2 x 400W Induction LA Con SOG


Active Member
Back at it again, same as the last grow with some minor changes. I bought new pots (square) so as to maximize volume of the container and hopefully increase/maximize the roots' area to play around in and soak up nutrient heavy water. Changed strains and now it is 20 LA Confidential and 5 God's Gift but 3 of the LAC died and now I'm down to 22 flowering clones that had about 3 weeks' to veg. By the looks of the one in the corner I can barely manage my clone guy slipped in a sativa in the back... Same lights as last time: 2-400W induction lamps from Inda-Gro (inda-gro.com). As always, questions and suggestions always welcome and negative nancy's can go f themselves.

Picks are from transplant and shortly thereafter around 4/20.



Active Member
Most of veg was not photo-documented and I just got in there with my camera the other day. Here's pics from week 2-3 flower. Did some heavy trimming of just about anything below 1/3-1/2 that wasn't main-stem to encourage top bud production.



Active Member
So I bought these two blocks that have some kind of grow media, a 'safe' fungus, and a plastic wrapping with a breathable port on the top of the bag. They're stored in the shop in a cool dark place but when you put them out with the heat and humidity and ambient light apparently the fungus goes active again and starts making CO2 they expel out the bags slowly. The guy said two would be pretty good so that's what those two blocks are sitting on the left light (only horizontal surface I had not covered in foliage). Was also advised to keep the blocks above the plant level so CO2 falls down to them as it's produced. I really don't have any past experience with this strain to give a valid comparison if it works but I figured what the hell I'll give them a try.

very very awesome my friend! I am considering buying about 6 of these and am super psyched to seem some danks buds poppin' up!


Active Member
Great grow! Looks EXACTLY like an LA Con cut I'm running from the Sacramento area. I'll upload a pic for you tomorrow if you're interested. Subb'd!


Active Member
Great grow! Looks EXACTLY like an LA Con cut I'm running from the Sacramento area. I'll upload a pic for you tomorrow if you're interested. Subb'd!
That's really encouraging I'd love to see yours also to get a little comparison of strain especially under different light conditions. Granted, of the 22 I have flowering, 5 are "God's Gift" (mostly on the right side) and 1 is some unknown sativa (see the giant in the back corner? lol) Thanks!


Active Member
Some pictures from today and yesterday. The leaf pictures show what I am almost positive is nutrient burn. I started my flush a week ago so not much else I can do except trim off the dead water leaves and move on. The nugs look fantastic and are generally hard as can be. I'm blown away by the density of these buds. The sativa in the back right corner is kinda laughable but moving along nicely and will get harvested with the rest.



Active Member
oh i put in fresh RO water last week (~5ppm) and pulled it out today with dissolved salts bringing it to 940ppm. definitely had some nutrient build-up in the medium.


Active Member
Here's my little LA Con baby. A few days in flower, sent straight from clone to 12/12 in a 1gallon smart pot. The roommate wanted me to try some out so I'll get an ounce or so out of this and we'll see if the strain is something worth running or breeding with. Looks tasty thus far!


Well-Known Member
Hello. I just stumbled upon your journal. Very thick buds. Impressed.

Now I just looked at a youtube video of the benefits of induction vs. hid in terms of wattage consumption. But the video was a product demonstration for facility lighting so it didn't get into available candle power for plant growth. You're buds look pretty thick. Any further info on your lights from your experience would be fantastic. Thanks!


Active Member
Hello. I just stumbled upon your journal. Very thick buds. Impressed.

Now I just looked at a youtube video of the benefits of induction vs. hid in terms of wattage consumption. But the video was a product demonstration for facility lighting so it didn't get into available candle power for plant growth. You're buds look pretty thick. Any further info on your lights from your experience would be fantastic. Thanks!
There is lots of discussion buried throughout my second grow (first with induction) on various aspects of induction lighting. A lot of information on the technology can be found at www.inda-gro.com. glad to have you along for the ride.


Active Member
Here's my little LA Con baby. A few days in flower, sent straight from clone to 12/12 in a 1gallon smart pot. The roommate wanted me to try some out so I'll get an ounce or so out of this and we'll see if the strain is something worth running or breeding with. Looks tasty thus far!
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Looks just like mine did! Great strain for sea of green as there wasn't much stretch and with aggressive bottom trimming has provided a nice super dense and uniform sea of nugs. These genetics yield surprising density. Smoke report in a month or so, harvest this Saturday. How is yours coming along?


Active Member
I just recommend heavy bottom trimming for "lollipop" style buds; hence sog/scrog tend to be my favored method with them.


Active Member
Sorry for the lack of photos but I harvested 7/2/11 and jarred them all around the 6th after hanging in my bathroom with the exhaust fan going and light unscrewed and a blower directed at the mostly closed door. Been burping them and just spent a couple 2 hour sessions cleaning up all the nugs one last time and weighed it all. I think it could still lose a little more moisture (maybe another 5-10%?) but all together I yielded 330g. Better than the last grow and I feel that I'm making steps at being a better grower indoors and that's what's making the biggest difference in my yields. Gotta hold off growing for a few months as I have much more grandiose ambitions I may let you in on sometime down the road :) Adios amigos.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmmm.........wow. Never seen an induction light grow. Very nice ! The temps are probably good to. You got me thinking......lots. CMH and induction are two new ventures I am pondering.


Loving the LA Confidential too. Props.