Nutrient burn?? no nutrients?? *pics*


Active Member
I will try and give all variables of this plants living conditions.. if i forget somethin feel free to ask.. all help appreciated, im an amateur~

This plant was just some nice bagseed, it started on CFL..

1. Seed until 4 days ago, 4 28W CFL
2. miracle grow soil
3. giving it only water with the occasional drop (literally) of superthrive

Haven't been overwatering, but from my limited knowledge it looks like nutrient burn?? can anyone confirm this? I figured over watering in the miracle grow soil might have released the nutrients and burned it.. but i have been letting it dry out almost completely before watering each time (usually 3 days)

It is now in my new setup, although the problems with the leaves started randomly before i switched to my new 150w hps. The light schedule is 18/6, temps are 86F with the light on, 68F with the light off (only way i can keep it cool enough with light on).

I have 4 main fan leaves with the damage as shown, the rest of the plant is mostly healthy. The largest fan leaf is *slightly* discolored and droopy as you can see.. but not damaged yet. The underside of the plant has RIDICULOUS mini-growth.. as you can see in the pics.

Only giving it pure water right now.. trying to save the lil girl.. anyone have any idea what the damage is from?




Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like nute burn to me, but you definately have a heat problem,
that's what causes the leaf edges to curl up like that,
but your temps aren't too bad.
Do you have an oscilating fan in there, if not get 1.:joint:


Well-Known Member
loks like the plant could use some nitrogene its time to add nutes bro the plant is big enough.


Active Member
No oscillating fan, just the intake (120cfm, powerful pc fan) and the outtake (80cfm, inline fan)

I had planned on wiring another pc fan and point it at the plants.. but had been worried id wire it wrong and cause a fire heh

So thats all heat? wow okay, there is TONS of air movement.. just so much fan coming in at the bottom. But the light is very intense, not quite hot.. just slightly warm.. thermometer maxes out at 86 or so

Makes sense though, i cant figure out what else could cause it :(


Active Member
No oscillating fan, just the intake (120cfm, powerful pc fan) and the outtake (80cfm, inline fan)

I had planned on wiring another pc fan and point it at the plants.. but had been worried id wire it wrong and cause a fire heh

So thats all heat? wow okay, there is TONS of air movement.. just so much fan coming in at the bottom. But the light is very intense, not quite hot.. just slightly warm.. thermometer maxes out at 86 or so

Makes sense though, i cant figure out what else could cause it :(
be strong young jedi :joint:


Well-Known Member
Flush the plants even through the veg stage might be salt build up whitch the plant naturaly produces.use a ph water of 5.0/5.5 wet the plants through with this mix you will notice a kind of amber couloured water running out flush till it is nearly clean.leave the plants in a bath for about 4 hours then get some nutrients in the poor thing.plants get nutrients from outside from decaying matter leaves and other stuff you have to provide the feed dude.


Well-Known Member
That is most likely a potassium def due to not giving it any nutes. The heat is also adding to the problem.
How to fix:
Lower the temps approx 10 degrees
Give a standard veg nute at no more than 1/2 strength
Add a squirt of cal-mag @3-4ml per gallon
PH your mix to 6.5


Active Member
Looks like an Mg deficiency to me. I would make sure you have a good amount of calcium and magnesium, most easily attained from cal-mag. Also looks like you over water your plants, which would be the reason for "droopy" leaves.


Active Member
Flush the plants even through the veg stage might be salt build up whitch the plant naturaly produces.use a ph water of 5.0/5.5 wet the plants through with this mix you will notice a kind of amber couloured water running out flush till it is nearly clean.leave the plants in a bath for about 4 hours then get some nutrients in the poor thing.plants get nutrients from outside from decaying matter leaves and other stuff you have to provide the feed dude.

hahaha again with the flushing... Im gonna point out all your posts. Thats all you ever say... Flush flush flush.


Well-Known Member
And another thing to consider is your use of superthrive and miracle grow soil. The combo of the 2 may just be blasting your plants with too much boosting power. I'd say stop with the superthrive and then go with what Bone man said.


Active Member
Flush the plants even through the veg stage might be salt build up whitch the plant naturaly produces.use a ph water of 5.0/5.5 wet the plants through with this mix you will notice a kind of amber couloured water running out flush till it is nearly clean.leave the plants in a bath for about 4 hours then get some nutrients in the poor thing.plants get nutrients from outside from decaying matter leaves and other stuff you have to provide the feed dude.

Don't flush. You are deficient, don't take away the nutes that your plants do have.


Active Member
Don't flush. You are deficient, don't take away the nutes that your plants do have.
Alright, went and bought some miracle grow all purpose feed.. just a powder you add to the water. Tried to find schulz since ive seen alot of people recommend it, but couldnt find any..

Was going to start with 1/4th level.

Also going to the electronics store tomorrow for more fans. Putting 3 mini (1.5 inch?) fans all pointed at the plants, and putting another 120m intake at the bottom (not quite as high powered.. 80cfm perhaps)

Hopefully that can solve my heat stress problems.. i tried moving the thermo around.. suspending it in the air with string.. etc etc, to see if i have hot spots.. highest i could get it was 87F

Some of my other leaves are curling now though.. thats gotta be what it is :(

Let us hope i dont burn my house down with the fans :?


Active Member
Awww I hope you didnt use that miracle grow crap. Their soils are fine to use. But their nutes contain salt peter. No good. Find some over the counter brand that states its organic. I know theres stuff out there.

Update us with pics of how the leaf is curling. You actually may need to flush, but let me see pics BEFORE you do anything.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use the miracle grow nutes too often, although it's probably
OK for a quick fix.
Fish emulsion would be a better choice for veg nutes.:peace:


Active Member
Awww I hope you didnt use that miracle grow crap. Their soils are fine to use. But their nutes contain salt peter. No good. Find some over the counter brand that states its organic. I know theres stuff out there.

Update us with pics of how the leaf is curling. You actually may need to flush, but let me see pics BEFORE you do anything.
Haven't used it yet, still waiting for the soil to dry out some more before next watering.. im willing to look for something else, but i dont know the names of any local gardening places or anything.. i just use home depot and lowes.. all they have is the MG shit.. only hydroponic store i could find is more than an hour away.. and my car is 14mpg with premium heh ;p

Going to the electronics place in the morning for the fans and wiring and shit..

Heres my current arsenal of nutes/crap whatever.. stuff that was around the house and shit i bought:

seaweed extract-maxicrop
MG all purpose feeder (powder)
MG bloom booster (powder)

I just planted 3 new Aurora indica seeds in dixie cups next to my sickly girl.. they are in organic soil, have perlite to add when i transplant them into larger pots.

I'll get pics up here in just a bit of the leaves.. i removed the leaves that were dying off to try and give the good leaves more light..


Well-Known Member
That is more or less how a P def. looks during veg, but don't try and fix it by feeding more, make sure your ph is on the money. Please don't flush, you will more than likely cause more problems by doing that especially that miracle grow has slow release nutrients. Have you maybe transplanted recently? The reason im asking is cause root damage causes leaves to curl upwards like yours are showing. You might also be keeping the soil too wet as the leaves are quite droopy. MJ roots really need to breathe nicely, miracle grow doesn't help with that much. All the new shoots and most of the rest of the plant looks nice and healhty though so don't feed just yet, just try and water less and watch em :peace:


Well-Known Member
and btw dont clip leaves off the allow for light penetration unless that are completely yellowed and crispy. theres no reason to ever cut fan leaves. they catch light=more available energy for the plant to use in general no matter what part of the plant. whether it be the stem/branch etoliation, mature leaf growth, or new leaf growth