Thank You Uncle Sam!!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
If I knew of CG prior to reading the original post, I would of never posted in the first place. Unfortunately there are a lot of people with that exact attitude. It just pisses me off.

CG - It sounds like you are doing some fantastic things with yourself and for others. Keep it up man.

Public apology to you brother. kiss-ass
Thank you for making a public apology that takes guts and something you rarely see done on a public forum. If you haven't seen CG's thread on his grow take a look here:

Simply an amazing read.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm an ex-convict and even a prick at times. But, I do have enough brain power to recognise sarcasm. You missed the entire point. If you knew anything about me you'd know that my Collective donates free of charge unlimitted meds to any terminal, cancer, or AIDS patient that cannot afford to pay for their own. The monthly dollar value of those donations currently exceeds $1,000 per month. That's an extra grand I could have in my pocket every month. What have you done lately?

BTW, I was busted by the DEA for growing over 100 plants and recieved the 5 year mandatory minimum sentence in federal prison...of which I served 85% of. I am not ashamed of this, and neither is my wonderful and supportive mother.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME... people wouldnt have smoke if people didnt grow it, BIG. +REP ANYTIME I SEE A POST FROM YOU

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the kind words. I did not intend to start an issue between us. I just wanted to point out the insanity that has taken over this issue. I also wanted to point out that we can all still operate and make money regardless of what the gov does. Hell, if just a few of us got together we could out spend the fuckers. I promise you if every grow op donated just 1% of its gross to a legal fund, we could bury the US District Attorney in long trials and non-stop lobbying. That's called attacking from the bottom and the top. Make them spend too much money, and, at the same time, lobby the FUCK out of congress. They cant attack other operations if they're stuck in a courtroom fighting for every inch in every trial. AND, the more expensive each case becomes, the less cases they can afford. We really do have more money than they do. Where is our California Growers Association?


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to collective gardener again.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Thank you all for the kind words. I did not intend to start an issue between us. I just wanted to point out the insanity that has taken over this issue. I also wanted to point out that we can all still operate and make money regardless of what the gov does. Hell, if just a few of us got together we could out spend the fuckers. I promise you if every grow op donated just 1% of its gross to a legal fund, we could bury the US District Attorney in long trials and non-stop lobbying. That's called attacking from the bottom and the top. Make them spend too much money, and, at the same time, lobby the FUCK out of congress. They cant attack other operations if they're stuck in a courtroom fighting for every inch in every trial. AND, the more expensive each case becomes, the less cases they can afford. We really do have more money than they do. Where is our California Growers Association?
In my opinion ^^THIS^^ is the only chance you guys have of saving Cannabis from big pharma.

The US Govt. is currently run by, and for, the big corporations. If CA started a large grow lobby, in essence becoming a large proto corporation, the DEA would be pressured to re-schedule Marijuana prior to big pharma having it's solution in hand. All it would take is a well organized and well funded professional money machine. The same type of approach any other big corporation uses to ensure it's financial security in the market.

The other thing a well organized Cannabis lobby could do is put out anti BHO information, spearhead laws in their own best interest etc...... thereby distancing the 'legitimate' growers from such dangerous practice(s) and possibly saving themselves from being put into the same category as meth labs in neighborhoods.

CG is again spot on here and hopefully something will come of this because time is ticking. I think the reason the DEA sat on the last re-schedule request was because they were waiting for the ok from the Big Pharma lobby they were that close. Coming up with the Cannabis solution is proving a bit more difficult for big pharma than the previous Opium -> Morphine solution so you have a gift of time but Big Pharma will find a solution and no it won't even be close to anything even most hobby growers put out but it will be sold as 'safe' and 'sanitary' and will provide for the perpetuation of the prison economy.


Well-Known Member
CG....I'm completely with you on this. The thing is if you have ideas like this...instead of talking about it lets put it in action. I know I'm not from cali....and will only be a new addition next month into this whole world....but if something doesnt happen now the government will eventually find a way to push all of us back into the shadows....making us criminals again. On top of that I really think california should put in some guildlines as to what is safe and what isnt safe. Maybe people should need safety inspections or some kind of quality control to seperate the good honest growers from the folks that will do ANYTHING to flip a quick buck. I'm looking at the costs it will take just to start my relatively small grow and to do it safely...correctly....and organic.....It's already looking close to the 10K mark.


Well-Known Member not with you on this,maybe some one can open my eyes i dunno?...but i thank the collectives and how they are run is a problem......phishtank,can you tell me the difference between the honest growers and the ones doing anything to make a buck?when you go to a club for the first time you gotta do a little paperwork to become a member right?.... correct me if im wrong but this paperwork useally gives the collective a right to grow plants in your if shit ever goes down they got your paperwork on file to back up there plant count in there hidden 20.000 watt growwarehouses somewhere....not to mention your a member of every collective in town cause of course you gotta get all your first time freebee ers and find out who gots the best weed in town or not...and top it off you got your plant limit at home too....there was a club around here b4l...35 dollar top shelf all day..very compassionate this all for the patients blah ,blah.......well the owner there, last i heard hes sittin in fed lockdown


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok let's state this one more time. CG's post was SARCASM.

