Wrinkled & Curling leaves during 2nd week flower! HELPPPPPPPP!


Active Member
I have two outdoor foxfarm soiled plants. One is LA OG(heavy indica), and the other is Tangerine OG(hybrid). They have been super healthy all throughout their lifetime, nice lush and green. But since the first week of flowering the leaves started drooping UNDER like claws. And some of them have burnt black tips. There are some leaves that are severely wrinkled and wilting. I have read around and people keep saying over watering but i know its not. I only water about once ever 3 days and the soil is always dry as fuck when i do actually water. I havent been giving them nutrients for the past 3 waterings to try and straighten out this problem but nothing is subsiding. Now im thinking that i have some kind of deficiency.
If i have been flushing them for the past week, shouldnt the leaves straighten out and stop drooping? Or are they getting worse because they arent getting the right food they need to grow?
Any help is appreciated!!
(first pic is my biggest plant, looking healthy, but leaves are fucked)
(2nd droopy leaves, its like this all over the plant)
(3rd pic is the worst leaf i could find, very dry feeling, plastic feeling to it)

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Well-Known Member
When you say the soil is dry...can I ask how you know that it is dry? Do you check the weight, or dig down a few inches? Also, what lights are you running, and what temps/humidity?

Overall though, it looks fairly healthy apart from that, so you may be more worried than you need to be just yet.


1st plant looks healthy man
2nd could be overwatering or little too strong feeding, if you kept it up youd begin to see the burnt tips just back off the feed next watering
3rd couldnt tell you accurately

You said youve been flushing them for a week? I usually would only do one big heavy flush then replenish them with some 1/2 strength feed.


Well-Known Member
always dry as fuck when i do actually water
That tells me its rootbound, root system is now stressing and causing these new issues. At the beggining of flowering the roots want to expand alot, so repot it bro.


hey up buds thanks for advice my babies are cuming on now will start a thread and get some pics up soon mate. it was my intake fan wasent pumping in enough air. temp is always around 80f with lights on and 78f with lights on.


Active Member
That tells me its rootbound, root system is now stressing and causing these new issues. At the beggining of flowering the roots want to expand alot, so repot it bro.

its already in a 5 gallon pot. i cant go any bigger because the plant is already 4 1/2ft. any other suggestions?


Active Member
1st plant looks healthy man
2nd could be overwatering or little too strong feeding, if you kept it up youd begin to see the burnt tips just back off the feed next watering
3rd couldnt tell you accurately

You said youve been flushing them for a week? I usually would only do one big heavy flush then replenish them with some 1/2 strength feed.

yes ive been flushing for about a week. ive watered them about 3 times without any nutrients. should i start back up at 1/2 strength and see if the leaves straighten out?


Well-Known Member
Well it will just get worse and reduce harvest. That pot is far too small, next time try 10gal min.


Active Member
When you say the soil is dry...can I ask how you know that it is dry? Do you check the weight, or dig down a few inches? Also, what lights are you running, and what temps/humidity?

Overall though, it looks fairly healthy apart from that, so you may be more worried than you need to be just yet.
i always trigger the top of the soil all the way down to the root ball and can tell its super dry. i also lift up the pot and can tell they need watering by the weight of the pots. and im all outdoor. no lights. my outside temps are about 70-80 on the regular. at night it probably gets down to 65 or 60 at the lowest.


Active Member
Well it will just get worse and reduce harvest. That pot is far too small, next time try 10gal min.

crap so its definately root bound? how does that even happen? this is my 2nd grow and the first go around didnt have any problems with the 5gals. the plant still has lots and lots of "v" leaves that are loving the sun and completely perked. but the lower ones are drooping


Well-Known Member
Its the problem so you have to repot and bend the top down(plant). Health will improve dramatically, leaves will stay greener longer plus much less moisture stress and salt build up.


