Who would you vote for the Republican ticket? (no left winger)

Who's the best candidate?

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Well-Known Member
During his tenure as governor, Utah was named the best managed state by the Pew Center on the States.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-15 Following his term as governor, Utah was also named a top 3 state to do business in.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-16 In 2010, Utah was awarded the prize as the best state in the country in which to do business.

Ron Paul has nothing to compare.

Under President George H.W. Bush, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for trade development, commerce for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, the youngest U.S. Ambassador to serve in over 100 years.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-8 He served as Deputy United States Trade Representative in the George W. Bush Administration. Jon Huntsman served as the United States Ambassador to China

Ron Paul has NO foreign relations experience.

Ron Paul's resume does not hold a candle to Huntsman's. It just doesn't. I understand you like him but I think your like for RP is clouding your judgment. If you were able to be objective, you'ld realize that based on resumes, RP doesn't even belong in the conversation.

Sorry. You'll find that out here shortly.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
During his tenure as governor, Utah was named the best managed state by the Pew Center on the States.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-15 Following his term as governor, Utah was also named a top 3 state to do business in.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-16 In 2010, Utah was awarded the prize as the best state in the country in which to do business.

Ron Paul has nothing to compare.

Under President George H.W. Bush, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for trade development, commerce for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, the youngest U.S. Ambassador to serve in over 100 years.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.#cite_note-8 He served as Deputy United States Trade Representative in the George W. Bush Administration. Jon Huntsman served as the United States Ambassador to China

Ron Paul has NO foreign relations experience.

Ron Paul's resume does not hold a candle to Huntsman's. It just doesn't. I understand you like him but I think your like for RP is clouding your judgment. If you were able to be objective, you'ld realize that based on resumes, RP doesn't even belong in the conversation.

Sorry. You'll find that out here shortly.
Ron Paul is the real deal among the contenders for the Republican nomination.

When Rick Perry was getting Ds in Economics 101, Ron Paul was writing books on Austrian Economics.

When Michele Bachmann was campaigning for Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul was one of four congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan on his second run.

When Herman Cain was working for the Federal Reserve, Ron Paul was trying to end it.

When they were working for the IRS [Bachmann], managing a presidential campaign for Al Gore [Perry], instituting forced vaccinations in exchange for campaign donations [Perry], and signing into law the state version of Obamacare [Romney], Ron Paul was the lone voice and Nay vote in opposition to government expansion.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offered a viable solution.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes.

Even though others are now trying to sound like him, there is only one Ron Paul. And there is only one candidate who can beat Obama: Ron Paul.

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.


Well-Known Member
Paul still doesn't have the resume that Huntsman has. Paul doesn't have the resume to be Huntsman's assistant.

Again, I understand that you have an emotional attraction for Paul but we really need to be objective. I make my living evaluating past experiences and how they relate to future job requirements. I have to be objective and leave personal feelings out of it.

Huntsman has unmatched foreign policy experience, unmatched experience with international trade and is the highest Governor approval rating than anyone in the GOP field. That is a fact and you cannot dispute it. But if you are going to vote on 'Feeling' go ahead. It is still a Free Country.

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Jon Hunstman can pretty much claim the same and he has a much better resume than Paul. Sorry.


New Member
Hate it but when the illegals are finding citizenship through obama he gets the votes. Most vote the way they are told cause they no albia. The blacks see the half black man he gets the votes( yea mother call it racist what about maxine waters, so fuck you). And then you have the Puppets(welfare food stamps and government giveme,giveme,givemes)he gets the votes (don't give me shit about the ones that need help, I'm talking about the ones that can do better for themselfs just don't) he gets the votes

So that is the way I see it, and feel the NWO will take the country or there will be riots in the streets.

And why does any body want to vote for any body that got us into our troubles?
You are a generic garden variety Racist. if illegals got Amnesty TODAY it would be years before they are elgible to vote.

And the rest of your Post is pure unadulterated Hate Speech


New Member
Ron Paul is the PORK king of Texas

he puts amendments into Bills he knows will pass then votes against them.
He should just come out and say he thinks non whites are inferior.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Paul still doesn't have the resume that Huntsman has. Paul doesn't have the resume to be Huntsman's assistant.

Again, I understand that you have an emotional attraction for Paul but we really need to be objective. I make my living evaluating past experiences and how they relate to future job requirements. I have to be objective and leave personal feelings out of it.

