Jesus Was a Leftist -- Just for You Vi


Well-Known Member
Let me put it this way, there can be no doubt that Christ would have addressed a homosexual person in exactly the same way that He addressed the woman caught in adultery. He would act justly and show mercy. He would tell the person to go and sin no more. He would leave a message of love and tolerance.
So the homosexual would be doing something wrong by being gay? If the message is one of tolerance, why should the homosexual need to not "sin" anymore? That is not tolerance.


Well-Known Member
Suicide don'ty play simantics with me.... It would be because Homosexuality was considers a sin back then... Stupid question, stupid answer.


Well-Known Member
Suicide don'ty play simantics with me.... It would be because Homosexuality was considers a sin back then... Stupid question, stupid answer.
What does time matter to the Son of God? God knows everything that ever was and will ever be. He does not live like we live, and He does not follow our scale of time. It wasn't a stupid question just because you don't have a good answer for it. You would think the Son of God would be able to see through the folly of such a belief, wouldn't you? The fact that it was 2000 years ago should be no excuse. If Jesus considered the homosexual a sinner, why shouldn't you? Our conception of "tolerance" is to accept as normal, not simply 'tolerate' it. If Jesus did not consider homosexuality normal, as he must not have if he considered homosexuals to be sinners, neither should you.


The Gardener
The reason why people have problems with gays back then is the same reason its just not right ... if every 1 was queer there would be no more people that dont mean this is wrong tho just a bit of a mix up during birth and they dont know weather 2 f**k or be f**ked lol

But im sure jesus and all the rest of his peace loving dudes would have no problems with people living this way same way all the peace dudes have no problems with it now


Well-Known Member
The reason why people have problems with gays back then is the same reason its just not right ... if every 1 was queer there would be no more people that dont mean this is wrong tho just a bit of a mix up during birth and they dont know weather 2 f**k or be f**ked lol

But im sure jesus and all the rest of his peace loving dudes would have no problems with people living this way same way all the peace dudes have no problems with it now
ever heard of sodum an gomorrah any 1?


New Member
In the spiritual realm, nothing has changed over the past 2000 or so years since Jesus walked the earth.

Sin is of the world. Homosexuality is STILL a sin. What's important is that we define the term "sin."

Walking on the Spiritual Path is a very hard thing to do. The World, and all of it's destractions and sin are on either side, tempting the one who is walking that path in The State of Grace. The temptations of the world are on either side. When God said that the wages of sin is death, He mean spiritual death, not physical death. Homosexuality was declared a sin along with murder, adultry, theft, etc., all drawing one off of that narrow spiritual pathway into spiritual death.


Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
I wonder what Jesus that about homosexuality in sheep, birds, apes, lizards, penguins, and dolphins? The Jewish God supposedly also advocated slavery, the beating of servants to death, was wrong on the age of the world by billions of years, and thought women descended from a rib. Wonder what Jesus thought about that?


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Jesus that about homosexuality in sheep, birds, apes, lizards, penguins, and dolphins? The Jewish God supposedly also advocated slavery, the beating of servants to death, was wrong on the age of the world by billions of years, and thought women descended from a rib. Wonder what Jesus thought about that?
If Jesus in the New Testament had a softer side than God, and may have disagreed with him about things like homosexuality, does that mean God was wrong? God can't be wrong. Or did he just change his mind? How could Almighty God who is perfect in every way simply change his mind?

Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
If Jesus in the New Testament had a softer side than God, and may have disagreed with him about things like homosexuality, does that mean God was wrong? God can't be wrong. Or did he just change his mind? How could Almighty God who is perfect in every way simply change his mind?

Very well put samurai. I'm an atheist myself, so this shit is pretty funny to me as well. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Jesus that about homosexuality in sheep, birds, apes, lizards, penguins, and dolphins? The Jewish God supposedly also advocated slavery, the beating of servants to death, was wrong on the age of the world by billions of years, and thought women descended from a rib. Wonder what Jesus thought about that?
you would have enjoyed another thread we had back in Feb. soon after that thread spun off another thread (then another) the spirituality and sexuality forum opened! lol


there are still slaves and there will always be slaves. all the healthy, capable-of-working people who rely on government programs are slaves. all of the people who go to work and neglect their families are slaves to their job/boss. all of the people who trade their wellbeing for another hit of H or some coke are slaves. the world has slaves and slave owners all the time, in some form or another, because there are always people willing to accept their role as slaves.

homosexuality in nature:

it's a case of mistaken identity. every chance the media gets they cover stories of some gay animal couple to try to make it seem natural. what they don't report is that those pairs last only moments and once they get a chance to mate properly they do. thank goodness we're not driven only by "primal" brains and instincts... according to the media we could behave like the dogs that go to town on so many shins and ankles everyday. where are we if we get so low that we have to try and justify our behavior based on species that can't even use tools?! lol

age of universe:

we don't know the age of the earth because we don't know the effects of magnetic irregularities (poles) on the decay rate of isotopes like C14. all we know is that there is an effect. we don't even know the expansion rate of the universe prior to what we can observe at this moment which is based on data that is of varying ages that we can only approximate. we don't know anything really.

women from men:

male humans carry both X (female) and Y (male) genes whereas females carry only X genes. the evidence shows that women would have had to come from a man initially. isn't that a strange coincidence?



Well-Known Member
If Jesus in the New Testament had a softer side than God, and may have disagreed with him about things like homosexuality, does that mean God was wrong? God can't be wrong. Or did he just change his mind? How could Almighty God who is perfect in every way simply change his mind?
Jesus in the NT is God from the OT. there are no inconsistencies because they are One. as soon as you hear or see someone waiver on that fact you can immediately disregard them as a Christian, they are not a Christian at all.

the miracle of Jesus' existence represents something that goes beyond mind boggling, it's nearly incomprehensible in it's simplicity: God becomes man. an infinite, all knowing God became a mortal human with feelings, doubts, curiosity, everything that we experience. the sole intention of this experience was to prove His ultimate love for everyone of us.

the infinitely powerful God who created everything was willing to experience the death of a Son, the shame of being spit on and slapped, the torment of a cross, the pain of beatings, the tears of a mother and the doubt of a group of disciples who witnessed miracle after miracle - first hand! - just to say I Love You.

He said, you'll never perfectly abide by the simple laws I gave you but you don't have to placate me with offerings anymore. instead, I offer you my Son and if you will take Him I will take you. you can be cleansed by your faith instead of your actions alone.

to me, Jesus doesn't represent a "softer side" of God, He's the most hardcore side of God to ever be revealed to us.



New Member
sadum an gahmora happenend in the bible not in a comic book thou
Man you have the most ignorantly distasteful signature I've ever seen on a web site. Did you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer repeatedly to come up with that, or are you just a retarded asshole?


Well-Known Member
Man you have the most ignorantly distasteful signature I've ever seen on a web site. Did you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer repeatedly to come up with that, or are you just a retarded asshole?
dude your a prick its a sublime song an i think its pretty fuckin funny