HoLE's 3rd Grow


Well-Known Member
hey HoLE....love your most recent pics. things looking like they progressing very well. you gonna have a good crop! thanks for the update!


Well-Known Member
very nice and juicy buds brother..is it a good smoke? i know you said you grew it before
thxs for stoppin in jbreeze,,yeah,,I grew Big Bud twice before,,but there was no potency on the first,,and hardly any to speak of on the second,,this ones a winner,,long as I make it through the cut and dry part again with no mishaps or whatever,,thxs again

hey Mastakush,,lol,,me too,,hehe,,thxs

hugzzzzzz Chiceh,,thxs sweety,,how's that PPP smokin'

hey tahoe,,thxs man,,always good to have ya,,still a little jealous over the big shiny grow box,,but gotta love them Avitar's,,,,cheers man,,walkin on

Natmoon,,thxs again,,obviously someone tryin to help,,to go back and do some comparisons with the pics,,thxs alot Natmoon,,

what's happenin B-Spit,,lol,,you still rubbin my 3rd Grow brotha,,well sink yo teeth into this 27 Day old Jamaican Gum 4th grow(currently under 7-cfl's,,but I'm dyin to put it under the 600),,:weed: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/40812-garden-even.html

Thxs everyone for egoboosting compliments,,it's just text but ya's keep comin back,,so ya gotta be friendlies,,really appreciate it,,you guy's are great

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
7 weeks flowering today,,bigger plant is starting to swell some more,,but has more leaves drying up and yellowing,,some places the frost is so thick,,but my cam doesn't do it justice,,almost time to cut them down:mrgreen::blsmoke: ,,all comments welcome

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
its that HPS light thats not doin them justice, bring em out in some normal light for a some pics. still looks delicous.


New Member
Really nice flowering there HoLe. Very impressive indeed.
Did you fix your steering wheel yet?


Well-Known Member
snip snip ...I hear you sharpening up your scissors.....and preparing those hanging/drying lines...etc....the smell is in the air, mucho crystals, plump buddage.....you done a good job HoLE. we look forward to yo harvest pics, yo yield (wet/dry) and then.....yo smoke report!! cheers!


Well-Known Member
waddup Dubbah,,thxs for poppin in and the HPS light tip when takin pics,,I'll try that tonight and appreciate the input,,thxs man

hey Lacy,,thxs for the compliment sweety,,hope all is well out your way,,my steering was fixed by Monday afternoon,,still a lil frazzled by the HoLE I'm ok syndrome:confused:

crazy-mental is what I'm goin,,almost choppin time

eh yo B-spit,,I can't friggin wait:mrgreen:

welcome 420 Ganjaman,,errrr,,to the end,,1 week or so and there done,,as for my closet it is 4 feet wide,,by 2 feet deep,,by 9 feet high,,lol,,kinda big for 2 plants at 16-18 inches tall,,but they love the 600 :hump:

tahoe my man,,I'm gonna get a brand new pair of scissors,,I think my first successfulls deserve it,,I'll get HF snippin while I quickly dismantle the closet,,and hang some lines,,all my equiptment needs a going over and a good cleaning,,maybe some new mylar,bulb and a toy or two for the next HPS closet contestant,,updates on weight and quality will be available when the time comes,,,thxs for continued support my friend,,

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
awsome hole i just started the final phase today. only ten days left till chop. cant wate to see how much your plant wieghs dry. good luck


Well-Known Member
Looks like they exploded with new fluff hole:mrgreen:
Get it:mrgreen:
Anyway best of luck with the harvest.
Bonsai scissors are the best:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you're most welcome ma man! excellent work that you done....now time to chill and take that reward! and maybe a little...walk on!


Well-Known Member
here the two of them are,,just 4 days from 8 weeks flowering,,in soil under 600 watt hps,,they were topped and immediately thrown in to flower at around 30 days,,they only stand 16 and 18 inches tall,,but they are all bud,,I actually touched them today(first time),, there is almost no squeeze in them,,very solid and dense,, and the smell was erotic,,I think they are done,,what you all think,,all comments welcome

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
thxs BSI,,I do know I'm gonna save some,,for the Marijuanna March,,in May in Toronto,,hope to meet ya there and thxs for the kind words

Keep on Growin
