The Universe!!!


Active Member
Ever hear of common sense?

It is you that is lying to yourself. You fool yourself into thinking that you cannot know so that you don't have to face the truth. The terrible truth that one day you are going to die...

Proof is what the police need. For example, someone could burgle my house and I KNOW who's done it. I don't need any physical evidence. That's needed to prove it to anyone else that decides to question it. Yet I can know.
woah now hold up, did I say I couldn't know indefinitely? No, I said I couldn't know with my present knowledge. Of course I could know, but since theres no evidence to support a conclusion, I don't know. "Face the truth"? I'm sorry, but that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. How can I accept something as true with no reassurance whatsoever? Proof isn't just what the police need, it's what I need, as a rationally thinking human being. I can't accept something as true merely because, "it is". What the hell kind of reason is that? How exactly do you know than? Did a little birdy fly down one day and tell you? Or is it more like deep down inside you "know" god doesn't exist, even though there is no solid evidence pointing in that direction? Just as many fundamentalists claim that they "know" deep down inside of them that God does exist, some of them even go so far as to say that not even solid evidence could possibly persuade them another way. Please tell me your not that narrow-minded. Lets say that, theoretically, tomorrow scientists discovered solid, undebatable evidence that God really did exist. What would you do? I know, your thinking, "but I already know god doesn't exist". Whatever, just answer the question, it's only theoretical after all. And one more question, if I may: What is it exactly that makes your word more believable than that of the fundamentalists?


Well-Known Member
the answer eatin is nothing... skunk claims he knows things and then claims that common sense tells him these things... he is a smart person but blind in many senses... he doesn't want to understand and so he doesn't it is as plain as that... he is just as stuck in his beliefs as any religious fanatic out there good luck trying to change his mind!!!


New Member
woah now hold up, did I say I couldn't know indefinitely? No, I said I couldn't know with my present knowledge. Of course I could know, but since theres no evidence to support a conclusion, I don't know. "Face the truth"? I'm sorry, but that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. How can I accept something as true with no reassurance whatsoever? Proof isn't just what the police need, it's what I need, as a rationally thinking human being. I can't accept something as true merely because, "it is". What the hell kind of reason is that? How exactly do you know than? Did a little birdy fly down one day and tell you? Or is it more like deep down inside you "know" god doesn't exist, even though there is no solid evidence pointing in that direction? Just as many fundamentalists claim that they "know" deep down inside of them that God does exist, some of them even go so far as to say that not even solid evidence could possibly persuade them another way. Please tell me your not that narrow-minded. Lets say that, theoretically, tomorrow scientists discovered solid, undebatable evidence that God really did exist. What would you do? I know, your thinking, "but I already know god doesn't exist". Whatever, just answer the question, it's only theoretical after all. And one more question, if I may: What is it exactly that makes your word more believable than that of the fundamentalists?
You can know things without physical evidence... this is what I said. Of course you need to prove it to yourself. Physical evidence is what the police need.

Theoretically, I'd start believing in whichever god it was.

What makes my world more believable is that it is real, the truth. I will not lie to myself. The answer is within you, you already know. you just need to accept it. There is much more evidence to support my beliefs than there is yours. Not physical evidence of course, just when you travel through the realms of common sense.


Well-Known Member
there goes that common sense again... well my common sense tells me that the universe is enormous... ENORMOUS and we don't have the beginning of an idea of what is out there... there is no way we can even our telescopes only go a minimal distance away from this planet... so there is just to much unknown to ever know anything for sure... that skunk is the truth... so our true goal should be to see what is out there... and not to prove the existance or non existance of a god but to gain knowledge for ourselves... and if we prove something along the way well all for the better...


Well-Known Member
God is energy with the largest amount of awareness in the universe.
k for one, if your talking about space and shit.... GOD is a HUMAN, mortal being, kind of a fictional character.
Space and life was created by the big bang, gases compressed together and that started life here.


Well-Known Member
We have 6 billion people on 6 billion differnt sides arguing 6 billion different arguments...
more like 6billion people in total, arguing on 20 differnt sides, everyone isent involved, and i dont mean to be bashing you, but i have my own opinion, GOD i use to belive in ive been baptised, but i do agree with you, if there is a god
he wouldent want us following the church's rules, aslong as were kind to eachother.

but i dont belive in god 100% enymore, Evolution has so much hard evidence.

i agree and disagree with you're story.

