My first RIU grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hey Joker, looking Nice. Shame about the 5 Males.
Just out of Curiosity, do u have CO2 going into ur veg room?
I mean from the Extracted air from ur flower room..
Perhaps.. I have the air from the flower room going into a cabinet above the veg and I keep the cabinet doors cracked a little so yea probably a little. I have 1 of your CO2 generators positioned right above the tote I have in my veg room. Going to start another tote tomorrow... Running out of room and I was going to do it the other day but ended up having to lay down. Everything should be turning out well here real soon. Just about to hit the 6 week explosion so it will be a nice harvest I think. Not as much light and lumen as I would like but I wont complain about the cheap set up :D Next grow should be way better. The people I am caregrowing for are supposed to give me a decent chunk of change to get my next grow going bigger, so I can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures I took just for you Ninja.
From left to right I have the process of how my Co2 goes from my generators through my flower room into the cabinet above my veg room. I checked it and noticed that very little Co2 went from my cabinet to my veg room aside from a small crack in the doors when they're closed and the tube from the generator I have positioned above the plants. Here's the pictures.



Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures I took just for you Ninja.
From left to right I have the process of how my Co2 goes from my generators through my flower room into the cabinet above my veg room. I checked it and noticed that very little Co2 went from my cabinet to my veg room aside from a small crack in the doors when they're closed and the tube from the generator I have positioned above the plants. Here's the pictures.
I like the Pictures, and that is quite a nifty lil setup. That's what i love about Home-Grown.. The different way each person Adapts to Grow with what they have. It's very unique.
My question is how is the air from the Generators forced in2 the Veg room?


Well-Known Member
I like the Pictures, and that is quite a nifty lil setup. That's what i love about Home-Grown.. The different way each person Adapts to Grow with what they have. It's very unique.
My question is how is the air from the Generators forced in2 the Veg room?
In picture 1 the bottles are in a cabinet outside of the flower room and are fed through the wall. In picture 2 you can see the tubes sticking through the cabinet out the wall right above the fan that blows the Co2 upward to above the plants. It may not be as effective as last time but it works. The third picture at the top you can see my exhaust fan made from an old desk fan modified to fit onto a 4" metal ducting and out through a 3" pvc pipe through the wall into the cabinet shown in picture 4. In the 4th picture you can see the jug I use for the veg room which I will be adding many more because my veg room isn't exhausting but into the walkway but then circulates back into the veg room so if I add more into my veg room the ppm in the room should be significantly high and should up the growth by -roughly figuring- 200% using 8 bottles.


Well-Known Member
I got a chance to take some pictures today and upload them (internet is working nicely :D) Here are some pictures from today... Hope they're not too blurry for ya.

Veg room shots, full flower room shots, seedlings and clones, first time at lst, and some bud shots. Enjoy :D


keebler elf

I got a chance to take some pictures today and upload them (internet is working nicely :D) Here are some pictures from today... Hope they're not too blurry for ya.

Veg room shots, full flower room shots, seedlings and clones, first time at lst, and some bud shots. Enjoy :D
boo on those pictures, i want to see the refrigerator man. im here to watch

+ rep for the imagination, i love all the homemade workings.


Well-Known Member
Thanks and welcome aboard Keeb! What did you mean by the refrigerator? lol
I took a cut last night (WAY earlier than I wanted) from my smallest plant (looked sad) and dried it in my oven (made it taste bunk as hell) but had hella nice crystals on it and got me and the lady baked off our asses. In this picture you can see it in the folgers container.


keebler elf

Some updates and the first pictures and post of the year! :P HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL AND I HOPE IT WAS GOOD.

UPDATE 1-1-2010
The plants are looking much better, still showing the burned leaves but I expect theyll fall off when their ready and no sooner. I added another fan and refilled my DIY CO2 generator. I made an air stone out of an oxygen tube and placed it in a 5gallon res. I poked a million holes in the hose and for some reason today the mixture looks a bit thick so I am considering changing it out... I dont think it was far enough away from the lights.. Maybe early signs of alge starting. IDK but better safe than sorry. I checked my ladies today and noticed some stretching but I moved the lights closer and hopefully that will slow / stop the stretching. Under construction now is my new flower area which is going to be a refrigerator where the freezer is on top. I am going to cut out the seperator between the fridge and freezer and hang the light in there with a ton of moving air and 2 exhaust points to keep it at an optimal temperature. My girls are stinking of their sweet perfume and it is starting to take over the house so I need to get my filter built asap. Today or tomorrow hopefully. I have (from seed) 12 Ogres, 5 Early Girls and 1 Kali Brains. I did some massive research last night on the ogres because I still didn't know much about them, and found out that Ogre is just another name for the same strain SensiSeeds sells as Sensi Star so I am expecting great things from her :D Anyway here are some pictures of what I have right now.

