Why God?... Why?


Well-Known Member
Last night my buddies 16 year old sister passed away in a car crash. If there is a God... why would he do this? She had so much to live for. Beautiful, smart, fun...

Is God evil ?

How do people make excuses for "God"? "God has a plan"


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's sad, man, my condolences.Bad shit happens.We all want to believe it's all part of a bigger plan,that its not all in vain.


Well-Known Member
look man my condolences go out to u man but u souldnt question god man.

wen its ur time then thats it its ur time


Well-Known Member
i have alot of my home boy that didnt get to make it to see 7th 8th and 9th grade man they were all good ppl they did some shit but they had good hearts man

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You question whatever you want,man.Because if there was a god,then he certainly hasn't proven himself to be very benevolent.Never stop questioning.


Well-Known Member
very sorry to here about your buddies sister man. it really sux when shit like this happens . my brother made it to 30 ,last st patties day he got up went to work only to have a tractor he was driving tip over on him. gone before anyone knew it . i only hope everyone that knew her can have a well heart , someday , some sooner than others .


Well-Known Member
Thats a tuff one.but you see it all the time on the news and what about all the young guys dieing in the war it really makes you wonder about god i get were i feel like you about god peace dude


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.. i appreciate it.

However, now that i think about it.. i shouldn't have started this thread. I'm not trying to get sympathy. I was trying to start a discussion about "why bad things happen" if there is a god (i'm an atheist/agnostic). This was a bad way going about it...

You're right stoney.. question everything.


Well-Known Member
Yo sun...yeah there is a god or our faint idea of it look outside ur window the fact there is life at all outstanding cuz no 1 knows how the hell the universe got made think about the gift of life and how ur lucky 2 just be alive and how fragile the human body is evan 2 live and die young is better than not 2 of lived at all
"I am" does not really put a specific hand in on the day to day of our little puny insignificant lives. I know it doesnt make it any easier but life sucks and then you die. The universe is chaos.

I am sorry for your loss my friend, be strong.


if god was what he was described such terrible things would not happen, god is a perception, god is love thats it, theres no god person, sorry about this dude i will think about this for awhile now... i hope you will be okay


Well-Known Member
I was trying to start a discussion about "why bad things happen" if there is a god (i'm an atheist/agnostic). This was a bad way going about it...
Oh, you wanker. :D And here I was being civil. Enough with that then.

Let's get right to the point shall we. Suppose that God did create the Universe. And suppose that he also created the devil.

What allows Christians to differentiate the word of God from that of the Devil?

In the oft-cited "proof for the existence of God", the questions are usually "Where did the Universe come from?", and the lack of a solid answer is seen as proof. But, as said above, supposing that God did create the Universe, what proof is there that he stuck around?

The bible is full of the actions of a tyrannical, vengeful, and petty god. Not a loving god sold to you in a pretty wrapper, but a god of murder, rape, genocide, torture, and intolerance. A parasitic god that demands worship, if for no other reason that to feed its existence (or its clergy).

If God had moved on to other projects after creating the Universe, and the devil stepped in to assume his identity, how exactly would one identify 'the father of lies'.

In Mark 7:8-13, Jesus advocates the Old Testament punishment of murder for children who speak back to their parents. Is this the word of a forgiving savior?

And Revelation is like a party in your mouth, except everyone is being horribly tortured and drowned in blood, so you end up drooling on yourself a little and ruining your favorite sweater.

The bible itself is better evidence (to use the word in the loose manner of the religious) for the abdication of a benevolent god than it is for the reign of one. And the devil, as portrayed, seems like the kind of fellow to introduce himself early on (you know, that whole freakshow in the garden), breaking the fourth wall by writing himself into the story.

And the thing about stories where the author has written himself into them... they're usually poorly done and hard to swallow.

Just like Religion. (and clerical wang)


Active Member
Sorry for your loss, man. Very similar thing happened to a friend of mine, he lost his little sister. Things are just like that sometimes, and since we know nothing about death, we're scared, saddened and depressed. It's natural. I wouldn't worry though. Just because we don't understand death doesn't mean it isn't natural. It's as natural as living, we just can't comprehend it. Crazy idea, when you think about it.

What surprises me so much is that people really think we can know about our idea of god, death, an afterlife and such. The whole thing is, god is an abstract human idea, conjured by our brains, and whether or not it's true we simply cannot know. Maybe we'll find a way to get into this kind of stuff some day, but right now, nobody can know whether or not there is a god, gods, or anything like that which is beyond our perception. Not much point in trying to apply logic to this one, in my opinion. If you want to believe stuff, by all means do, since belief is the whole point.

I don't really subscribe to any particular theory. Some make much more sense than others, as some people think some pretty hairbrained stuff, but within the bounds of reason, no one person's beliefs are any more or less valid than anyone else's. I'm basically in a state of curiosity about where we come from, where we go, what happens to us, and so forth. I'm curious and open, but largely it's stuff we can't really know, so there's not much point beating ourselves up about it. You have to wonder if some of this will be more apparent once we die, but I kind of think not. It makes sense to me that we'd be recycled in some way. If energy cannot be created or destroyed but rather exists always in some form or other in the same quantities as always... if matter can't be created or destroyed, but always exists in some form somewhere.. it would only be a logical progression of thought to assume our "life energy" or "souls," or however we put it, are in some way reused in different forms. But yeah, I know, I said no point in using logic, and I'll hold to it since we can't really know what's up with the world. Makes life kind of interesting, and it really pisses me off at people who go kill other people because they think their opinions are more legitimate.