The Atheist Experience


Well-Known Member
Every sunday huh? how nice, seems you all cant make up your own shit so you have to xopy religion. Sounds like nut jobs are on both sides...


Well-Known Member
I'm of a mind that Atheists use religion as a condom whilst they shaft God's arse, lest they contract some social (dis)ease....
But something is getting shafted.
Whatever...I make no conclusions...


Well-Known Member
I'm of a mind that Atheists use religion as a condom whilst they shaft God's arse, lest they contract some social (dis)ease....
But something is getting shafted.
Whatever...I make no conclusions...
how much randomness in one post? comdoms, god, social disease what are you smoking?

any way everyone knows that god hates condoms its bareback no lube hardstyle for him ;)



Well-Known Member
I've had these saved in my favorites for some time. The points Matt makes should be self-evident to anyone that cares to examine their beliefs. The problem is that most religionists are more interested in defending their beliefs rather than actually looking to see if they should believe these things in the first place.




Well-Known Member
Every sunday huh? how nice, seems you all cant make up your own shit so you have to xopy religion. Sounds like nut jobs are on both sides...
Very true on the both sides having nut jobs statement oly. It's weird how many similarities there are between religious people and atheist.

Another thing I want to point out is over and over I hear atheist complain about how they aren't to be grouped based on their lack of belief towards god, yet they group themselves together by forming organizations of atheists or even this show you guys are talking about.

Ehh I'm kinda mad at myself for actually replying in this subforum again, lol peace to all you guys, :).


Well-Known Member
Very true on the both sides having nut jobs statement oly. It's weird how many similarities there are between religious people and atheist.

Another thing I want to point out is over and over I hear atheist complain about how they aren't to be grouped based on their lack of belief towards god, yet they group themselves together by forming organizations of atheists or even this show you guys are talking about.

Ehh I'm kinda mad at myself for actually replying in this subforum again, lol peace to all you guys, :).
There may be many similarities (can't think of a bunch right now) between theists and atheists, but similarities aren't the point. The important point is the differences between atheists and theists: Most atheists value critical thinking, skepticism, demands of proof for extraordinary claims and constantly being on the lookout for errors in one's epistemology. Most important is a willingness to change one's beliefs when new facts and information are presented, something rarely seen among theists...

Regarding atheist organizations and conferences, people aren't usually congregating for something, they're against something: against religious dogma's influence in political decisions, against creationism being taught in public schools, against religions' unfair tax exemptions, against persecution of atheists from the government and the general public, etc.. Atheists are a diverse bunch; we are individually for different things, but collectively against the same things...

P.S. Hep, don't take it personally: we not only disbelieve in your god, but all gods ;-)


Well-Known Member
Very true on the both sides having nut jobs statement oly. It's weird how many similarities there are between religious people and atheist.

Another thing I want to point out is over and over I hear atheist complain about how they aren't to be grouped based on their lack of belief towards god, yet they group themselves together by forming organizations of atheists or even this show you guys are talking about.

Ehh I'm kinda mad at myself for actually replying in this subforum again, lol peace to all you guys, :).
Atheism is just a religion based on not believing in God
View attachment 1817789


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...this really is just a question, so take it easy folks...trying to learn here. Does atheism use science as a belief system? Or, as a supporting system for non-belief?


Well-Known Member
...this really is just a question, so take it easy folks...trying to learn here. Does atheism use science as a belief system? Or, as a supporting system for non-belief?
atheism is nothing more than a lack of belief in of god

science is a way of explaining how the world works

myself i started questioning Christianity due to the immorality i saw in bible, creationism wasn't taught to me in any serious way

but it was after taking psychedelics that i truely "lost" every last belief in god

science to me is a treasure trove of wonders and as they provide "evidence" "faith" is redundant

Diamond planet
90% of cells in your body aren't human
Language drives how we see colour


Well-Known Member
I believe that most atheists are more concerned about what religion does rather then what they themselves are doing. What does it say about character when you always change beliefs? What does it say about your character when you dont question what you hold true?

I've had these saved in my favorites for some time. The points Matt makes should be self-evident to anyone that cares to examine their beliefs. The problem is that most religionists are more interested in defending their beliefs rather than actually looking to see if they should believe these things in the first place.




Well-Known Member
So just cause you say it, it is right? There are plenty of similarities, keep lying to yourself.

The difference is you rhink just cause we believe, we are some inferior stupid person. Call it what you want ad hominin, its the truth

There may be many similarities (can't think of a bunch right now) between theists and atheists, but similarities aren't the point. The important point is the differences between atheists and theists: Most atheists value critical thinking, skepticism, demands of proof for extraordinary claims and constantly being on the lookout for errors in one's epistemology. Most important is a willingness to change one's beliefs when new facts and information are presented, something rarely seen among theists...

Regarding atheist organizations and conferences, people aren't usually congregating for something, they're against something: against religious dogma's influence in political decisions, against creationism being taught in public schools, against religions' unfair tax exemptions, against persecution of atheists from the government and the general public, etc.. Atheists are a diverse bunch; we are individually for different things, but collectively against the same things...

P.S. Hep, don't take it personally: we not only disbelieve in your god, but all gods ;-)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...congregating at iHop looks like people who want to talk about stuff and not get rained on (f.e.). I'm sure at some point, trees, huts, caves were good for that also.

I like to see and hear in stereo...opens up many possibilities. Just me. I think it speaks to the idea of wisdom.

"call on god, but row away from the rocks"


Well-Known Member
I feel you hep, this subforum reaks of bullshit now that atheists have taken over. They never listen tio a single word anyone says if they aint atheist and always suck each other off,.very biased and inconsiderate, always complaining about stupid shit that aint true.. This subforum sucks and too dont know why i re posted.

Very true on the both sides having nut jobs statement oly. It's weird how many similarities there are between religious people and atheist.

Another thing I want to point out is over and over I hear atheist complain about how they aren't to be grouped based on their lack of belief towards god, yet they group themselves together by forming organizations of atheists or even this show you guys are talking about.

Ehh I'm kinda mad at myself for actually replying in this subforum again, lol peace to all you guys, :).