Legal bud scam or not


Active Member
I Have been surfing the web and i came accross those legal bud advertisements. i was thinking this is too good to be true but i still went to the web site. when i was there i was reading up on it and it looks ok but im still not 100% sure so does anyone know if this is a scam


Well-Known Member
cmon are you serious? in america... Marijuana is an illigal "DRUG", drug.. shit grows from the floor naturally and heals.. and they say its a drug. anyway... it says BUDS.. not Marijuana... any plant has buds... and you can legally smoke any plant buds thats not considered a drug.


Well-Known Member
I Have been surfing the web and i came accross those legal bud advertisements. i was thinking this is too good to be true but i still went to the web site. when i was there i was reading up on it and it looks ok but im still not 100% sure so does anyone know if this is a scam
Scam Scam Scam. Tastes like shit... doesn't do shit...


Active Member
+1 on what kagenical said. smells like potpourri, some of it looked like it was died with food coloring, tasted like smoking ass whole hairs wrapped in donkey foreskin, and didn't even give me a buzz... WASTE OF MONEY! if you wanna try it i have a bunch left like 1oz of some hawaii gold and 1 oz of some dutch haze or something like that. give me $20 and pay for shipping and i'll send it to me.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't even smell remotely similar to real bud... You'd have to be a major fool to buy it if you could hold and smell it!
i guess that is why people do it differently. suppose you are out of town and want some bud. in a open place somone hands it to you and walks away or drives off. i know a dude who makes a living off scammin people and this is one thing he uses. a con artist is just that, a con artist. so you have never been beat on anything?


Well-Known Member
i guess that is why people do it differently. suppose you are out of town and want some bud. in a open place somone hands it to you and walks away or drives off. i know a dude who makes a living off scammin people and this is one thing he uses. a con artist is just that, a con artist. so you have never been beat on anything?
In that situation, I guess you could get tricked into buying it... This is why you refrain from such deals, and pack your own bud!

As for me, no... not really. I've yet to be scammed for anything more than a few dollars. As a natural skeptic, of pretty much everything...


Well-Known Member
+1 on what kagenical said. smells like potpourri, some of it looked like it was died with food coloring, tasted like smoking ass whole hairs wrapped in donkey foreskin, and didn't even give me a buzz... WASTE OF MONEY! if you wanna try it i have a bunch left like 1oz of some hawaii gold and 1 oz of some dutch haze or something like that. give me $20 and pay for shipping and i'll send it to me.
:spew:@ that "deal"

shit's not even worth keeping just throw it in the trash

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
dont buy it. it might be a marijuana plant but the only reason its legal is because they designed it to produce no resin= BAD.


Well-Known Member
Here in the UK I've been reading tons of threads on Spice Gold. People are really impressed with it. I am not particularly interested, but it's supposed to be a legal smoke mix that works, though not exactly a marijuana substitute. I think it's legal in the US but hard to find.


Active Member
does anyone have some good ass bud that they'll sell to me
This is by no means a site dedicated, or even remotely interested, in selling weed over the net, or for that matter at all. If you haven't noticed, we're all either fellow growers or newbies like me trying to learn a thing or two from the experienced to perfect our own grows. As far as buying goes, go to the corner of your street and ask everyone who passes by...see what sort of responses you get.


Well-Known Member
The onely thing on that site that looks decent is krypto or whater they call it.I went to it a couple times.But never interested me.Looks like some hash shit machine pressed to a stem to make it look like real marijuana.


So I also wanted to know if the "legal buds" worked so I bought 4 different kinds on this combo thing...

It does make u feel a little different, but nothing comes close to smoking weed. Plus the orange krush to me tastes nasty. I did buy some of the herbal smoke and it was ok...

I bought this stuff because Im quitting to find a job.

If you are wanting something equivilant to the high you get from marijuana without any trace of thc try K2. The only thing is it is kinda expensive and they are now trying to make it illegal. Kansas just did.

Try the Summit, Blonde, Pink and Blueberry. Awesome trippy highs! In Kansas City, MO you can buy it in a coffee Shop. Also, they can't test for it yet.


Well-Known Member
its not a "scam" fully; they do send herbal mixes or legal buds to you. the names are actually quite a marketing scam, ie dutch haze bluebery this and that hawian gold yada yada yada because it sounds like marijuana strain names.

it wont get you high even similar to real bud but the main ingredient, dagga i belive, is an herbal sedative, which will mellow you out

i bought it too thinking at first i could save money by rolling weed and this stuff into blunts, but really it just ruins the taste of weed. so now if i ever have a drug test i ll have an herbal sedative to smoke while im doind nothing