the cops show up 3 weeks before harvest


Well-Known Member
so i had a large blueberry crankin in my growtent ... 3 weeks before harvest cops have shown up... the roommate saw them but didnt answer the door luckily.. so i had to pull.. in a panic i trimmed wet bud and put in airtight container with desicants in with it.. ive shut down grow too.. but what do peeps think about harvesting in slealth.. i know the po will be back.. so the house is clean n its not stashed at the house .. so its not very accessible most of the time..


Well-Known Member
dude i know right.. my guess is either a drug chopper or a dodgy mate.. neighbours r young n wudnt care even if they somehow smelt it.. wet was about half to 3 qauter ounce.. only a light brown in it tho


Well-Known Member
i dont think the cops were there for that reason they were probably serving a warrent how many cops did your friend say he saw because if it just one or two they werent there for that reason otherwise they would bring at least 5 cops and they wouldnt care if you answered or not they would bust the door down because they dont know if you have a gun in there willing to die for those beloved plants we all love


Well-Known Member
i think u need 2 seperate reports for a search warrent. if someone dogged me id say it would be a follow up to see whats up.i have no warrents.. i no its to do with growin.. im pretty stealth otherwise.. it was 2 cops.. these desicants take moisture from the air.. i put like 8 in .. anyone have any ideas?? to preserve?? can i watercure wet bud?


New Member
i dont think the cops were there for that reason they were probably serving a warrent how many cops did your friend say he saw because if it just one or two they werent there for that reason otherwise they would bring at least 5 cops and they wouldnt care if you answered or not they would bust the door down because they dont know if you have a gun in there willing to die for those beloved plants we all love
I tend to agree. I've had the cops come SEVERAL times. Too many to count even. Every time, I shit my pants, open the door (with weed smoke POURING out) ready to be taken down (even though I'm legal) and every time, it's been....."Sorry to bother you sir, but your neighbor had a noise complaint? All I hear is your tv though. Have a nice night."....Yeah. I have a cranky bitchy old cat lady that calls the cops on EVERYONE.


Well-Known Member
noise complaintz ive had before they usualy come within 2 hours were im from with those this was more a morning nock on the door.. way too sus for me


Active Member
I had cops come to my house....let them in they sat down at the kitchen table asked me some questions then one asked to use the bathroom (right on the other side of the wall where my grow is) I was shitting my pants right now! I politely told them we were having plumbing problem and the tub is filled up and you cant flush the toilet....pretty much saved my ass plus they wanted to get outta the house because my 2 cane corso were fucking smashing up against the garage door trying to bust the door down growling and barking n fighting eachother they are assholes lol but very good protection!


Well-Known Member
had a friend with 1 plant in his condo. He was sitting outside one day and 3 cop cars pulled into the parking lot. He panicked and pulled up the plant and fed it down the garbage disposal. He said he ran to the door looked through the peep hole and the cops walked by and went to another condo lol lol


Well-Known Member
i think u need 2 seperate reports for a search warrent. if someone dogged me id say it would be a follow up to see whats up.i have no warrents.. i no its to do with growin.. im pretty stealth otherwise.. it was 2 cops.. these desicants take moisture from the air.. i put like 8 in .. anyone have any ideas?? to preserve?? can i watercure wet bud?
nope one anonymous tip is all they need for a judge to sign a search warrant.


Well-Known Member
i dont think the cops were there for that reason they were probably serving a warrent how many cops did your friend say he saw because if it just one or two they werent there for that reason otherwise they would bring at least 5 cops and they wouldnt care if you answered or not they would bust the door down because they dont know if you have a gun in there willing to die for those beloved plants we all love
What?!?!!!!!!? lmao..


Well-Known Member
That is bs as well.. Pot is everywhere and if someone can just go and say he is growing, and they are, and them too and they all have cops with signed warrants but none of them is really growing what in the fuck do you think would happen... People can't just say hey they are growing.. Now if you give them evidence other than that then well ok but I can't just say hey that house is a grow op and the cops go bust em from that.. What don't you people understand about one false claim and a warrant that finds nothing from a citizen that gets pissed off about it.. Big law suit.. Does not happen except to known lawless, present/past jail birds....
False, the police can kick your door down if they even think you are growing.... Cops even lie and say they smelled drugs from outside and get a warrant to kick your door down. these are basic facts. and it happens all the time.


Well-Known Member
no, they can just say they had suspicion and it's okay. and you will have to pay for all the damage they did because they had "suspicion"

Anymore non-educated faggoty remarks you'd like to make


Well-Known Member
False, the police can kick your door down if they even think you are growing.... Cops even lie and say they smelled drugs from outside and get a warrant to kick your door down. these are basic facts. and it happens all the time.

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner Johhny! Tell 'em what they have won.....

Taf is right you guys. Cops don't have to have 'probable cause' in order to raid your house. It use to be different.. use to, they would have to go and get a warrant.. plus call the judge to get him to sign the warrant.. before they could even think about breaking down your front door and raiding your house. I liked it alot better back then.. but now a days.. the popo can just bust up in your house without probable cause.

Its bullshit, I know.. but its the way it is.