Sarcasm is defined as:
harsh or bitter derision or irony.

2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

Since the definition of sarcasm relies heavily upon the definition of irony let's also define irony here as well:
noun, plural -nies.
1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

I hope this is helpful.


Well-Known Member
awaiting all sorts of federal charges....look it point being how could any club selling 50 dollar eights all day be legit when one selling for 35 over......any club selling bud for 50 how could that be you give 2 and a half oz away outta compassion from that warehouse you growin on one hand but sell 8ts all day at 50 on the other?i could be wrong maybe you run a club thats more like 25 8th top shelf?anyways phishtank....i say keep your 10000 dollar grow room right where your at and fight for complete legalization there...or at least if you come to cali do a couple runs outside first ...oh yea and really you whant some sorta group to come and do inspectations on your grow room...withwhat money,,taxes?you dont have to pay taxes when you buy a prescripton from a pharmacy.....why should we have to for are medi mary ....complete legalization i say fuck all the bullshit

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
awaiting all sorts of federal charges....look it point being how could any club selling 50 dollar eights all day be legit when one selling for 35 .
If one is selling indoor and the other outdoor. A dispensary would lose money selling top shelf indoor at $35 an 1/8. over......any club selling bud for 50 how could that be compassion......
Most dispensaries that sell bud for $50 dollars an 1/8 also sell bud for 35 an 1/8. The difference most of the time between a 50 dollar 1/8 and a 35 dollar 1/8 is largely bag appeal. There is no compassion in that equation. Purple hydro is not about compassion. Dispensaries don't owe you high bag appeal bud for dirt cheap.

Most of the time you see bud on a dispensaries mid or lower shelf that's just as effective as medicine as the stuff they've got on the top shelf. It just doesn't look as pretty. If you walk into a dispensary and only consider buying top shelf hydro, that isn't a purchase that warrants compassion. You just want to get bomb bud. And that's ok. But you aren't owed a discount for that.

so you give 2 and a half oz away outta compassion from that warehouse you growin on one hand but sell 8ts all day at 50 on the other?i could be wrong maybe you run a club thats more like 25 8th top shelf?
If a club is selling top shelf indoor for 25 dollars an 8th then either the dispensary or the grower will soon be out of business. 25 an 8th is what the dispensaries pay wholesale for average decent indoor. If they sold it to you at that price they couldn't pay their bills.

anyways phishtank....i say keep your 10000 dollar grow room right where your at and fight for complete legalization there...or at least if you come to cali do a couple runs outside first ...oh yea and really you whant some sorta group to come and do inspectations on your grow room...withwhat money,,taxes?you dont have to pay taxes when you buy a prescripton from a pharmacy.....why should we have to for are medi mary ....complete legalization i say fuck all the bullshit
The more legal it is the cheaper it will become. More dispensaries = more competition = lower prices. Legalized bud means growing on a larger scale in a more commercial setting = cheaper to grow. Legalization even with taxes will still lower the price of bud.


Well-Known Member
Only problem is legalization will cause the quality of bud to drop greatly...and large companies taking over will grow it just like they do tobacco. It will be sprayed with who knows what chemicals....and be just as bad as cigarettes. Legalization on a federal scale is not always a "good" thing for the people that smoke it but down grow it. And fighting for complete legalization where I'm at isn't going to happen. I'm below the bible belt where they are more concerned with taking away gay's marriage rights and enforcing the holy bible. And growing isnt the only reason I'm moving to cali. There's also an amazing car scene and the quality of life is much nicer....along with the fact that things are much more convenient. And luckily I already make great money so I'm not growing with hopes that i'll grow some dank purple bud and get rich selling weed to's more about the freedom of being able to do so.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Only problem is legalization will cause the quality of bud to drop greatly...and large companies taking over will grow it just like they do tobacco. It will be sprayed with who knows what chemicals....and be just as bad as cigarettes. Legalization on a federal scale is not always a "good" thing for the people that smoke it but down grow it. And fighting for complete legalization where I'm at isn't going to happen. I'm below the bible belt where they are more concerned with taking away gay's marriage rights and enforcing the holy bible. And growing isnt the only reason I'm moving to cali. There's also an amazing car scene and the quality of life is much nicer....along with the fact that things are much more convenient. And luckily I already make great money so I'm not growing with hopes that i'll grow some dank purple bud and get rich selling weed to's more about the freedom of being able to do so.
That all depends on how it's legalized. California has a multi billion dollar legal commercial bud industry right now, and it's improved quality and lowered price. What you say is definitely a possibility, but it's not a sure thing either.


