So When Cali Legalizes It In November.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Won't that essentially be legalization across the US?

I have friends in cali, as im sure everyone does. If he can simply go to a party store and buy sweet ass bud then what is stopping him from fedex'ing me a package? Or anyone a package? How will they possibly regulate the massive amount of over night fed ex shipments that need to get across the country? Or what's to stop someone from simply driving over the border and buying a lot of it legally, then trafficking it back to their home state to sell?


Well-Known Member
well.. interstate crime is where the DEA comes in.. there might be tighter monitoring of packages/visitors out of CA.. but, you're right - it will be a different situation.. other states will just have to get used to it.. :)


Well-Known Member
In time they will have to, although the federal government might step in and do something to persuade them otherwise. Like the 21 year old drinking age. Any state is free to lower that limit any time they want, they'll just lose all federal highway funding. State government doesn't like budget cuts.


I'm wondering why other states such as NV and AZ haven't issued any statements about how they feel about the impending legalization or what their response might be. AZ, in particular, is not a pot friendly state. You know they have to be talking internally about what effect this will have on them. I wonder if they will be sad when all thier citizens move to California? I know I will be!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I have a feeling it will be the same thing as someone in a dry county that wants to drink. Just drive to the next county and buy your beer and liquor. Or if you live in a state that outlaws fireworks you simply drive to a neighboring state that allows everything.

How are they possibly going to monitor all those packages though? Fedex already has a huge volume of packages go through and they probably don't want any government agencies snooping around packages when they should be on a truck or plane moving across the country. That's kind of fedexs whole deal; you need this package shipped 1,000 miles away, and you need it there by tomorrow. So is the DEA going to have some kind of monitoring center or program to find a half ounce packaged up and dropped off at 5pm for overnight delivery? Seems like thats too much work for too big of a volume. I already suspect that fedex is the biggest drug delivery service in the country, and I think that will increase a lot once it's legal in cali. I will certainly talk to people I know and try to get some shipped to me. Unless I can get into the medical marijuana program in my own state.


Active Member
I have a feeling it will be the same thing as someone in a dry county that wants to drink. Just drive to the next county and buy your beer and liquor.
Problem is I am not looking to just "buy" some... Whether Cali goes legal or not, growing will more than likely have the same repercussions where I live. The war on drugs is nothing more than a war on human nature. It's what people do is it not? Humans have always searched out ways to achieve an altered state of mind. It's like food and sex. We are going to do it. And it kills me how when you hear about "the war on drugs" you do not include alchohol. What would the number of "Druggies" be if you added all the alchoholics out there? Probably one of the most destructive chemicals you can put in your body. Why do we have to accept a person on their 3rd DWI, because the system sucks, back on the roads drunk again? Why do I have to accept that a police officer of the law (aka pig) can go home and drink himself to a stupor but he is a hero and yet if I smoke myself to a stupor I am a criminal? My children taken from me and everything I own taken from me? Am I more high than that drunk ass cop or something? Are his kids sleeping in their beds safe and sound? Let's not forget the medical value of Mj. You could go on and on. I am just frustrated Obama chose to follow down the path of stupidity when it comes to this countries failed drug policies. He's just another bullshit artist like the rest.


Well-Known Member
If smoking MJ becomes legal in California will it just be for the residents? Or is it going to make California - New Denmark?


Active Member
If smoking MJ becomes legal in California will it just be for the residents? Or is it going to make California - New Denmark?
Right! I mean so what happens? I am a criminal here for something that is legal in cali? How does that work? I thought these were the United States? Not the United States of everyone but California?


Active Member
well people alot of us over here have mixed feelings on this subject... i hope it does not become legal in cali because it pretty much already is legal for medical reasons. if it becomes legal for everyone then the regulations on growing will be pretty strict witch is not good for us medical growers! Also their is so much money involved with us growers and we will end up spending it in are own local economy for the most part. it might be devastating to nor-cals local businesses if it does become legal to everyone!! You guys know what im talking about, all the money we spend at local hardware stores, nurserys, even mom and pop stores for munches , and even the extra money that ill spend that i wouldnt have in this bad economy. im just saying all these people in cali need to think about all that black market money thats made in cali and spent in cali might just disappear over night!!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Cali will get far more money if its legal though. I will send cash to buddies in cali for them to fed ex me a package he bought at the party store. As I believe many other people will also. You will have an outflow of product via fed ex and people driving over the border, and an influx of cash flowing in.

I also don't think this legislation will restrict the growing any more than it currently is. I'm not sure if everyone will be allowed to grow, but I cannot imagine they would further restrict patients from growing medicine. Not anymore than they are restricted right now I mean.

And while its *practically* legal for medical reasons right now, it's restricted enough that my perfectly healthy buddy is not going to jump through the hoops to get his card in order to start shipping it out of the state. If he could buy it as easily as he can purchase a bottle of vodka though I suspect he would start mailing packages to friends out of state.


Well-Known Member
I for one hope this makes the rest of the country go, "ohh well hell, it's not that big of a deal to begin with and now since there is a work around to get it anyway through Cali, why don't we legalize and keep all that money in our own state?" At least that's what I'm hoping anyway, it will take years I'm sure but give it 15 years, I'm thinking that things will be quite different around here for us smokers by then... cross your fingers!


Active Member
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are funny....i dont really think you guys have your hole head rapped around this one yet. out here in cali we are not concerned about buying little packages from a cannibas store and selling through fed ex (witch would be a felony) and we are not concerned about all the people who dont care about the money just for there little 3.5 gram sack either. we are concerned about the "average joe" witch are very common around here, that are growing and feeding there family's and other family's from local businesses!!! ok let me put it this way..... for the last 10-15 years the hole northern state has been growing there medical and supplying med's to the rest of the country. now that brings alot of revanue to the state that's spent in the state. now if it becomes legal everyone will be able to grow but very, very, little of it!!! and if cali has some corporate company come in and mass produce it so they can tax it, us little guys get screwed and so do the local businesses!! it would be california making good money not the small guy!! is that what all you guys want?


Well-Known Member
No way man, I don't want to see anyone not be able to feed their family because Cannabis becomes legal, but you know what, even more than that I don't want to go to jail and loose my house and car and watch my wife go through a extremely hard time because I'm not there to support her anymore. Or even worse, for her to go to jail too.

So while I care about the way that mom and pop stores are making there money in northern cali, I care more about loosing my entire life as I know it. The difference is that the mom and pops aren't going out of business over night and can still compete with the quality of mass produced cannabis, or even seek out new endeavors if they choose. Of coarse I'm talking about legalization on a nation wide scale so I guess I should shut-up because that's not what the title of the thread is anyway.
So I take it that you are one of the smokers of cannabis that is going to vote No on the legalization issue?


Active Member will be a long time before the united states will ever make cannabis legal (sorry but theirs to many pricks out there!) to tell you the truth i doubt cali will pass it in November.....


Well-Known Member
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are funny....i dont really think you guys have your hole head rapped around this one yet. out here in cali we are not concerned about buying little packages from a cannibas store and selling through fed ex (witch would be a felony) and we are not concerned about all the people who dont care about the money just for there little 3.5 gram sack either. we are concerned about the "average joe" witch are very common around here, that are growing and feeding there family's and other family's from local businesses!!! ok let me put it this way..... for the last 10-15 years the hole northern state has been growing there medical and supplying med's to the rest of the country. now that brings alot of revanue to the state that's spent in the state. now if it becomes legal everyone will be able to grow but very, very, little of it!!! and if cali has some corporate company come in and mass produce it so they can tax it, us little guys get screwed and so do the local businesses!! it would be california making good money not the small guy!! is that what all you guys want?
that is the same argument the drug cartells in mexico could use.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are funny....i dont really think you guys have your hole head rapped around this one yet. out here in cali we are not concerned about buying little packages from a cannibas store and selling through fed ex (witch would be a felony) and we are not concerned about all the people who dont care about the money just for there little 3.5 gram sack either. we are concerned about the "average joe" witch are very common around here, that are growing and feeding there family's and other family's from local businesses!!! ok let me put it this way..... for the last 10-15 years the hole northern state has been growing there medical and supplying med's to the rest of the country. now that brings alot of revanue to the state that's spent in the state. now if it becomes legal everyone will be able to grow but very, very, little of it!!! and if cali has some corporate company come in and mass produce it so they can tax it, us little guys get screwed and so do the local businesses!! it would be california making good money not the small guy!! is that what all you guys want?