Which is why I keep the flu on my chimney open whenever I have anything going on. Box of matches sit up on top of the mantle. The way my house is positioned.. the popo would have absolutely no way of arriving without my knowing so. Doesn't matter what way they would come in.. I'm going to see them before they even set foot on my property. Giving me a good solid 30 second jump.. which is plenty of time to throw my two ladies into the fireplace, flip the switch on for gas, strike a match and toss it in; close the front fireplace doors.. done. Plus I've got a hidden camera here and there.. and all the cameras that I have, are very well hidden and were installed in the early morning hours to keep anyone from knowing that I installed them.

Until they legalize it here in my state.. that's the way its gonna be. I mean hell, I don't sell any of my bud.. plus I never have more than 2 plants (3 max) going at once.. so its not like I'm some big time king pin out here selling drugs to kids and not paying taxes. I'm just your "normal" average schmuck.. that just happens to like smoking cannabis.

Anyhow, getting back to the subject. Yeah, the popo no longer need a legit reason to come flying through your front door.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are a fool! U been in jail much? Well go back to public school because the police are not out to break in the peoples doors of nice people and if you are like me, live in a rich area, and u are related to a top top attorney and they fuck up and kick in your door, lol, then the city is in for it.. they don't do that except to known fellons honey. What do you think that the police are out to bust a 5 to 10 plant grow??? If you have 100 to 1000 plants an a $5000 electric bill in a 2000sqft house then you have that risk but your other crap is just crap.. U have to be on the radar to begin with for them to ever even think of lieing or framing u or kicking in your door without probable cause... Like I said if you could read u could see the law is on the books... Morons make me laugh and well being one you might just give them cause.. well I think at least they have cause to sterilize you so no more monkey people are born with your last name.... To funny!!!! Oh and all the police have to do is spend thousands upon thousands of dollars tasking choppers to your little house to infared it.. All those rich cops out there just take it out of their own pockets.. Not tv sugar... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Out of this stupid thread!:-P Suspicion, to warrant, to court to show cause and then no more badge and a nice settlement from the cops that busted in your door and tramatised your family because the had a suspicion. ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL.... I hope they kick in my door and find my hot house tomatoes and I will make more from the lawsuit than anyone growing a weed.. LOLOLOLOLOL....
Brain Damage? Are you the guy in the group of friends that tells lies and retard stories and swears upon laws and what's right and wrong and has no clue about anything? I think so.


Well-Known Member
That is bs as well.. Pot is everywhere and if someone can just go and say he is growing, and they are, and them too and they all have cops with signed warrants but none of them is really growing what in the fuck do you think would happen... People can't just say hey they are growing.. Now if you give them evidence other than that then well ok but I can't just say hey that house is a grow op and the cops go bust em from that.. What don't you people understand about one false claim and a warrant that finds nothing from a citizen that gets pissed off about it.. Big law suit.. Does not happen except to known lawless, present/past jail birds....
bro your wrong, i was raided 2 weeks ago from today. one person smelled fresh growing weed and they raided my house. keep talkin trash, you know it all.


Active Member
never anwser your door. They will get in if they wanted in
I agree I have one officer that came over and without even letting him in I just opened the big front door he opened the screen door and pretty much walked right by me and started questioning me....luckily my gfs dad was there! while the cop was asking questions he started walking into the bedrooms and flippin the lights on and looking around my gfs dad was like " whoa whoa whoa buddy you cant just barge in here and start looking around flippin on lights and shit not in a very nice way may I add and proceeded to tell him if he wants to talk we can talk on the front porch!" I wasnt growing anything at that time but did have alot of buds and shroomies in my room and didnt want them to get found even though it would still be illegal search and would all still be confiscated and there goes my money:(


Active Member
He said he had smell of weed going outside. DUH monkey!! Probable cause!!! As for the other idiots saying suspicion is grounds. LOLOLOL! I suspect that house and that house and that house so lets go kick in those doors without a warrant. ROFL!!!!! And if you are stupid enough to grow in your home and open the door to an officer with smells all around you are in need of a cage.. Don't drive on my roads idiot... Yea I just called in ten houses on another block and said they were growing ops and all the cops came and kicked in the doors and none had a warrant. LOLOLOLROFLROFL Now I am out!!! I don't even grow but I know the laws. A friend of mine lives in a very rural area and I do all his work but it is his barn so in the end screw em.. It is a drug the drug companies make into a pill and sell it leagally. Why can not a poor man with a medical condition make his own medicine!!!! It is a crime to not pay the drug companies is why!!! And hemp! They are now studying it in two states.. Wow after 40 years of pot they still need a study on HEMP!!! Lobby for the lumber industry and corporate america. Amazing... Oppression!!!!! Off the subject of the idiots a bit I understand.. Now I am really out of here.......
I really REALLy think YOU my friend need to lay off the drugs for sound like a lunatic....a freaking paranoid schiztophranic lunatic at arent even thinking of what your going to type your just blurting out the DUMBEST things I have EVER hear homie....Get a life and stop giving all of us NORMAL people a hard time just go back under your rock where the law is anything you want it to be....and please if you say your gonne leave this thread/site whatever JUST DO IT dont come back on here fucking with some of the most respectable members here!!!