything full blast....I feel better safe than sorry lol


Well-Known Member
I havent looked at my plant since i gave it the mc bloom but i gave it a full gallon of water :p with big scoop so im gonna hope the rain helped get some of it out.


I am using the 30-10-10 MG right now too......I use it for foliar feeding every morning without fail

What do you mean by foliar feeding, and it is ok to feed your plant everyday. Im still in veg but i want to force flower, plant is about 2 feet tall (or more) I have been using MG plant food once a week, small end for 1 gallon of water (24-8-16). I am trying to hold out but its geeting so tall i still have no signs of sex and its 8 weeks old almost.....


Well-Known Member
I've been staying organic but I have one GDP in a box I was forced to plant early on a whim. I've tried to stay organic but the soil is so N depleted, compost tea every watering wasn't working, and blood meal top dressing can kiss my ass. She was getting sicker by the day. I didnt prepare properly and it was showing. One feeding Saturday of some miracle grow fixed all that. Just one small scoop in a gallon and today she's looking prettier than ive seen her since she's started flowering. Shits good.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by foliar feeding, and it is ok to feed your plant everyday. Im still in veg but i want to force flower, plant is about 2 feet tall (or more) I have been using MG plant food once a week, small end for 1 gallon of water (24-8-16). I am trying to hold out but its geeting so tall i still have no signs of sex and its 8 weeks old almost.....
foliar feeding is when you spray the leaves with a nutrient solution.....I used to use the miracle gro all purpose(24-8-16) but now I use the 30-10-10 MG because it has higher nitrogen content.......When you spray the leaves make sure you really focus on the underside of the leaves because that is where the stoma(what takes in the nutrients) are on the leaves.....and yes it is ok to foliar feed your plant everyday if you are careful.....start out at half a small scoop per gallon of water and work your way up....I spray with 4/5 strength I don't go full blast because the leaf tips start to turn brown if you go full blast everyday......It does make a difference imo.....when I foliar feed my plants seem to reach for the sun more and need to be root fed less.....I will stop foliar feeding when i have nickel size buds though. also you might want to spray your plants at sunset every other day with plain water so you don't get any salt build up on them. good luck


Well-Known Member
I've been staying organic but I have one GDP in a box I was forced to plant early on a whim. I've tried to stay organic but the soil is so N depleted, compost tea every watering wasn't working, and blood meal top dressing can kiss my ass. She was getting sicker by the day. I didnt prepare properly and it was showing. One feeding Saturday of some miracle grow fixed all that. Just one small scoop in a gallon and today she's looking prettier than ive seen her since she's started flowering. Shits good.
Yeah if you don't have your soil already prepped when going organic you can hit alot of bumps in the road......All my plants in the ground are organic.....I prepped the soil a month before by adding some store bought potting soil for extra nutrients and drainage(I have clay soil) and some homemade leaf mold compost for nutrients....I just mixed it in the whole 12x14 area by double digging it all into the top 16 inches of the existing soil......I have had zero yellow leaves in that garden all season and all those plants surpassed my potted garden FAST. I am planning on using Age Old Bloom for flowering though to get some fat buds.


foliar feeding is when you spray the leaves with a nutrient solution.....I used to use the miracle gro all purpose(24-8-16) but now I use the 30-10-10 MG because it has higher nitrogen content.......When you spray the leaves make sure you really focus on the underside of the leaves because that is where the stoma(what takes in the nutrients) are on the leaves.....and yes it is ok to foliar feed your plant everyday if you are careful.....start out at half a small scoop per gallon of water and work your way up....I spray with 4/5 strength I don't go full blast because the leaf tips start to turn brown if you go full blast everyday......It does make a difference imo.....when I foliar feed my plants seem to reach for the sun more and need to be root fed less.....I will stop foliar feeding when i have nickel size buds though. also you might want to spray your plants at sunset every other day with plain water so you don't get any salt build up on them. good luck

Ok that you, I will go out and get some when the tiem comes. I planted 6/2 and its now 8/3 and I still se no signs of sex. Im guessing I will see it when it flowers but its just continuing to grow bunches and bunches of leaves!!! Do I have to force flower or should I just continue to wait? I live up north so the daylight will be changing soon but it may get cold too fast, u never know up here


Active Member
I havent looked at my plant since i gave it the mc bloom but i gave it a full gallon of water :p with big scoop so im gonna hope the rain helped get some of it out.
you started off full strength hope they dont fry you really wanna start off slow at first man let me know how it turns out


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you don't have your soil already prepped when going organic you can hit alot of bumps in the road......All my plants in the ground are organic.....I prepped the soil a month before by adding some store bought potting soil for extra nutrients and drainage(I have clay soil) and some homemade leaf mold compost for nutrients....I just mixed it in the whole 12x14 area by double digging it all into the top 16 inches of the existing soil......I have had zero yellow leaves in that garden all season and all those plants surpassed my potted garden FAST. I am planning on using Age Old Bloom for flowering though to get some fat buds.
Bro, you might not nutes at all if everything is premixed. There's a lot of P and K sitting there waiting to help with budding.


