How Many Christians On This Site?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I said friendly, not unfriendly. It's not rediculous. I too believe in a higher power. Just not one who judges people and sends them to hell.


Active Member
I know what you said, I reversed it towards you.

Im glad you do believe in a higher power...

So Hitlers accomplishments shouldn't be judged? Or should he be given a free ride to paradise?

All should be judged equally.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck you all you bunch of insecure numpties :lol: i have attended christian camp multiple times, i've been into the lair, i've seen the depth of the bullshit :D I recall one lovely gentleman actually stood in front of me and adamently argued that carbon dating proved the bibles legitimacy :lol: that made my day :D

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Watching me? Have I slighted you in some way?
If so I apologize, not my intent.
You have not slighted me in the slightest. I meant that I'll be watching this thread. But really as a joke. I admire you're ability to reason. Perhaps come of your constituents could benefit from such an ability.


Active Member
Well we know who the poser in the group is.

Uh, no. I just feel its ridiculous you guys come here in mocking us.

YOU do not know there is no God, just like we dont know there is one.

But I CHOOSE to believe, to have faith, and to have hope.

Im truly sorry your shallow souls and emotions dont give you the power to feel anything deeper than physical pain and daily emotions.

I've tried, I really have reasonable debates, without name calling/bashing. I got bashed for believing in an invisible man and got slammed repeatedly for my beliefs...

Thats the exact reason I stay out of this section.