Qrazy Train from seed


Well-Known Member
Well looks like Im going to be chopping them down pretty soon siting here at 63 days. I know I decided earlier on AOS for the next round but as I was going through my seed box I found four more Qrazy Train seeds and three Kaboom seeds out of my TGA selection. I think I might give the Qrazy Train another shot and try to hone in on working with the strain as well as throwing those 3 Kabooms in the mix ( I know Kaboom has some massive stretch to it but I want to see what happens). Ive pretty much only dealt with indica dom or 50/50 plants when growing so I want to see whats on the other side of the fence.


Well-Known Member
I didnt get as many pics as I wanted cause I ran out of room on my card and my computer was not with me. but 1 is def the favorite of the bunch, 4 faded enough to start showing some purple on the fan leaves. It wasnt a lot but its noticeable. Im ready to get going on the next round and really apply what Ive learned from this round and keep improving.

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Well-Known Member
doesn't look like a crazy yield , but boy, do those little nugglets look yummy!.....nice fade.....tasty!.....good work, what are you running next?


Well-Known Member
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Under construction.....
once I get some drywall up the 4x8 tent is going where the 2x4 is and the 2x4 becomes the veg tent.

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On Deck

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Well-Known Member
doesn't look like a crazy yield , but boy, do those little nugglets look yummy!.....nice fade.....tasty!.....good work, what are you running next?

To be fully honest I havnt been able to run the full 600 on my ballast cause of temps. So for the light I was giving them Im happy. Once the next round of flowering plants is ready ill have my 2 600's set up. Next im going to do more 4 QT and 3 Kabooms. I feel like now that I have one run with the QT Ill have a better feel for getting them main lined and getting down to business. The move from closet to full room is going to make all of the difference in the world.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever grown Kaboom before? I'm very interested in the phenotype expression. what is a desirable keeper what one looks for in kaboom. I have a couple going but I'm not sure what I should be looking for except for "keep the one that yields the most"


Active Member
"keep the one that yields the most"
be careful my friend, you might miss something excellent. the 'elite' TGA phenos I have found have been the phenos yielding just behind the highest yielder in my garden. keep your options open until you smoke report them, and lab test if you are able.


Well-Known Member
be careful my friend, you might miss something excellent. the 'elite' TGA phenos I have found have been the phenos yielding just behind the highest yielder in my garden. keep your options open until you smoke report them, and lab test if you are able.
.......said the sensei to the grasshoppa....


Well-Known Member
id love to see some 2-3month cured nugs brother...i wanna see your finished product.

also, do you bubble? you smoke flowers? im enjoying some of the querkle bubble i made...wowzers


Well-Known Member
This is the first time Ive used rapid rooters for germing, im impressed. I rewatched weed nerd 55 the other day and decided to change it up and not do the paper towel method and instead try out the rapid rooters.

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Qrazy Train before I seal it up.

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The recent harvest should sustain me for a while. Im just happy that every cycle I go through is always an improvement over the last and I look forward to seeing what comes around next harvest.


Well-Known Member
Lil ol buds lol they lost 90 percent of their size fom the pics sent me... U do know that if u didnt top ur buds wud be bigger right? Like incase u didnt fuckin kno. But the buds look good lol very delicious jus sayin id never top like u


Well-Known Member
Lil ol buds lol they lost 90 percent of their size fom the pics sent me... U do know that if u didnt top ur buds wud be bigger right? Like incase u didnt fuckin kno. But the buds look good lol very delicious jus sayin id never top like u

No I grew small buds because they missed a few nights during the initial stretch period so they stretched way more then they needed to. On top of that I was growing them in a apartment which led to high temps and lower wattage for my light. That was pretty much sat at 300 watts and ended up having to be far away to control temps at the canopy, let alone the room it was in was on the second floor and faced the sun in the second half of the day ambient temps in the room never reached bellow 75 (at night) starting in may. I also did not veg for as long as I should have because I was still trying to figure out how I was going to move them or not near the end of their lives. (To the new location) Among other things I have taken notes on and will change in the future.

and most importantly Im only growing to stay within my legal limit in Michigan.

What happened in this journal only rests on my shoulders as a grower and does not discredit the technique itself.

and if your losing 90% of the weight, its drying for too long. Ive always had constant 75% weight loss.

side not: When moving the plants I knocked off about 12 grams dry worth of tops. Those were the dense ones on a few of the plants. So the most recent pictures do not reflect all of the bud taken off the plants. Thats what Ive been smoking on for the past few days and its better smoke then what I can get at the disp.


Well-Known Member
Lil ol buds lol they lost 90 percent of their size fom the pics sent me... U do know that if u didnt top ur buds wud be bigger right? Like incase u didnt fuckin kno. But the buds look good lol very delicious jus sayin id never top like u

I'd check out some other threads in this section before you say that topping makes smaller buds.

Also ThatGuy113. Gotta say that your flowers look amazing and tasty and I can't wait to see how you do Kaboom. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I'd check out some other threads in this section before you say that topping makes smaller buds.

Also ThatGuy113. Gotta say that your flowers look amazing and tasty and I can't wait to see how you do Kaboom. happy growing.
Id really love for anybody who has any intelligence to let these base heads know that topping will give u smaller buds but more of them so u cud yield more yes but regardlessnur buds r still smaller. Ur buds look like my nuts. Little tinyy 5 grams dired u cuda had 15 gram buds if u didnt top. But w.e u guys who read threads and haw no actualy expoerence with topping and dont know wht really happens lol.. Come on guys.. R u really that fucking stupid lol toppin makes ur buds bigger read the threads! Lol dumb fucks


Well-Known Member
Dude on your mamas life i cuda yielded nearly double. By LST. U cud clearly see ur bud size was affect i mean ur plants are tiny and stretched like 3 ft with the skinniest branches ive ever seen lol. But dide i wasent tryin to bash i just say u hud tr lst instead of toppin on ur next grow. But fuck u man suck a dick u guys r all assholes