Well-Known Member
mr disrespect in any way brother. but i know the dfference from outdoor and indoor,and also im almost ashamed to say ive been to alot of clubs...most 50 dollar 8th top shelf (top of indoor plants)little less for mid and bottom shelf(notice how yea hear pro growers talk about their plants like their a display case)and whatever for outdoor.(right now the closesest club to me has 5dollar grams of decent outdoor )and please mr kone remember their called donations now not selling....ok now forget that a club ls suppose to be growing out so many plants for each patient in their giant 20,000watt warehouses(im to sick,tired, lazy,stupid grow my own bud....well,i know farmer jorge down the street maybe if he gots room to grow your plants out for you hed do it for 60/40)and assume this mom and pop club only buys from vendors period.say sorta like on that show the public seen recently(if your lucky enough to have cable or youtube)4000 a lb for top shelf is what mom and pop pay every morning before they


Well-Known Member
open there doors.pretend this was all the bud mom and pop had to sell for this day....once the lb is gone for the day..doors shut shops closed...(is there any clubs that open before 11 in the morning anyway)one lb a day thats it..(its a high traffic spot not far from a and pop have no problem pushing this dope)(hate the word dope for weed reminds me of meth and whatnot)pop covered start up with his cashed out pension)so every day mom is workin the front desk....pops is the budtender(bless pops old kind soul that he is,somedays momma dont know if hes the man or just another patient) mom walks outta the club every day carrying 6400 dollars in her panties(assumeing pops was smokeing his own stash(sell these gems to the public yea right ).......2400 of that is profit ....every day....12000 a week every week(mom and pops dont work weekends)48,000 every month 576000 a and pop got a good deal the rent on there place is 5000 a month includes water trash electricity all that 60.000 a year..


Well-Known Member
now mom and pops their gettin old time so they decide to hire a budtender and some lil cutey to manage the place for em 15 bucks a hour thats 80640 a year for the employees plus 60000a year rent....140640 ....and mom and pop give 3000 a month to there terminal patients....36000 outta there pokets every now were lookin at 176640 in expenses so mom and pop donate 100000 to norml......thats 276640 - a year so 576000 minus that other number is 299360 mom and pop are left with now ....and of course mom and pop need there piece of the pie how about say 60000 a piece 120000seems fair to mom and pops so what we left with now...cause that should all go to charity or back to the patients right?you ever get any thing back from a club ?granted some clubs have a massagist or acupuncture or some bullshit..ok only one has that that i know of.. mr kone.remember now that each club your a member of can grow at least say 6 plants for YOU and mom and pop dont grow shit for YOU....what im trying to say

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Why exactly do you think clubs owe you free stuff? I'm not sure I get that. Nearly every club has affordable bud available. Why do they owe you a discount on top shelf? There is a difference between being compassionate to the sick who can't afford medicine, and just WANTING cheap hydro. They do not owe you cheap hydro. That is not a medical need, compassion is not part of that particular equation.

And so what if they make money? They are risking their freedom just by opening their doors. Why shouldn't they get paid for that?

But if you feel like you can do it better, feel free to open your own dispensary and give away bud all day long. If you did I think you'd find it's not that simple.


Well-Known Member
phishtank is that if we keep spending our hard earned money on weed from clubs..what we are going to end up with is a weed corporation...i dream of a day where i can go to a open air local,farmers market and buy/sell weed right next to tomaters and all the other bounty from seeds that god has given us......thank of what corprate america would do if we all stopped being slaves to it....quit are jobs sitting in our cubicles looking at rollitup. eating taco bell whacking off and thinking what our next order on the tude was gonna be come promo time and started living like say we did 200 years ago?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
phishtank is that if we keep spending our hard earned money on weed from clubs..what we are going to end up with is a weed corporation...i dream of a day where i can go to a open air local,farmers market and buy/sell weed right next to tomaters and all the other bounty from seeds that god has given us......thank of what corprate america would do if we all stopped being slaves to it....quit are jobs sitting in our cubicles looking at rollitup. eating taco bell whacking off and thinking what our next order on the tude was gonna be come promo time and started living like say we did 200 years ago?
The bud from those dispensaries isn't coming from corporations. It's coming from regular growers. People always complain about what they have, but forget what it was like before. The grass is always greener I guess. Before dispensaries buying bud was a matter of accepting what ever a dealer handed you at what ever price the dealer decided to charge. In many areas in Cali that meant if you wanted to buy an 8th, it was going to cost you $65, no options. Now you can walk into a store and choose between 100 different strains, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, even clones. You can buy a bomb ass bag of top shelf indoor or someone pretty damn good out door on the cheap. How people can think that is some bizarre form of tyranny is beyond me. Is it perfect? No, of course not. But it beats the hell out of what we had before.