Nasty Smoke Session

Matt Rize

you used the Mu-na-mu-nah video! That's my favorite all time muppets.

that guy is so blowed. haha, for a puppet. maybe it was just the puppeteers who were blowed.

Big P

Well-Known Member
check out this white rapper from Alabama the south is where its at



Well-Known Member
Since when is stealing and robbing people cool??? Its retarded, and a shame! Oh selling dope is cool too??? Where the fuck did you grow up, and who the fuck raised you?!?!? I sold that shit when i was a junkie trying to support my own habit, and trust me IT'S NOT COOL!! I wasnt cool the people i was buying it from was not cool and the people i sold it to were not cool! I dont know who raised you, but i can gaurantee if they had half a brain and heard you say that selling dope is cool and robbing and stealing is cool, they'd be ashamed and disappointed!

Matt Rize

check out this white rapper from Alabama the south is where its at
embedding disabled. I first was inundated with horrible white rappers in asheville NC. seems like Oaktown has it fair share... vnasty needs to do a fundraiser to get her teef fixed, i keep throwing up in my mouth when she opens hers. matt rize bitches.


Well-Known Member
this guy posted some limpbiskit. lmao. beardo loves fred durst ;)
Fread Durst is cool, he got a small dick but it doesn't matter to me because i'm not into dick anyways.

White Girl Mob.... got over ten million views on youtube- Haters