I Pissed in my Plants!


Well-Known Member
All kidding aside(sort of), every so often I'll come across someone actually using urine...even a few advanced growers doing it hush hush as to not freak out potential consumers. Outside of the changing PH with an acid, are there any other benefits?.

Humor mode back on, what about urine caused by excessive beer intake?...is recycled hops/barley beneficial?.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
My piss usually comes out a toxic looking yellow, I would at the very least make a good plant hermie due to stress if not out and out kill it from the first drenching...


Active Member
It is supposed to be a good source of N but i just dont like the idea of it and i would imagine it would smell a bit under a nice hps light. Not for me thanks!


Active Member
In a concentrate state as it is coming out of your body, it can harm you plants. I would never use urine personally, but have read so many things where people do. It is said that you should dilute it to make it of any benefit.


Well-Known Member
Go take a piss outside once a day for a week in the same spot and you will have a dead patch. So diluting would be good. Ive never used piss in plants but I do know it kills grass. Read up on riu about it there are some threads


Well-Known Member
much worse than all manner of creatures fecal matter, blood, bones, bacteria, or who knows what else! lol


Well-Known Member
Before starting my adventures in smoking I was going to start a web site selling "clean" pee. Urine can , and is used in many applications. Gardening being on top. I remember being a kid and urinating on certain plants and those very plants grew faster, stronger AND brighter. But too much can and will create problems. :)

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Everybody has got their own interests and hobbies man... No need to hide it behind some slight humor... You're intrigued by urine, accept it about yourself and own it... :p


Well-Known Member
So what you saying is you want to give you girls a golden shower is that what I'm hearing. That kinky.


Well-Known Member
It's a geurilla grower method to get N. Why carry heavy fertilizers on your back when you can carry them in your pants?

I haven't done it... But I would get a sick pleasure out of other fuckers smoking my pissy buds! Bahahah :twisted:


Well-Known Member
The night before you need to water drink 100ml Big Bloom, 100ml Grow big, 50ml Tiger Bloom, and do a shot of cal mag. Pee on your plants the next day, should work great.