Well I really doubt you speak for all californians. Just because its a felony doesn't mean people won't do it, I mean thousands of people are committing much more serious felonies on this site by illegally growing every day. My main point was more along the lines of how could they possibly stop that? They cant. Offer legal access to everyone in california and very large market outside of cali will have access to the drugs too, despite the fact that it would be illegal.

Also why should we be concerned about the people that have been growing it for 10 years? Just because you are making money doing something does that mean you are entitled to keep doing that? Just keep everything status quo because it happens to be working for some people?

I don't follow your logic that everyone will be able to grow it, but only extremely small amounts, and that a huge company will mass produce it so cali can tax it and screw over little guys. Where did you get this information? Does it say this in the prop, or are you just pulling it straight out of your ass? What about all the employees of this "corporate company"? Don't they deserve to make an honest living too? I gotta believe there are unemployed people in cali that would love a new business to hire them and put them to work making money so they can feed their family also.

It seems to me there are a whole range of options and possibilities that you never considered. What about purchasing licenses to operate a grow room, just like they do for fishing? Fishing is legal, but you better buy your permit.


New Member
I don't follow your logic that everyone will be able to grow it, but only extremely small amounts, and that a huge company will mass produce it so cali can tax it and screw over little guys. Where did you get this information? Does it say this in the prop,

Actually it is quite the difference, medical users will still be able to grow within the medical marijuana laws and everyone else will be able to grow 25 square feet.

You can look at it like Mr. Pessimist here who is scared of change or you can look at many of the good possibilities that WILL come from this for EVERYONE - Growers who are legally growing more then 25 square feet and/or are a master of their craft will have more opportunities to make more money and they will be safer all around from RIPPERS and Law Enforcement. There is not going to be a huge influx of joe schmos growing marijuana sucesfully, most people dont want to grow or can not due to a multitude of reasons, its still going to be the same farmers providing the product only they will have an easier time to sell it. The Positive outweighs the negative massively, and 100% of the possible negative results ARE PURE SPECULATION - Please DO NOT FEAR CHANGE - California you owe this to the world - you owe this to FREEDOM, Liberty, and Democracy across the entire face of this earth NOT JUST THE UNITED STATES - This is much bigger than some suspicions/fears or conspiracy theories being cooked up by Farmer Bobs family or some random community set off in the mountains - This is what the world needs right now so you can go ahead and be the ones to make history or you can be a bunch of selfish snobby fearful people and let some other state get the credit some years down the road. Its up to to make it happen sooner then later because in the meantime people are being killed over this drug war left and right so DO NOT fuck it up. How many more people have to lose their lives and how many more must die? Some of the blood is on your hands if you vote NO


Active Member
you guys both make good points. its so easy to get your script in California i mean i went to the local bar and there was a physician there handing them out!! so what im saying is if you want to be legal in cali its very easy to do. its a joke. so the people who want to be legal so they cant get busted for it just have to make a little effort to become legal. seems fine as it is..... yes i am afraid of are broke ass state letting a company mass producing it and then taxing it like they do cigarettes. i mean is that far fetched or something? i mean i have to pay 15 bucks to launch my boat at the lake in my town!!!! im surprised they don't tax me when to wipe my own ass! anyways the idea of legalization is very cool but i just think its fine how it is.....