Growfaq Needs Your Help


Well-Known Member
It isnt as simple as that.

Its not a case of changing how it looks. The program although very easy to use, is very limited for what we can do.


Well-Known Member
I thinking it can be done though. I'll put a glossary of terms up.

Major toke did one and i beleive its a sticky


Well-Known Member
I hadnt even scratched the surface, the admin program behind it was very limited and time consuming to use. Rollitup has got us a brand new faq system and the faq will soon be the best there is.

Don't worry all that old stuff will be soon be gone with something much better put in its place.


Active Member
i like the old stuff. i think an addendum to the old would be good idea instead of just getting rid of the old classic data.


Well-Known Member
If the info is good why get rid of it?
not all of the info is good mogie; i found one that said the ph range for hydro is 5.1-5.9; this caused a friend of mine to have problems, as he kept his water at 5.1. the actual range is 5.5-6.2

this is just one example, the faq was riddled with little bits of misinformation...



Well-Known Member
So that its more based on rollitup than other sites, so that the members on here can have there name up next to articles.

So that we can be different and stand out and attract more users.


Well-Known Member
I don't think FAQ really shows the difference between topping and fimming.
Maybe this article should be in there. Unless it already shows the difference good, then nevermind.....Just a suggestion..

FIM vs. Topping


Well-Known Member
Thats cool, but what about if it were done using real pictures from rollitups growers seeing examples of how it turned out. How exactly they did it.


Active Member
i don't know how old this dump of the og growfaq is because i had a few pics of my own in it at some point if memory serves me right. i was looking through some of my old image archives and found a few that i made specifically for OG. things like topping, fimming, sexing (preflowers), male identification, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
If the info in incorret dump it. But if it is correct what is wrong with keeping it. You can always label it classic Overgrow.


Well-Known Member
All of the old info will be moved across, to change all the articles is going to take a very long time and to do them all will be impossible.

Wouldnt it be good though that when a new member joins they can actually speak to the people that have done things and shown it in the new look academy.


Well-Known Member
I'd be willing to help out. If needed I can make a decent documentary of any kind special project with a plant that needs a better description and pictures. Whatever is needed I'm in, let's just make it better.


Well-Known Member
If the info in incorret dump it. But if it is correct what is wrong with keeping it. You can always label it classic Overgrow. Of course only the articles that are deemed worth keeping, there should be at least a dozen worth keeping in their entirty. Those could be kept as they are and labeled classic Overgrow. Classic being the key term.
Hey Guy s I was talking about the FAQ with a moderator and turns out no one is running it anymore. Pretty sad! I guess I would just be in a big group of people who would happily take on the challenge. I love FAQs and would really like to see this one get fixed up. I think there needs to be someone working on it who has enough time on their hands and doesn’t mind the work. I work at home and would really like to have the opportunity.
If not there have been lots of people I see speaking up about doing something.
Rollitup if you’re out there, give someone else a chance to make the FAQ a better place for all of us!