Well-Known Member
Ok that you, I will go out and get some when the tiem comes. I planted 6/2 and its now 8/3 and I still se no signs of sex. Im guessing I will see it when it flowers but its just continuing to grow bunches and bunches of leaves!!! Do I have to force flower or should I just continue to wait? I live up north so the daylight will be changing soon but it may get cold too fast, u never know up here
If it is in your back yard you could force flower it.....I would with that climate.


Well-Known Member
Bro, you might not nutes at all if everything is premixed. There's a lot of P and K sitting there waiting to help with budding.
serious? that would be sick as fuck lol......The lower leaves are started to discolor but I think it is because they are starting to flower.....they aren't really yellowing.....it's just a lil bit around the edges......if you wanna check em out heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/530391-outdoor-grow-2012-purple-kush-5.html I have been really pushing the nutes on these bitches they have some brown tips but they have grown so fuckin bushy from the MG and Molasses. they love it.


Active Member
So this MG bloom booster is pretty good stuff or what? I saw some for like $3 at the local nursery but I'm weary of pure chemical fertilizers with such high nutrient ratios. I burned a tomato plant to a crisp before using MG tomato and veg food.

So this stuff doesnt affect taste or anything? Its not even for edible plants...not criticizing just wondering.....I use Fox Farm nutrients which are not 100% organic but aren't anywhere near being considered a high-salt index chemical fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
I use a mix of ferts including MG. I did a little test of General Hydro Flora series vs MG. At max strength for GenHydro (Following the bottles instructions) the PPM came out around 800+ PPM. Half of the recommended dosage of MG for outdoor plants hit a little over 900PPM. MG is pretty hot. I usually use no more then 4 small scoops per gallon and add a little more if I notice any deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
So this MG bloom booster is pretty good stuff or what? I saw some for like $3 at the local nursery but I'm weary of pure chemical fertilizers with such high nutrient ratios. I burned a tomato plant to a crisp before using MG tomato and veg food.

So this stuff doesnt affect taste or anything? Its not even for edible plants...not criticizing just wondering.....I use Fox Farm nutrients which are not 100% organic but aren't anywhere near being considered a high-salt index chemical fertilizer.
Yeah, Mg Bloom Booster gives you fat buds and it is cheap....i got mine at Rite Aid for $1.27 on sale.......You just have to be VERY careful using any MG product......this shit is STRONG I don't feed at full strength, most the type I only feed at 4/5th of the the recommended dosage.......I hear that if you do not flush well enough then MG will give the buds a pinesol taste. But I think it is the same as any other synthetic fert as far as that goes.......Yeah, just be careful with the stuff and you should be fine. I love it because it is affordable and effective


Well-Known Member
serious? that would be sick as fuck lol......The lower leaves are started to discolor but I think it is because they are starting to flower.....they aren't really yellowing.....it's just a lil bit around the edges......if you wanna check em out heres the link https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/530391-outdoor-grow-2012-purple-kush-5.html I have been really pushing the nutes on these bitches they have some brown tips but they have grown so fuckin bushy from the MG and Molasses. they love it.
If you already been pushing the nutes the leading theory is that you should keep going but Im not quite sure. For me, the flowers always produce to the potential of foliage (photosynthesis baby!)but I only used chems one year. I used some stuff the hydro guy recommended and it got nice and bushy. I used water for flowering and they were so stinky bus driver thought yo nigga was smoking in the back when he was really just rolling a joint type- dank. I did top dress with indo bat guano though now that I think about it but that's it. I pulled it early but that's only cuz I was in the white ghetto of north highlands and them tweakers always breathing in real hard around my old apartment. It was some good shit.


Well-Known Member
For my experiment plant I went to Walmart for some bloom booster. My post above about my box GDP was with all purpose mg. but Walmart didn't have anymore bloom booster. Cactus MG liquid food has an npk of 2-7-7. You think that'll do?