Club 600


Well-Known Member
June 15th my Sat services go bye bye. Gonna hook up an antennae and what I get is what I get. Probably wont use that much anyway because it's available online anyway. Mostly useless, mindless crap anyway. My TV is more a monitor, and has been for a long time. I'm looking forward to the extra 100 bucks a month in my pocket too. Good riddance. I will miss my Bill Maher though. Can't watch that online because it's, of course, it's blocked from the rest of the world. Free and open internet my ass.

mrwest, I found this. It is current and I think local to you, and wonder if you know of, or are interested.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
A reader wrote into the local paper and stated
"Two of the worst plagues being inflicted on our society are television and air conditioning.
Television is making us morons and air conditioning is making us fat."

but I need the a/c to keep my plants from burning up. It got to 97 in the bloom room with an a/c yesterday. I'm buying a bigger one today.



Well-Known Member
Close westie... tvs are only good for ps3 and Sports. Television programming is the devil. So is foosball... foosball is the devil. Ha... we are loving the movie quotes lately.

Talking about edibles leaving you stoned in the morning... I have a horrible similar type experience going on right now. I smoked some brick ass schwag weed last night. I am not sure if I was ever stoned at all... but im still caughing this morning. Its like a gift that keeps on giving.


Well-Known Member
Well I am officially back in the 600 club. I put a 600 hps in my shed under the panda

A 600 doesnt really do it, but unless I add a 400 that will have to do till the sun re-joins us.....


Well-Known Member
Nice standup lecture type video of Soma, talking about, among others, supercropping, nanners and making fem seed.

[video=youtube;fLvg-HNHWRg] 6124&has_verified=1& 53Fv%253DfLvg-HNHWRg%2526feature%253Dplayer_embedded[/video]


Well-Known Member
Red Kush is dried and curing now, early smoke tests are good, she smells like a bottle of pinesol with a slight sour fuely undertone, when you smoke her, that sour taste stays in the back of your throat, in a good way ;)



Well-Known Member
How long should it take to dry in my tent with fan some small early branches? Been 12 days and still not dry.
Temp like 65-75* depending on time, and about 40-50% rh I think


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey, hey and a happy Saturday to the 600 :-)

Just filling in a little space with some pics from last night:







Northern Berry




Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to littlegrower2004 again. lol

doesn't look like it haha

Quickest one to get this quote gets rep if I can :lol:
Movie and actor haha
~"Its too bad man I just stopped smoking yesterday"
half baked snoop dog

wow if only i was a day earlier.......


Well-Known Member
Turns out my dehumidifier only is a 30 pint unit and not 50 like I thought.
On a rainy day in a non-sealed 10x10 shed on max it keeps the humidity at 49%. Current temp in there is 73*F

And I was saying it would be 10%, lol boy was I way off!!!


Well-Known Member
The houe units seem to crank out enough heat to keep the min rh at around that....well in a small spae they certainly do, better for cold tempratures.

Just a quick visit before bed. Good night 600. Feed time at the zoo in 6 hours.

Laters, DST


Active Member
so i have ben taking ur guys recomendation and watering with just water ,,,,, was talking with a guy at he hydro store he says he waters the last two weeks with just mollasses should i do this does it sound right