Short Stuff: Snowryder


Active Member
Subscribed and along for the ride. Quality updates, pakalolo. Grew up in HI myself. I miss it often, but rarely miss paying $70-$80 for an eighth, haha.
FYI, I didn't grow up on the islands, but I do have Hawaiian blood in me, and grew up every summer with luau's at my TuTu and Papa's house. I have visited my cousin's there a few times, and I was paying $20 for a pinner, $100 for an 8th, on my visit. But well worth it. the pinner joint high would last almost 6 hours. Da Noka Oi Bradah.


Active Member
Today is days 12 & 13 for the Snowryders.

Soil still moist, still no watering, maybe tomorrow.

Light is about 6" from the tops, average.

#1 is 1 1/2" tall
#2 is 1 3/4" tall
#3 is 2" tall
#4 is 1 3/4" tall

Just like the White Sharks pictures, the stem is getting thick above the cotyledon leaves.
Probably cannot notice yet from the pics, but soon for sure.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
They look awesome. Perfectly healthy. I'll be eager to see your harvest as it will be the same time roughly as when I harvest my big devil autos and easy ryders, I'd like to compare yields for future strain choices.


Active Member
They look awesome. Perfectly healthy. I'll be eager to see your harvest as it will be the same time roughly as when I harvest my big devil autos and easy ryders, I'd like to compare yields for future strain choices.
Thank you, definately interested in sharing finishing info. Isn't this what part of this is about, helping others with grows, choosing and selecting strains on perfomance and effect.

Will gladly do, as long as they stay alive.:-)


Active Member
:eyesmoke:Days 13 & 14 Snowryders, Day 59 White Sharks (Day 2 Flower)

Just got done watering. I added 1 tsp Cal-Mag+, 1 tsp of epsom salt (still yellowing), to a gallon of water and pH'd to 6.5 for the White Sharks.

The Snowryders got 1/2 tsp Cal-Mag+, 1 tsp of epsom salt mixed in a gallon jug at 6.5 pH. :?Forgot this was in the water hope it will be fine. Just enough to flood the top of the container, and about the same in the trays (bottom fed) so the soil could take what it wanted, and not dry out.


Active Member
All is still alive.

Snowryder #1 2" tall
Snowryder #2 2 1/4" tall
Snowryder #3 2 1/2" tall
Snowryder #4 2 1/4" tall

Both White Sharks are about 11" tall, and the tops are roughly 21" around.:mrgreen:

The White Sharks got some Wormcasting, 0-5-0 bat guano, maxicrop kelp, molasses, and some MycroGrow Soluble microbes that all brewed for about 44 hrs. except for the microbes that I add the last hour of brew. No pH today, just letting it do it's work, I would probably guess that the pH was around 8 ish. But the microbes will feed and balance this out. Well I think that is what it is suppose to do from my readings. Some pH their tea's and others don't. We shall see, I would really like to get that yellowing from the new growth to go away from White Shark #2.

Having a high EC which I probably do, with all the organics in my soil and feedings, Sulfur gets used up quick. So that is what I think the yellowing is from and why I have added Epsom Salt to help correct the deficiency that I think is occuring. No Epsom in the tea today, just hoping for any natural sulfur from the tea or make some available that is present in the soil from the feeding today.

I gave both 4 pint sized glasses, and filled up the watering trays that I used with some for the roots to soak up. I let sit usually an hour or more before placing back under the lights.

The Snowryders just got a little more airflow and a light breeze on them to help make their stems and stalks nice and fat, like the White Sharks.

Hope everyone is having a nice day:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
wow those autos are compact I'm using my hps and at day 24 they are all between 10-20 inches. I'm really digging the big devil autos gonna buy some more for outsoors


Active Member
wow those autos are compact I'm using my hps and at day 24 they are all between 10-20 inches. I'm really digging the big devil autos gonna buy some more for outsoors
I'm really liking the T-5's so far, they are the major contributor to the short nodal spacing as you can see in both the Snowryders and the White Sharks.

I got some Auto Assassin's and some Russian Rocket Fuel's also from Short Stuff that I will be growing out next.

They may go into 2 gallons under the 4' T-5 that I am using for the Sharks, might be able to fit 8 under there but would be wall to wall that way, we will see though, gotta get through this one first.

Even though I'm legal and would love to put a couple outside, I respect the neighbors enough to keep it inside and carbon filtered and discrete, to keep unwanted trespassers at bay.

I will be looking for a different location when possible though, can't beat the natural sun and good organics.


Active Member
Babies are looking good. It looks like I may be able to tell the sex in a few more days, it is day 15 and 16 already. The side branches are looking good, by the morning they should be all the way out and maybe starting on the second set of leaves on those in a day or so;-)

Fed some 6.5 pH'd water today, got a little run-off and it was also 6.5 pH.

No water for the White Sharks, just raised the lights about 1 3/4" from where they were. The light is now around 6 1/2" from the tops. I might have pics tomorrow if I water them, if not, definately the next day.:joint:



Active Member
Day 16 and 17 for the Snowryders, #3 is showing a male flower as of this morning.Snowryder #3 Sexed Day16 Male.JPG It is also the tallest now at 3 1/2".

#1 is now 2 3/4" tall
#2 is now 3" tall
#4 is now 2 3/4" tall.

No water today for them.

The White Sharks are doing O.K. need to maybe do a nice flush before I feed tea again next week.

They have grown alot now and are about 12 1/2" tall, they are stretching a bit.

They did get some Cal-Mag+ today in their water.



Active Member
Hey guys, Day 17 & 18 for the Snowryders, and Day 6 of Flower for the White Sharks.

Snowryder #2 (Day 17) under a 10x magnifying glass is showing female pistilates (white hairs).