God did not creat us, i belive he isent real. He was made up by some people thousands of years ago, and people are still falling for it. but if he is real, and there is physical evidence. i take back everything.

and there is no way we can have peace, even if we get world peace(which i hope for soon) fighting each other is the last of our "future problems"
do you accully think we are the only species out there? how many differnt types of species our on our earth... too many the Galaxy is filled with "Aliens" but there not aliens really, there just a differnt species.


Active Member
You can know things without physical evidence... this is what I said. Of course you need to prove it to yourself. Physical evidence is what the police need.

Theoretically, I'd start believing in whichever god it was.

What makes my world more believable is that it is real, the truth. I will not lie to myself. The answer is within you, you already know. you just need to accept it. There is much more evidence to support my beliefs than there is yours. Not physical evidence of course, just when you travel through the realms of common sense.
I guess were just two different people. To accept God as real or fake would be to lie to myself. I don't believe common sense holds the answers because there are so many more answers out there for us to discover, relying on one's self just seems silly. And besides, when I do just observe the straight facts, I don't really get a very clear picture. My common sense doesn't tell me anything along the lines of "god must exist" or "god must not exist". My common sense tells me "the answer is out there".


Well-Known Member
good post eatin... and as for you tilltheday... the big bang is the biggest crock of shit i have ever heard... your science has already said the big bang isn't possible... oh and by the way where did these gasses come from... oh yeah and where is your physical evidence do you have pictures or written documets from billions of years ago... oh and what about all the evolution not happening anymore... etc etc etc... give me a break i'm tired of hearing about proof... no one has proof of shit we just think we know something... darwain was full of shit your full of shit skunk is full of shit hell i'm even full of shit... the only difference i can admit it you guys keep claiming that you KNOW... ha ha ha


New Member
I guess were just two different people. To accept God as real or fake would be to lie to myself. I don't believe common sense holds the answers because there are so many more answers out there for us to discover, relying on one's self just seems silly. And besides, when I do just observe the straight facts, I don't really get a very clear picture. My common sense doesn't tell me anything along the lines of "god must exist" or "god must not exist". My common sense tells me "the answer is out there".
how do you know that there is so much more to discover if it hasn't been discovered yet?

Frth', you carry on not knowing anything.

If you see a car coming what tells you to get out of the way? The answer is common sense. You don't need to have been run over or see someone get run over to know that you don't want to get run over.

The part i underlined... Not out there but inside you. The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Man hasn't been on the planet this long. Why did these gods create the dinosaurs first?


New Member
sorry to you to skunk you are a worthy opponent even though you are a bit on the close minded side...
Close-minded to belief in a god, yes. Close-minded too to belief in ghosts, bogeymen, santa claus, the tooth fairy...

I remember being young and still unsure whether santa existed. I suppose that deep down I already knew santa didn't exist, but I just had to stop up all night to make sure once and for all. I never made it, couldn't keep awake all night although it felt like I could when I started.

Even as a child your common sense will tell you things, all you need to do is listen.


Active Member
how do you know that there is so much more to discover if it hasn't been discovered yet?

Frth', you carry on not knowing anything.

If you see a car coming what tells you to get out of the way? The answer is common sense. You don't need to have been run over or see someone get run over to know that you don't want to get run over.

The part i underlined... Not out there but inside you. The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Man hasn't been on the planet this long. Why did these gods create the dinosaurs first?

How do I know? Asking such a question would be akin to asking "how do you know the earth is round, you havn't been in space to see it for yourself." I don't know for sure that there is more out there, but considering how large the universe (supposedly) is, and how little of it we have seen thus far, how can there not be? Isn't it atleast worth it to wait and see? You may not think so, but I do.

And as for your common sense analogy, knowing to move out the way of a car is very different than knowing God. Here's how I see it. Car. Moving towards me. Options: 1. die 2. move out da way and live. God. People say he doesnt exist. Just as many say he does. options: 1.take the former groups word for it 2. take the latter groups word for it 3. wait and see or die undecided. I chose option 3 and I intend to stand by it for the rest of my life.

