SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was not sure if you cutt a stem of a flower plant or you took a clone strainght to flower, no root or veg time. Did not read the post, going back to it to catch up...... Thanks, these plants come out very well.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Gypsy! That's crazy. It took up everything it needed to reproduce through the stem and a single tap root. Tough genes.


New Member
Holy crap! Thats amazing!!!!
Marijuana is truly a gift. For all of mankind to enjoy, at a reasonable price <jk>:bigjoint:

I've had plants with pretty sorry root systems before but thats crazy!!
And here i was thinking plants won't take up nutrients until they're rooted. What a resiliant plant. As hard as it is to successfully grow good marijuana, its almost impossible to completely fail.
In all seriousness, i understand you dislike for the way ganja is treated like a commodity. Personally, I find it to be a very spirtual herb and am sometimes taken completely aback by the criminal element that surrounds it.
Having said that, if it wasn't for "for-profit growers" i probably would never have developed the connection i have with marijuana. Its the middlemen that jack up the price, short bags, carry guns and are generally the real trouble.
I'm really high on some ultra haze :eyesmoke: right now so i lost my point, but keep on fightin' the good fight!!!
i like you......:eyesmoke: you get a key to the fort:bigjoint:

Kinda of lost me, but I am high!
damn stoner........nice update btw;-)

and gypsy....yes you absolutely can and imo should use hygrozyme in an organic grow. and very nice buds man.....i need to dend you a pic ...i'm try/doing a mini. kinda an omage to the hippie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i like you......:eyesmoke: you get a key to the fort:bigjoint:

damn stoner........nice update btw;-)
One more peek at that beauty?!?!

Why not eh?!?! it just looks so.... YUMMY!!!! :weed:

and gypsy....yes you absolutely can and imo should use hygrozyme in an organic grow. and very nice buds man.....i need to dend you a pic ...i'm try/doing a mini. kinda an omage to the hippie:eyesmoke:
Oh That's nice Bugs... you will enjoy them... and wish they were 10 bigger when you but they do get extra frosty...

And uh...

Told you... no roots... lol...;-)

Crazy huh?!

And thanks for the info Bugs... I have passed it along to the feller that needed it...

Cheers... :bigjoint:

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Thusfar they have been inconsistent due to what has been available to me, etc.

The same size clones stretched a lot more the second tray through so I don't know what the deal is. I tend to have gotten anywhere from 6-8ish before, though I am experimenting with some 9-10inchers on a slightly different strain that hopefully don't get too big. It all really depends on your grow space, but at the same time you are limited vertically by how much horizontal room you give them as well, so there is a sweet spot I seem to be relatively close to from the get go.


New Member
9'x14'x8' flowering chamber:shock:
5.5'x9'x8' mom/vegging/cloning chamber:shock:
1600 cuft of thermostaically exhausted air "buffer" space between the ceiling of the op and the roof of the structure. (keeps heat and humidity down in the buffer space):hump::shock::shock::shock:
thermostatically controlled 6'' centrifigul blower for flowering chamber exhaust, as well as in the mom/cloning chamber:clap:
30 liter dehumidifier, 5600 btu air conditioning for the flower room:shock:
dual 600w hps on a light mover covers 3-2x4 trays of white widow all grown at 4 per sq ft. so 3 trays of 32 each. all yielding over on ounce dry weight.every 3 weeks.:weed::shock::shock::shock: next to a 2x4 under a 400w hps for flowering retired mothers in. always has 4 in flower, going in 2 at a time. yielding 3/4 lb every 6 weeks. all used to make bubble hash with.:o
and yet still to my new 3x6 table with a 1000w hps on a light mover kickin out over 72 ounces every 6 weeks. no sog there just one big ass table of indica. :o:o:o
and next to a 6 shelf 6' bud dryer.
then the 2x4 that holds all of my moms under a 400w mh wich is across from my diy aerocloners that finally work and my rapid rooters in humidomes on heat mats. my indica likes the cloner, my sativa likes the dome......who knew?:?
3000 watts lady's and gents. no fuss no muss and more importantly fuzz. but that might be due to the double insulation i put down on the top of the ceiling and the ir block i lined the cielings with.