Active Member
Its the problem so you have to repot and bend the top down(plant). Health will improve dramatically, leaves will stay greener longer plus much less moisture stress and salt build up.

bend the top down meaning the main cola? will that help the plant? or stunt it in any way


Well-Known Member
Before you go transplanting in the middle of flower(which will also cause stunted growth)..I would suggest letting the soil dry out and see if you can grab the plant by the main stalk and pull the root ball out and inspect the roots. Saying something is rootbound without seeing the roots is bad advice to give especially when other factors havent been discussed...such as what type of water is being used and the ph of the water. What nutes are you using and how much when you feed and how often are you feeding? What are the conditions like where you are growing outdoors...average daytime and night time temps...humidity? So many factors to exclude before you make a decision to transplant during flower IMO.


i would say a 4.5 foot plant in a 5 gallon pot is very likely to get rootbound. not enough room for the roots to grow. of course it could also be wanting nutes. are any of your bottom leaves going yellow? they really need/want the food at this point.


Active Member
i would say a 4.5 foot plant in a 5 gallon pot is very likely to get rootbound. not enough room for the roots to grow. of course it could also be wanting nutes. are any of your bottom leaves going yellow? they really need/want the food at this point.
i definately didnt realize how big this plant was going to get. i thought it would stop at around 3ft but thats not the case. i havent fed it nutes for a week now so im going to try and feed half way one time and see. my bottom leaves arent going yellow, but most ALL of the drooping leaves are at the bottom. the top leaves are all reaching for the sun perfect. but i dont understand the wrinkled and dry and plasticy feeling of the leaves


Well-Known Member
i dont think its rootbound... a 5 gallon pot should be fine.. i just finished a blue dream in a 3 gallon grow bag and it was fine.. not rootbound at all. and it was huge. heres a pic


roughly you wanna have 1 gallon for every 1 foot of the plant. it could be the humidity/climate which is making the soil dry. i have a strong fan running in my closet. which makes it so i have to water every 2-3 days.. and before the fan. i would water ever 3-4 days.. you may want to give her a light feeding. 1/4 strength.. see how she reacts.. its ok/normal for a few lower leaves to yellow/ and die off. happens with almost every one of my grows. the plants look good man. i wouldnt start bending them.. adding more stress. just keep an eye on them. maybe get a cover for te top of the soil.. you can even get sum construction paper and cut a circle to fir the top of your pot... make a cut from one side.. directly into the middle.. and slide the main stem right thru it. sooo the circle sits over the soil.. this will keep air from drying out your soil from the top.. heres a link to a page/thread full of plant problems/issues... refer to it weneva u need help. =) good luck man. plants look good.



Active Member
i dont think its rootbound... a 5 gallon pot should be fine.. i just finished a blue dream in a 3 gallon grow bag and it was fine.. not rootbound at all. and it was huge. heres a pic

View attachment 2213717

roughly you wanna have 1 gallon for every 1 foot of the plant. it could be the humidity/climate which is making the soil dry. i have a strong fan running in my closet. which makes it so i have to water every 2-3 days.. and before the fan. i would water ever 3-4 days.. you may want to give her a light feeding. 1/4 strength.. see how she reacts.. its ok/normal for a few lower leaves to yellow/ and die off. happens with almost every one of my grows. the plants look good man. i wouldnt start bending them.. adding more stress. just keep an eye on them. maybe get a cover for te top of the soil.. you can even get sum construction paper and cut a circle to fir the top of your pot... make a cut from one side.. directly into the middle.. and slide the main stem right thru it. sooo the circle sits over the soil.. this will keep air from drying out your soil from the top.. heres a link to a page/thread full of plant problems/issues... refer to it weneva u need help. =) good luck man. plants look good.


thanks man!! you were the most helpful ive ever had on this site haha. i appreciate it greatly. yeah im definately going to cover the soil with some sort of thick construction paper to keep the soil from drying out. but what about the leaf curling and wrinkling. i guess it could be normal for it to be doing that since the plant is giving all its energy towards the bud sites. but who knows. i just fed her today with 1/4 strength to see how she does. thanks again man! happy smoking


Well-Known Member
no problem man.. i rememebr comin on this site wen i 1st started and lookin for help. soo i kno how it is man. =) its nice havin ppl there to help wen u need it. as far as the curling.. ughh mann.. curling could be sooo many things... lol. it sucks.. one of the worse things is curling can be from over watering AND/OR under watering.. lol. which makes choosing one hard.. heat stress can be another issue... humidity... see how she takes the feeding and take it from there. ill sub to this thread and stop by and check on how its doing as she gets older.. i mean other than the few leaves curling they look great man. u should deff be happy/proud. =)