Hopefully by tomorrow morning or evening I should be able to get a photo, kinda too small to see yet.

They have not grown much since yesterday but doing well.

The White Sharks grew maybe another 1/2" or so since yesterday.

No water at all today, maybe some for the Sharks tomorrow, but it looks like the Snowryders can wait another day after that. Enjoy:hump:


Active Member
Up a bit early this morning, just took a peak at the Snowryders.

#1 (Day 19) and #2 (Day 18) are both showing female pre-flowers/ flowers this morning.

#4 (Day 18) is still yet to show sex, and #3 (Day 18) showed male flowers 3 days now.

I will assume that #4 will be a female, since males show first and are the most vigorous, and it is lacking and yet to show sex like the others.

Update and pics later of the Snowryders and White Sharks.


Active Member
Subscribed, your plants look lovely, I hope #4 is another lady (I assume that's what you're going for :D ). I'm growing 2 Easy Ryders (Low Ryder #2 x AK47) right now, and I planted them (skipped the paper towel and put the seeds directly in soil) just three days before you (the 12th of May). It'll be fun to see how your members of the Lowryder family do, somehow I've never seen a Snowryder grow before, but they've certainly caught my eye. :blsmoke:

Edit: Here's a couple pics, they broke the soil on the 17th. I was unexpectedly busy during their germ. period, so I didn't keep the soil as wet as I should've during that time, but they stayed nice and safe and sorted themselves out, popping out a bit later than I've seen others, but ah well. I wish I had more space so my girls could fill out, but a PC case is really all I can do right now. Any suggestions (I intentionally moved the lights away, 'cause I want a little more height)? By the way those White Sharks are looking, I can tell you've some good advice to throw around. :hump:



Active Member
Thanks, your plants are looking good as well. Have yours sexed yet???

Just keep up what you are doing. Don't know what type of lights you are using, assuming cfl for the pc case.
As far as light height I use T-5's right now and they suggest between 5" - 7" from the tops. If I want a little more height, I keep the light around 6 1/2" - 7". At 5" they grow a bit shorter, but the stalk and stems get really beefy.

Daily pics in a few hours for everyone.:eyesmoke:

The White Sharks need more Nitrogen, gonna start to make another tea today for Monday's feeding. I either have to add alfalfa meal or a bit of blood meal to the next tea to up the N. I will also brew 1 gallon this time and cut with 50% koi pond water to make 2 gallons that I need for the feeding. Keeping it organic:mrgreen:


Active Member
The Snowryders are all sexed now.

#1,#2,#4 are all Females:bigjoint:

And #2 is the male I hoped for.

Bottom fed just a bit in their trays with some cal-mag+.

The White Sharks do need their Nitrogen, lost a few leaves today.
I will give them another 2 weeks before I start to pollenate some of the flowers to make some White Shark x Snowryder seeds and go from there.:mrgreen:

They got 1 tsp per gallon of Cal-Mag+, taking in a little over a gallon between the 2.

I started t brew a tea also today for Monday morning consisting of: Wormcastings, bloodmeal (12-0-0), alfalfa meal (2.1-1-1), 1 tsp of maxicrop soluble, 1 Tbl of HappyFrog bat guano (0-5-0), and 1 Tbl of molasses.

This was mixed in 50% de-chlorinated water/ 50% koi pond water (gathered from the waterfall). A total of 2 galllons, 1 gallon each. No microbes will be added this time, should be enough in the soil and ingredients.

For brewing my tea's, I just use a bucket and (2) 8" airstones attached to an airpump, and brew for 24-48 hours.


Active Member
Looking great, Hui. I've been curious about how well T-5's would do through an entire grow. Those White Sharks are looking awesome! Can't wait to see how they finish up. Just curious, of the six bulbs they're under, how many of them are "red" bulbs?


Active Member
I switched them all to red for flowering the Sharks. I did think about leaving 2 blues and going with 4 red. My next grow after this will be all auto's and after those all sex, I will have the T-5 with (red, blue, red, red, blue, red).

The Snowryders are still under blue at this time under my 2' 4 bulb T-5 since I really don't have space and the light cycyle has changed under the 4'. But I will however squeeze them in with the Sharks if I can for the last week or 2 before harvest to tighten things up. By this time all growth should have stopped and just be gaining a little weight and swelling up.


Active Member
Sorry it took me a bit to respond, but yeah, they had actually just started pushing out hairs the night before I posted those pics on the 4th. Waking up to your ladies' preflowers emerging everywhere when they didn't have a single one the night before isn't half-bad. :) They were feminized seeds, though, but from what I've seen sometimes that claim isn't necessarily guaranteed. Guess it depends on how reputable the seed bank is and what not. :-|

Coincidentally I'm going organic as well, and I've found them to respond quite positively to it. I'm keeping it simple, too: added earthworm castings to the top layer of the soil of the girls' initial solo cups. Next time I think I'll just plant them directly into their final pots, because it turns out Lowryders really don't respond well to being transplanted, and can get lush root systems if not restricted and allowed to get root-bound. :weed:

During veg., added primarily Mexican bat guano (high N), with some Indonesian and Jamaican mixed in. Both are high P, but Indo has a little more P available (12 vs. Jam's 10), while Jam has a small amount of N available along with the P).

After flowering, primarily Indo/Jam + (organic unsulphured blackstrap) molasses. I added molasses once during the vegetative cycle as well, just because their stems didn't seem to be thickening up quite like I would have liked them too, so I wondered if maybe they were a bit low on potassium.

Ah, sorry for rambling, I just like discussing all this hogwash. :peace:


Active Member
Oh yeah, and sorry to double post, but that top view of White Shark #2 on day 65 (for them) made me smile instantly. :leaf: