New CFL 2nd grow using Scott's Hyponex Potting Soil in 6" pots


Well-Known Member
Hey CD, I think you want to take a ride and snap a pic or 2 of the out door plant, don't ya don't ya don't ya!!!

JK, unless ya do want to!

Col. kif

It was grown under Spiral CFL's and flowered with Spiral CFL's in a homemade tent lined with aluminum foil.

Great bud can come from CFL grows, even the most simple ones. I love it because to get it zeroed in, you have to be closer in tune with your plants which in turn helps you grow as a Grower.

I think the slower Veg times help reduce stretch in the stretchier OG's and Sativa's.... it also seems to enhance resin production and potency. The plants are unhurried and unstressed.... kind of like Kobe beef vs. feedlot

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Hey CD, I think you want to take a ride and snap a pic or 2 of the out door plant, don't ya don't ya don't ya!!!
JK, unless ya do want to!
yeah, ill go out tomorrow and have a peak to see whats going on and get a couple pics.
It was grown under Spiral CFL's and flowered with Spiral CFL's in a homemade tent lined with aluminum foil.

Great bud can come from CFL grows, even the most simple ones. I love it because to get it zeroed in, you have to be closer in tune with your plants which in turn helps you grow as a Grower.

I think the slower Veg times help reduce stretch in the stretchier OG's and Sativa's.... it also seems to enhance resin production and potency. The plants are unhurried and unstressed.... kind of like Kobe beef vs. feedlot
well i had very good results with the first grow, 1 plant and i got just over 2 oz's, not sure what i will get from this one, but i wont grow anymore sativa. my box is 21"x24"x48" and its perfect for 2 plants maybe 4 with some more lights, but i'll stick with 2. i only veg for like 15 days then switch the lights to 12/12 to start showing sex and begin flowering. the next grow from seeds, i will veg a little longer.

the first pic is of both boxes i have back when new bean was growing, veg/clone and flowering.

its day 86 for the girls, molly has some amber trichs, but most are still clear to cloudy, almost all the leaves are gone now. 2-1 is doing fine, wont be long, she has mostly cloudy trichs.

i cannot believe the growth everyday from the clones, its like different plants every time i look, LoL.



Active Member
Light bulb. Why not but 2 new u-haul boxes (same size) or just a bigger one. and get more width room. Than get one of those storage containers
and have 1 massive baby. I know you could pull it off.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Light bulb. Why not but 2 new u-haul boxes (same size) or just a bigger one. and get more width room. Than get one of those storage containers and have 1 massive baby. I know you could pull it off.
r2, all great ideas, but i have to make due with what i have right now, i've been out of work for just over 6 months now with a busted hip and knee after being thrown from a golf cart at 30 mph, LoL. that would be cool tho, a double wide u-haul ghetto box, hell yeah!! something to think about for the future.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear you busted your hip and knee. them girls are looking good.
thanks r2, its been a real bitch, something i sure wasnt planning on happening, we were out having fun and its all good till the "oh shit" part, LoL.
Still kickin out white hairs man. Lookin good!
i know huh, will they ever be done? LoL.
Everything is looking good, Its good to see those clones get bigger and bigger :)
thanks treeZ, im pumped about them, i did it!! LoL.
Major props man. Great grow. Clones look good!!
thanks cam, its so cool to do clones and have them make it, now we'll see what happens with them.
still a couple more weeks of vegging them, they should turn out nice.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yes, they are almost through their first jug of straight water now. i figure about 2 or 3 more gallons in the time thats left. then 24/48 hours of dark and its pickin time.

day 88, heres the pics.

the clones are unreal, they just keep getting bigger and they both already have 2 main shoots.

a good friend said last night that since i know how to grow now, they are gonna get me some good seeds from nirvana, there choice. im really looking foward to that. i will
definitely get clones from them when it happens.



Active Member
Nice. you got some good friends. Maybe they could hook you up with 2 new u-haul boxes if you trade them some of your chron. ahahha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yes they are r2, that would be cool, i'll work on that, LoL.

so i was just checking out the plants and looking close at molly with a scope and its like the buds are dead. all the trichs are cloudy/milky with a few amber ones here and there. all the fan leaves are dead and the brown hairs just fall off along with the dead brown leaves, but there is also new growth at the tip of each of the 6 main buds. i cut one of the buds off and its hanging up to dry, but its really pretty dry already. it weight 7.5 grams right off the plant. i also cut a small bud off 2-1, most of the trichs are cloudy on her too. the big bud will go in a jar tomorrow as im sure it will be dried out by then. the other 2 are to smoke, LoL. also, i noticed that where i cut 2-1 each time to top is where the lower buds are. its like 2 short branches and 2 little puffy buds at each node where i cut.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah, i think so. i need to wait just a little bit tho, maybe next thursday night, that will be day 93, i want to give at least 36 hours of darkness to get some more resin out them. the sooner i do tho, the sooner i can get the clones in the big box. the 2 smaller buds are almost dry already so im gonna give them a test in a bit, well not a test, im gonna smoke em, LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
nice. I hope 36 hours of darkness works.
yes, me too!! molly needs help and maybe this will do it.
Yea I'm interested to see how that works out for you, did you do 36hrs dark last grow?
no, i didnt. i cut new bean when the lights were on the last day. so im hoping it helps molly out cause the smoke kinda sucks??? i know its right off the plant, but it just sucks, all the hype with the pink and shit and it sucks, LoL. its an up high but just real weak. now 2-1 on the other hand is a deep stoney lay back and chill buzz, i like it alot!! heres the 2 small buds i took today. molly is very light and fluffy and really already dry right off the plant. the 2-1 bud was a bit moist but dried quick enough to smoke it tonight and its great, very smooth, the tatse is great and its pretty good. 2-1 is the heavier bud in the pics. wish there was more of 2-1.

