NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!


Well-Known Member
does anyone know what exactly the bill states as far as allowing caregivers and dispenseries in NC? or patients with what and how many plants they would be allowed to grow?


Well-Known Member
I wish I could offer some information.
My guess is that they have once again delayed the vote. I watched my local news and there was reporting of legislative votes on "every other concern." No mention of 1380...not even in passing.
This bill has been in affect for far too long for it not to even hit the local media.
--something rotten in the state of Denmark---


Well-Known Member
So the question is. Whos goes to charlotte and hits up the news stations next week? Il do it if no one else will but.


Well-Known Member
I will find out what I can . I'll call JM , Billy Cates , Perry Parks and anyone else I can think of to find something out .
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:I spoke with Rebecca From Nccpn yesterday, wednesday wasnt a voting day just the return of the house. She said the petitions needed to be filledout by voters, people that dont vote theres signatures dont even count:finger:. The NCCPN will be starting another petition THAT NEEDS TO BE FILLED OUT ACCORDING TO THE STATE and I think she said it wont be untill around novermer till a vote. PEOPLE WE ARE NOT CLOSE ENOUGH TO BACK DOWN, THIS HAS A LONG WAY TO GO. WE HAVE TO PRESSURE VOTERS IN THE DURAM, RALEIGH AREA TO VOTE AGAINST JOE HACKNEY IF HE DOSENT SIGN THE BILL!!!! WE NEED POLITACAL DEFENCIVE STRATIGY.DONT BE A LAZY STONER:bigjoint: GET UP AND FIGHT FOR THIS BILL!!!!!!!!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Contact the NCCPN and find the rep in your area . Call them and offer your help . They will point you in the right direction . Until then preach the word of this plant to everyone and anyone that will listen and votes.
Man this is the same bullshit they did last year . We need to demand it go to vote and OGG . They want to drag their feet then we need to light their asses up with petitions , phone call , emails , media coverage where we can get it . Come on PPL let fight the good fight and win this .


Well-Known Member
Contact the NCCPN and find the rep in your area . Call them and offer your help . They will point you in the right direction . Until then preach the word of this plant to everyone and anyone that will listen and votes.
Man this is the same bullshit they did last year . We need to demand it go to vote and OGG . They want to drag their feet then we need to light their asses up with petitions , phone call , emails , media coverage where we can get it . Come on PPL let fight the good fight and win this .
Hey Greendude.:peace: Unfortunately, I don't think reps from the NCCPN are common and actively/aggresively seeking supporters on any broad spectrum. I may be missing something here, but months ago, I DID contact what I thought to be local supporters/advocates....and more than once or twice. I never even so much as received a response, leaving me feeling less hopeful for a future of living "drug free."

If I only knew of a single "bright" attorney willing to set aside even a fragment of effort or better yet, one that is so inclined to tackle the moral fiber alone attached to this cause----minus the thousands of dollars typical as a retainer fee AND minus the typical smirk when mentioning the topic of the "evil MJ" much for pro bono and legal ethics.

My slack rendition of activism for the moment..:roll:

I DO speak often of the benefits as cautiously and randomly as feasibly possible, but I am only one person willing to go to great lengths to stand up for every man, woman and child carelessly being exposed to what most of us know to be a much greater evil. Alone, and with what evidently only represent a VERY FEW, my opinion and acquired knowledge represents absolutely nothing.

Newport......I hope you followed up with even a single news station. It has been on the agenda for me to do so for quite some time now. I offer no solid excuse as to why I've not done so already. I can only honestly say that I have been bogged down with excessive doctor's appointments/procedures----all of which are causing me to be sicker with their "expertise."

When I think of the numerous thousands upon thousands of dollars spent for this "Help".....aided with the report of my weight and blood pressure at every turn, only to walk away with "just that".......

Honest to God, I'm ready for the battle. Someone has to make the move. Too few are standing alone feeling hopeless. Too few are feeling hopeful without any solid evidence that it is with reason and/or merit. And the majority are conditioned to live in fear.
Personally, I am done with the game that warrants me useless and reliant to self-absorbed physicians and obnoxious "treatment".
No more more medicines that render me sicker than prior to their "wondrous" drugs that the medical field alone upholds as scientific and miraculous gifts bestowed upon us as a society.
The status quo has been conditioned upon society as a whole to live in this generalized fear of not acknowledging the most obvious cure/remedy science has to offer. Someone has to make a move in a different direction.
I will be their guinea pig NO MORE.


Well-Known Member
Sadly enough babs I couldnt follow through due to finances. Its only an hour away but its tight right now. I was just thinking about this earlier, Has it occured to anyone that the 12th is a saturday? Are they really going to even be IN the office on a saturday?