Closing a thread!

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Well-Known Member
If you start a thread and want to finish/close it so no one can post in it is this possible and how? Thanks


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New Member
I'm sorry I can't close the thread.. We can only close the threads if there's a continuous fight and other inappropriate posts..


Well-Known Member
Hey you two ladies, are you really MoDs? I looked at your profiles and you are actually real women, i was expecting to see some desperate old guy pretending to be a beautiful woman! You actually grow weed too?


Well-Known Member
Hey who edited this thread!

So you won't close a thread but you will edit one without asking, Mods can't live with them, can't live without them!lol!


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Well-Known Member
Thanks fabfun, truly a gentleman.

Thanks Potroast, very kind of you, i feel it is more constructive to close this thread as it has run its course and i can get onto other subjects. Peace guys.


Well-Known Member
Yer it is a good informative thread i started, over 1000 veiws but i have finished with it and want to close it as i think it has been as informative as it has been.

This thread, i finished with it and think it can go no futher, want to close it and leave it for the archives. Can you do this for me please Mary Janey?
it's was a good thread. over 125 posts. all VERY useful info. now that it is closed it will slowly disappear into the archives. never to be seen again. it can't even be bumped to the top for people to see anymore. i don't see the point in closing it. if you were done simply unsubscribe. others were gaining A LOT from it though.

it is typically AGAINST site policy to just randomly close useful threads for no reason. the whole point of this site is to share knowledge. i'm still confused as the why you wanted it closed so bad. i think it could have gone on a lot further.


Well-Known Member
If you seen a lot of my other posts or threads i have posted links for these usefull threads as they are stored on my profile. I may want to post again on this one day aswell who knows but for now i feel it has run its course.

My reasons being are that i have learnt and progressed to the point where i don't want any more info, plants are looking good, keep it simple man. People keep saying potassium def or phosphorous and this is simply not the case, thread could go on like this for ages. Another is the tone of the thread is slowly getting lowered, don't wana be in an argument or keeping the peace, some are good growing buds on this site who i have too much respect for. Lastly it could go on and got nothing but praise for it but i feel anything more would just be too scientific and technical and another point of disagreement.

I understand, i too didn't want to close it but felt i should, weird but i felt it best, i didn't even know how to close it or if possible and hence it led me to this thread, what a crazy journey right!lol! (bring back the pic of the guy with the sword, that was too funny) sorry, please share my veiws as i seek to be nothing more than constructive and one day a very valued member of this community.

It really was 125 post of pure info but that knowledge will be passed from me to noobs to learn, the thread is just a tool, i am the instrument.


On a side note whilst i have the MoDs ear, you must have noticed the thread that peacefullkid started, 384 posts over 4000 veiws, how do you decide to let this continue? It qualifies to be closed under a number of infringements, i do not want it closed because it is great entertainment and see a positive conclusion where we all can get along (ever the optimist) I seek some reason for the MoDs reasoning behind this. Even if you closed it it would merely happen again! Why do the MoDs not step in and reign down punishment and judgement??????

Ella i appoligise again for calling you a whitch, really you are a beautiful person with the most eye catching looks, i think people look at your avatar and think 'Desperate fat bloke possibly deranged' and then they see all the pics and realise you are a real person and their breath is taken away as mine was. At night you are still alass a witch!!!!lol!

Ella Jean

New Member
If you seen a lot of my other posts or threads i have posted links for these usefull threads as they are stored on my profile. I may want to post again on this one day aswell who knows but for now i feel it has run its course.

My reasons being are that i have learnt and progressed to the point where i don't want any more info, plants are looking good, keep it simple man. People keep saying potassium def or phosphorous and this is simply not the case, thread could go on like this for ages. Another is the tone of the thread is slowly getting lowered, don't wana be in an argument or keeping the peace, some are good growing buds on this site who i have too much respect for. Lastly it could go on and got nothing but praise for it but i feel anything more would just be too scientific and technical and another point of disagreement.

I understand, i too didn't want to close it but felt i should, weird but i felt it best, i didn't even know how to close it or if possible and hence it led me to this thread, what a crazy journey right!lol! (bring back the pic of the guy with the sword, that was too funny) sorry, please share my veiws as i seek to be nothing more than constructive and one day a very valued member of this community.

It really was 125 post of pure info but that knowledge will be passed from me to noobs to learn, the thread is just a tool, i am the instrument.


On a side note whilst i have the MoDs ear, you must have noticed the thread that peacefullkid started, 384 posts over 4000 veiws, how do you decide to let this continue? It qualifies to be closed under a number of infringements, i do not want it closed because it is great entertainment and see a positive conclusion where we all can get along (ever the optimist) I seek some reason for the MoDs reasoning behind this. Even if you closed it it would merely happen again! Why do the MoDs not step in and reign down punishment and judgement??????

Ella i appoligise again for calling you a whitch, really you are a beautiful person with the most eye catching looks, i think people look at your avatar and think 'Desperate fat bloke possibly deranged' and then they see all the pics and realise you are a real person and their breath is taken away as mine was. At night you are still alass a witch!!!!lol!

i am now thinking if i will take that as a compliment or an underlying insult..LOL..
anyway...never mind it..i am not offended in any way...i am indeed a witch...but the modern version...:blsmoke::twisted:


nice one ellajean.....LOLzz..... as fa as i remember my friend told me that traditional witches are those who have scary face and undeformed nose....but in the case of ellajean..WOW....she really a modern witch...the one who has nice, perfect, and mouth watering sexy body....Just like me..LOLzzzzz...
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