
Active Member
Since I suck at cloning, I decided to give this method a shot.. Tried with two clippings, we'll see what happens!!!

Thanks for writeup.


Active Member
i just tried this too with a hashplant haze clone. dipped it in some take root and place under a dome, fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
here some pics of one cut im tryin the other one started to rot i think it was to moist so i tossed it the other one seems to have 2 small roots apeering nbut not sure


Active Member
mcpurple I wonder if you should crack the bag a bit. Might want a bit of fresh air. Or open it and breath in there at least once a day


Well-Known Member
mcpurple I wonder if you should crack the bag a bit. Might want a bit of fresh air. Or open it and breath in there at least once a day

yes i do this i just leave it completey shut for the first hour after i put them in the bag so it builds up some humididty then i open it about an inch so it doesnt suffocate:leaf:


Active Member
Yeah theyre in little black plastic propogation thingies. Like the little 6 pack flower containers you get from the nursery. That way it doesnt take long to see roots, like a bigger pot would. Then theyre in a tuperwar with a makeshift humidity dome cut from a water jug. Sprayed about 4 times a day because my humidity dome doesnt really work. The heat pad is on a timer on 15 min, off 15 min. Keeps temps in the 80s were the cuttings stay. Some heating pads for plants have thermostats, or you can put a towel or something on top of them so your plants dont get too hot. They are about 10 inches from a cfl. The key for me was to not keep the soil too wet, but not too dry, and keep them warm.


Well-Known Member
i see no new updates on the napkin clones mine have all died off do to damping od=ff i beleive the stems were all soft and brown so i failed and doesnt seem like any other succeses here any one did this work for u


Active Member
i see no new updates on the napkin clones mine have all died off do to damping od=ff i beleive the stems were all soft and brown so i failed and doesnt seem like any other succeses here any one did this work for u
I'm on day 7 since I did it. I have them in a milk jug which was cut in half, humid, on a heat mat, and no signs of any roots yet.

I just suck at cloning I think. :(