Having troubles uploading right now so will post asap.

i thought you were going to do this. i would like to see the refrigerator in action :clap:


Well-Known Member
Oh lol no I never did the refrigerator I just did a separated grow room being 1 flower 1 veg. My veg and flower are separated by black plastic and mylar so no light leakage.

keebler elf

Oh lol no I never did the refrigerator I just did a separated grow room being 1 flower 1 veg. My veg and flower are separated by black plastic and mylar so no light leakage.
I like it, i may steal your same idea if you dont mind. But i really wanted to see how you did the fridge, because im going to make one soon and i was hoping to have something to go off of lol


Well-Known Member
I like it, i may steal your same idea if you dont mind. But i really wanted to see how you did the fridge, because im going to make one soon and i was hoping to have something to go off of lol
I think the frig idea may not happen for me to grow in but I may be interested in doing a tutorial on a DIY frig Stealth Box this summer when I have some time perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Damn Joker, Nice grow so far!

So jealous, hope our new seeds will look like this.
Haha thanks man good to see ya on my journal lol. I feel if yours turns out female she will look great when finished. Remember the more light the bigger and denser the buds. I wish I had more light and I would be happier with my buds haha. I won't complain though because it was my dry run anyway haha.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I'm sure you can add another 10 lights to make her explode with Delicious Greenness.
Sucks she grew into the Light (Ours) but Im sure it'll be fine, S7even's not too happy about it, Thinking he killed it, It's a weed, it will overcome its new Obstacle.

How many Months old are your Plants right now Joker?


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took me this long to reply, busy busy yesterday and today doing work on my garden (veggies :D ) I believe their a total of 3 months old now. I vegged em for about a month before flowering. Now it seems that their nearing harvest. I will get some new pictures son guys promise. The hairs are starting to turn brown now about 5-10% and the leafs are starting to turn yellowish. I figure next monday or the following monday will be harvest. Right now their at about 40% milky.

My avatar is a picture of 1 of my better ladies at week 6 and I used my gfx skills and threw it together like that.


Well-Known Member
Gonna go out to my grow shed and take some pictures right now to get you guys up to date. Everything has been hella hectic here for me right now so I have been slacking and want to take this time to apologize to all of the people that have held on to this thread for not being steady on my updates. Hopefully next grow will be different. I'm going to try an outdoor grow next grow to see how it goes. I have never had the chance to grow outside so I'm a bit excited. I am going to be growing inside as well so no worries if it doesn't work out :D Going out to the shed now to get some pics for you guys.


Well-Known Member
No worries Joker, Looking forward to the Update pictures. Your plants looked awesome before and cant wait to see it now!

I'm no longer counting the days for the seeds seeing as they have not yet arrived.

Let's see these Buds, If you have a "Macro" setting, Wow us with it's Close focus features =)



Well-Known Member
No worries Joker, Looking forward to the Update pictures. Your plants looked awesome before and cant wait to see it now!

I'm no longer counting the days for the seeds seeing as they have not yet arrived.

Let's see these Buds, If you have a "Macro" setting, Wow us with it's Close focus features =)

I wish I had a camera that would take "good" close up pictures. This camera will give me a picture that's still somewhat blurry at a foot away lol. I'm gonna upload them as soon as I get a chance. Thanks for the kind words man. If you want to work something out you guys can send me a leaf off your plant and I can send you some of my leftover seeds. If I get a chance to ever start my tissue culture lab I will be sure to send you some genetics that all you have to do is stick it in a jar and watch it grow :D We'll see if that ever happens lol. I have no problem with sending you some of my seeds though if I have any left. I may have to look. Their not GREAT seeds but they will get you through. The smoke is actually pretty amazing and I can't wait til harvest. I got done looking them over with a magnifying glass and I am putting harvest estimation of monday or tuesday if the trichs are looking ready by then. I HOPE SO lol feeling a bit impatient now. Hate the last 2 weeks lol. Going to upload now and will post as soon as I have them.

Here are 3 of 45 I took lol Internets acting up pretty badly so I will have to upload the rest tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Ok internets working again so here are some pictures :D



Well-Known Member
My god Joker! Those are :leaf: GORGEOUS :leaf: - and I would be Honored to grow one of your seeds. Soon I should be moving my ass out of my dads place to my own with my best friend and will be building a grow box for my bedroom :P

I'll pm you my details (Msn and so on) and we'll talk further.

Huge Congrats on the look of those plant, they look so delicious! I want to lick the plants it looks so salivating good.
Sucks on the one male you have but can't win'em all. We can try but not 100% of the time it will pan out :P
(What's growing beside your plants that have the rounded leaves? Different strain/ Garden growers or just another plant?)