Huntsman has unmatched foreign policy experience, unmatched experience with international trade and is the highest Governor approval rating than anyone in the GOP field. That is a fact and you cannot dispute it. But if you are going to vote on 'Feeling' go ahead. It is still a Free Country.

Jon Hunstman can pretty much claim the same and he has a much better resume than Paul. Sorry.
There you go again, trying to show Ron Paul supporters as emotional bed wetters. You will never understand that it is NOT Ron Paul that people support, it is his ideas.
President Huntsman will continue the neo-con agenda and nothing will change, but maybe you like THAT.


New Member
Exactly how does THAT make him the pork king?

I guess the NAACP is lying when they say that Ron Paul is not a racist... ????
I guess Ron Paul is lying when he said his newsletter printed racist diatribes and he said he takes moral repsonsibility for them

And WTF is moral repsonsibility?

They had your approval and your name on them. What you never read your own newletter RP?
Fuck Ron and Rand Paul

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Now disagreeing with the majority is a form of shit talking about your peers? You sure you know what shit talking is?
I am pointing out that he says a lot of shit like like the stuff here. If you were one of his contemporaries, hearing him speak must be an exercise in patience. I can easily grasp how you some may not understand this, it requires some degree of objectivity.


New Member
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.
For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.
Paul’s largest request in 2010 was $51.5 million in federal money to be spent on “Reconstruction of Bluewater Highway Hurricane Evacuation Route Between Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas.” He requested another $50 million to be directed to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and $46 million for deepening the Texas City channel. The majority of Paul’s requests were for projects related to various ports and channels, though other sectors of his district also received attention, such as $20 million for a hospital in Chambers County. Even smaller projects received attention from the libertarian representative, such as $2.5 million requested “to redevelop historic downtown area and to purchase trash cans, bike racks and decorative street lighting” in Baytown.
While Paul requested these earmarks, he can still claim to have voted against the spending.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I guess Ron Paul is lying when he said his newsletter printed racist diatribes and he said he takes moral repsonsibility for them

And WTF is moral repsonsibility?

They had your approval and your name on them. What you never read your own newletter RP?
Fuck Ron and Rand Paul
ROTFLMAO... thank you for at least quoting my questions, even though you did not reply to them.


Well-Known Member
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.
For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.
Paul’s largest request in 2010 was $51.5 million in federal money to be spent on “Reconstruction of Bluewater Highway Hurricane Evacuation Route Between Brazoria and Galveston Counties in Texas.” He requested another $50 million to be directed to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and $46 million for deepening the Texas City channel. The majority of Paul’s requests were for projects related to various ports and channels, though other sectors of his district also received attention, such as $20 million for a hospital in Chambers County. Even smaller projects received attention from the libertarian representative, such as $2.5 million requested “to redevelop historic downtown area and to purchase trash cans, bike racks and decorative street lighting” in Baytown.
While Paul requested these earmarks, he can still claim to have voted against the spending.
Ron Paul brings home the bacon and still votes against spending-Ron Paul 2012


New Member
In the latest Club for Growth RePORK card based on 2007 votes, sixteen Congress members – all Republicans – received a perfect score. The average Republican score was 43%.
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) score was a dismal 29%.
How can this be? Hasn’t Dr. Paul earned his moniker “Dr. No” by voting against all spending not authorized by the Constitution?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
In the latest Club for Growth RePORK card based on 2007 votes, sixteen Congress members – all Republicans – received a perfect score. The average Republican score was 43%.
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) score was a dismal 29%.
How can this be? Hasn’t Dr. Paul earned his moniker “Dr. No” by voting against all spending not authorized by the Constitution?
Actually, he came in at #101 with a score of 80% and a lifetime score of 82%, I'd say that with his stance on EVERYTHING else is pretty damn good.
You know as well as anyone, those things sometimes get attached to other legislation, then when your favorite target votes against it, they point and say, "see, your guy voted against the give everybody every thing they want for free act", he also might be absent for that vote, it's difficult to be there for every vote.
BTW, I see you didn't bother to mention where Obama ended up in those stats, did you?
97 out of how many?



New Member
You guys are being way over dramatic and jumping to conclusions left and right. Your making something out of nothing here, Im really shocked at the sensationalism spewing out in your posts, dukeanthony especially.

How can you think Ron Paul is such an evil man that he works for the corporations and is a closet racist? Where are you connecting these dots, please explain in detail how you came to to these wild conclusions because it sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory to me.

If your seriously believe this then I have a private island in the USSR that I want to sell you, just give me your social security number and birth certificate.