I'm Done.


Well-Known Member
Yes I admit defeat. I can not prove gods existence. I cannot (I never did) say god is real as a fact. I have no more arguments to make. I will just get my beliefs knocked down everytime by others using the whole "your lack of evidence is my evidence" logic so many people use. I admit that is good logic. I'm literally tired of going around in circles trying to argue the POSSIBILITY of god and then coming to no conclusion. I'm tired of creating enemies over something so pointless to others. I still have faith and that is it. But please do not think of me as inferior to yourself simply because of my beliefs (which, sadly, alot of people do to me). Please do not think my beliefs hold me back in the world. Please do not think I'm stating my beliefs as fact. Please do not push arguments on me, for from now on I will not argue my beliefs anymore; simply because I can't give proper argument.
So again please don't argue with me, because I'm just done.

I know this isn't important to you guys but I just wanna make sure you guys know I admit defeat and that I do not wish to argue about religion anymore. Ahh that feels better.


Ursus marijanus
There is no need to admit defeat imo. Be reassured by the difference between "tenable" and "compelling". You and I both hold somewhat different beliefs, both tenable, neither compelling. I cannot speak for others, but was there ever a contest? Imo those who say "yes; destroy the enemy" have nowhere to go but up in the quest for wisdom. Jm$.02, cn


Active Member
ifeel you man. it aint no point for me to go outa my way to get nowhere. but iknow what the deal is 1st hand, ibeen on the side of the athiest before but itested the bibles truth and found the answer to the great question and now isee my old ways were full of flaws.


Well-Known Member
ifeel you man. it aint no point for me to go outa my way to get nowhere. but iknow what the deal is 1st hand, ibeen on the side of the athiest before but itested the bibles truth and found the answer to the great question and now isee my old ways were full of flaws.
Join me then dear friend, we shall not fight the no good fight. No good fight being the fight that doesn't lead anywhere. We know what we know, if others wish to follow then fine if they wish to argue ignore them.


Active Member
idont care anymore isaid what ihave to say idid my part. im a lil heated right now but its all good. im going to take up on that offer man.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to admit defeat imo. Be reassured by the difference between "tenable" and "compelling". You and I both hold somewhat different beliefs, both tenable, neither compelling. I cannot speak for others, but was there ever a contest? Imo those who say "yes; destroy the enemy" have nowhere to go but up in the quest for wisdom. Jm$.02, cn
I suppose you're right neer, our beliefs are tenable.

some people believe there is no god because my lack of evidence is their evidence, therefore they believe they have won. This thread is to say "yes you're right, now let's not argue".

I personally know my beliefs can be defended (tenable) just like everyone else's, so by arguing we will just go around in circles. I'm calling for peace. And if RIU peace requires that one side "wins", so be it. I lose, now I don't have to answer a useless question from anyone or argue a pointless argument with anyone.

I never set out to destroy the enemy, I set out to open minds to possibilities (mostly by religious terms, at least in this sub-forum ), well that ship has sailed. So in a sense I have been defeated in my quest in opening some minds. But now it's fine, now I can kick back and watch everyone else argue back and forth for no reason. I pretty much see these arguments in a whole other way now. This is a good thing, :).


Well-Known Member
idont care anymore isaid what ihave to say idid my part. im a lil heated right now but its all good. im going to take up on that offer man.
Some people's goals are to "heat" others up. Just don't let them, saying that makes me a hypocrite lol. But whatever none of that is important. But yes welcome to the no fighting club.

Oh man, when I made this thread I was having a different argument on like 4 different threads. I ripped my bong, blew out the smoke, and realized it's the Internet and some people just won't change their minds, so I quit. But now it's better, glad you joined, :).


Active Member
God would be ashamed of you both.
keep Gods name out your mouth satanist. my views on this matter might be wrong but itried yall chose not to believe and that aint on my hands. ifeel guilty deep down bout giving up so im not but ineed a brake from nonsense


Well-Known Member
keep Gods name out your mouth satanist. my views on this matter might be wrong but itried yall chose not to believe and that aint on my hands. ifeel guilty deep down bout giving up so im not but ineed a brake from nonsense
Diesel chill man, he's trying to piss you off. He doesn't believe in god so what he said was meant as a type of joke to get you mad. He's a funny guy, but sometimes his goal is to "heat" you up, stay cool dude.


Active Member
idont got no problem with him but ifeel if you dont believe in God at least show a lil respect to the people who do thats all. iaint do nothing to him but keep it real after he called me out a few times today. but iguess thats whats wrong with people, they would rather hear flattering lies than the truth which can hurt


Well-Known Member
idont got no problem with him but ifeel if you dont believe in God at least show a lil respect to the people who do thats all. iaint do nothing to him but keep it real after he called me out a few times today. but iguess thats whats wrong with people, they would rather hear flattering lies than the truth which can hurt
I get your point dude.

I'm not gonna get any more into y'all's argument, all I'm gonna say is don't lose your cool. :). If you have a bong rip it with me, diesel.

Everybody take hit from your special bong.


Active Member
good night yall, igota get up early today. rawbudz im a grown man your a man, idont give time to name callin and im assuming you dont either so lets keep it real. ifelt disrespected by some of your comments, so isaid some things to you how ifelt. you said some things you felt. we got it off our chests. now, lets just be men and squash it and put it behind us. idont got a issue with you(and correct me if im wrong heph.) this is a peace thread so lets be peacefull...


Well-Known Member
good night yall, igota get up early today. rawbudz im a grown man your a man, idont give time to name callin and im assuming you dont either so lets keep it real. ifelt disrespected by some of your comments, so isaid some things to you how ifelt. you said some things you felt. we got it off our chests. now, lets just be men and squash it and put it behind us. idont got a issue with you(and correct me if im wrong heph.) this is a peace thread so lets be peacefull...
Lol, I went through the same exact phase with rawbud when I first posted on RIU. But after a while I realized that he's just a good ole jokester. And for sure this is a thread for peace.


Well-Known Member
well unlike yall ima keep on with it because i love seein stupid people argue with me thinkin they're smart. if your evidence is that believers dont have evidence...you're an idiot and thats the only thing your half retarded brain cells could come up with.


Well-Known Member
I dont see why you have to give in. Never quit, never surrender.

Stand up for what you believe in no matter what and dont let assholes walk all over them.

Fuck em and give them a big FU if they get to you or take the smart route, dont fold your hands and give in..


Well-Known Member
I dont see why you have to give in. Never quit, never surrender.

Stand up for what you believe in no matter what and dont let assholes walk all over them.

Fuck em and give them a big FU if they get to you or take the smart route, dont fold your hands and give in..
I'm not giving in.... I admit there's no way to prove god exists right now. So what else is there to argue about? I just keep going around in circles with the skeptics. Well I'm done with all that. Cone on oly, won't you join us? You would be an awesome member, :).


Well-Known Member
well unlike yall ima keep on with it because i love seein stupid people argue with me thinkin they're smart. if your evidence is that believers dont have evidence...you're an idiot and thats the only thing your half retarded brain cells could come up with.
You have a different situation there my friend. You take no stance, you cannot be proven wrong. I can, and I just decided to screw it and just drop all the pointless arguments. But it's not the same for you. You ask valid questions towards other people's beliefs. And yes I agree on how some people's logic doesn't make to much sense. I grew tired of all the pointless debates. They used to be fun, like when I would have debates with the great minds of RIU; but now it's mostly a bunch of chumps that just talk mess.

Since your situation is different I don't see why you should join our peace group, but I reccomend it. But for now, good luck in the battlefield.