What do your prices look like?

Hey, new here and I was wondering: What do you pay for grass?

Here is our prices:

Straight up (rough $10/g)
$2 (.5g) Js
$5-10 (1.2-1.7g) blunts
$5 treats (made to order)
$12/g of hash
lol no. Just getting my profile set up and was wondering what others are paying. *shrug* Not asking for anything personal. Don't need or want a locale. Just prices! :)


Well-Known Member
I think we're talking green, seedless top shelf smoke here from dispensaries. None of that crappy street mexican weed full of seeds


Well-Known Member
I haven't bought outside the dispensary in like 2 years...and I grow my own of course.
Dispensary prices around here right now range from $10 to $18 a gram.
1 place has everything at $13g...40 an 1/8th and so on.
All quality meds...no bullshit weed.
Medables are from $5 to $12...lots of other shit like peanut butter cups, hard candy, etc.
Tinctures and oils and wax...


Well-Known Member
All I know is last time I bought I got ripped off BIG time and it super makes me mad!!! ANGRY!!!!