Did you get your census questionaire?


Well-Known Member
apparently none of you have ever applied for a job. they do criminal background checks, then don't hire you.

so this is your big stand against the government? all that ammo so you can refuse to check a box?

i laugh out loud.


well you go ahead and fill yours out then, really no reason for you to speak about us NOT answering


Well-Known Member
I did my civic duty and filled out my census because I love America. If anybody from the government asks, my name is Rick White and I live with John Organic.


Well-Known Member
Way to stay under the radar! LMAO:mrgreen:
bongsmilie:blsmoke: Unfortunately and thankfully I guess, it was an idea that came to mind after I had already stuck it back in the mailbox. Just as well since if they had sent a census worker to my house they would have wondered why Rick White was no longer black. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I can tell from what I've read so far the census is going to be totally accurate once again. All those bullshit statistics we will hear about for the next ten years will be based solely on this. Isn't America great?


Well-Known Member
The government can fine you $500 for each unanswered question. If it's incomplete, they WILL come visit you to get the form filled out. Be aware!!! I don't want those fuckin Census dicks coming by my house, sniffing out my pot- so I filled it out. No big deal, even though it bothered the hell out of me.......
Actually it is $100 per unanswered question with a maximum fine of $5000.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
We filled it out. There have been censuses going on for years. I see no harm in completing them, and I'm more paranoid than most. I'm glad my ancestors participated in the census of their generation, or else I'd have never learned as much about them as I have while building the family tree.We did consider putting a bunch of weird races down just for fun, but we didn't.


Active Member
This is probably one of the funniest "stands" i dont understand........ makes me laugh though! paranoid much?

Ooooh the census! run for the hills!



New Member
So far, it appears that the forum is about evenly split: 50% liberty devotees and 50% good little subjects and workers. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I did my civic duty and filled out my census because I love America. If anybody from the government asks, my name is Rick White and I live with John Organic.
That's ironic because I stated my race as 'kugelsack' and listed my residence as Dragline's mouth.

You've been teabagged once again! :o