If God exists why did he create the dinosaurs? Well if God really did exist than he could do whatever the hell he wanted. Maby he was just messin' around? Maby we're all God's playthings? Maby there really was some higher purpose to the dinosaurs that we just don't know about yet? Does there really have to be some sort of rhym or reason to his actions for him to exist? What if the nature of the universe was completly random chaos, and God was it's creator? A likely possibility in my mind, as likely as the possibility that god does not exist, or that he is a christian god, or muslim, jewish, etc.... they're all just as likely as one-another because there is not a single shred of evidence, either physical or "common sense"-wise, that supports or discredits any of them.


New Member
How do I know? Asking such a question would be akin to asking "how do you know the earth is round, you havn't been in space to see it for yourself." I don't know for sure that there is more out there, but considering how large the universe (supposedly) is, and how little of it we have seen thus far, how can there not be? Isn't it atleast worth it to wait and see? You may not think so, but I do.

Thankyou, just as you KNOW there is more to know, I KNOW there are no gods.

And as for your common sense analogy, knowing to move out the way of a car is very different than knowing God. Here's how I see it. Car. Moving towards me. Options: 1. die 2. move out da way and live. God. People say he doesnt exist. Just as many say he does. options: 1.take the former groups word for it 2. take the latter groups word for it 3. wait and see or die undecided. I chose option 3 and I intend to stand by it for the rest of my life.

It doesn't seem to me that you are undecided. It seems to me you have a very strong belief in some sort of god, more than likely the christian one.

If God exists why did he create the dinosaurs? Well if God really did exist than he could do whatever the hell he wanted. Maby he was just messin' around? Maby we're all God's playthings? Maby there really was some higher purpose to the dinosaurs that we just don't know about yet? Does there really have to be some sort of rhym or reason to his actions for him to exist? What if the nature of the universe was completly random chaos, and God was it's creator? A likely possibility in my mind, as likely as the possibility that god does not exist, or that he is a christian god, or muslim, jewish, etc.... they're all just as likely as one-another because there is not a single shred of evidence, either physical or "common sense"-wise, that supports or discredits any of them.
Neither is there any evidence to support the fact that you know there is much more to know, yet you still know.


Well-Known Member
good post eatin... and as for you tilltheday... the big bang is the biggest crock of shit i have ever heard... your science has already said the big bang isn't possible... oh and by the way where did these gasses come from... oh yeah and where is your physical evidence do you have pictures or written documets from billions of years ago... oh and what about all the evolution not happening anymore... etc etc etc... give me a break i'm tired of hearing about proof... no one has proof of shit we just think we know something... darwain was full of shit your full of shit skunk is full of shit hell i'm even full of shit... the only difference i can admit it you guys keep claiming that you KNOW... ha ha ha
lol see thats why you arnt a scientist, you think its a crock of shit, how the fuck do you think starts die and stars are formed?
just because you havent seen it doesent mean its not true, thats why i kind of belive in god, but mostly science. starts are formed from nebula's where gases are compressed and form stars. and when stars die they SUPER NOVA or turn into a white dwarf.
in the next billion years when we are all dead, the generations are going to be microwaved by the sun exploding.


New Member
To decide on whether a god exists is very easy. You just need to use your common sense. Your common sense should tell you that women do not get pregnant without having male sperm somehow inserted inside her. It should also tell you that faith healing is a load of shit, it should also tell you that people do not rise from the dead, it should also tell you that a god is not responsible for the weather...

You should know these things, and you do... now you just need to admit it.


Well-Known Member
tilltheday you don't even know what you are talking about... stars are formed by compressed gasses but the don't either super nova or white dwarf... rather they super nova and then white dwarf and then become a black hole... i probably understand science better then most people... i just know what lines of science are based on facts and what areas are based on belief... nice try though... and eatin you have the right idea... no one really knows anything we just like to think we do... so you believe what you want you have no reason to argue points with those that would tell you your beliefs are wrong especially when they are to close minded to even wonder if there could be a possibility... good luck and my you find knowledge and strength in the world around you... but just always remember knowledge only comes to those who seek it...