a plan.......check
a purpose......check
a vision........double check

get like me or get better i dont care wich but for the love of god people grow,grow,grow:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

getting ready to go fully automated and put in co2 properly.......all done in april by the latest. wish me luck bitches:hump:


Well-Known Member
i thought........braggin'? well ya a lil, but proud is more like it. can you blame me. it's the result of over a year of fuckin up.....but still growin

I didn't read nothing about an automatic sprinkler system though...:bigjoint:Thats gonna be the shit. Like the idea about flowering the retiring mothers. I'm flowering one of them right now and she is gonna put out soooooo much bud compared to all the other clones its insane.


New Member
9'x14'x8' flowering chamber:shock:
5.5'x9'x8' mom/vegging/cloning chamber:shock:
1600 cuft of thermostaically exhausted air "buffer" space between the ceiling of the op and the roof of the structure. (keeps heat and humidity down in the buffer space):hump::shock::shock::shock:
thermostatically controlled 6'' centrifigul blower for flowering chamber exhaust, as well as in the mom/cloning chamber:clap:
30 liter dehumidifier, 5600 btu air conditioning for the flower room:shock:
dual 600w hps on a light mover covers 3-2x4 trays of white widow all grown at 4 per sq ft. so 3 trays of 32 each. all yielding over on ounce dry weight.every 3 weeks.:weed::shock::shock::shock: next to a 2x4 under a 400w hps for flowering retired mothers in. always has 4 in flower, going in 2 at a time. yielding 3/4 lb every 6 weeks. all used to make bubble hash with.:o
and yet still to my new 3x6 table with a 1000w hps on a light mover kickin out over 72 ounces every 6 weeks. no sog there just one big ass table of indica. :o:o:o
and next to a 6 shelf 6' bud dryer.
then the 2x4 that holds all of my moms under a 400w mh wich is across from my diy aerocloners that finally work and my rapid rooters in humidomes on heat mats. my indica likes the cloner, my sativa likes the dome......who knew?:?
3000 watts lady's and gents. no fuss no muss and more importantly fuzz. but that might be due to the double insulation i put down on the top of the ceiling and the ir block i lined the cielings with.

a plan.......check
a purpose......check
a vision........double check

get like me or get better i dont care wich but for the love of god people grow,grow,grow:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

getting ready to go fully automated and put in co2 properly.......all done in april by the latest. wish me luck bitches:hump:

god i'm awesome. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::leaf:

gypsy should build a totem pole in my honor or something. just suprise me.:-o


Well-Known Member
9'x14'x8' flowering chamber:shock:
5.5'x9'x8' mom/vegging/cloning chamber:shock:
1600 cuft of thermostaically exhausted air "buffer" space between the ceiling of the op and the roof of the structure. (keeps heat and humidity down in the buffer space):hump::shock::shock::shock:
thermostatically controlled 6'' centrifigul blower for flowering chamber exhaust, as well as in the mom/cloning chamber:clap:
30 liter dehumidifier, 5600 btu air conditioning for the flower room:shock:
dual 600w hps on a light mover covers 3-2x4 trays of white widow all grown at 4 per sq ft. so 3 trays of 32 each. all yielding over on ounce dry weight.every 3 weeks.:weed::shock::shock::shock: next to a 2x4 under a 400w hps for flowering retired mothers in. always has 4 in flower, going in 2 at a time. yielding 3/4 lb every 6 weeks. all used to make bubble hash with.:o
and yet still to my new 3x6 table with a 1000w hps on a light mover kickin out over 72 ounces every 6 weeks. no sog there just one big ass table of indica. :o:o:o
and next to a 6 shelf 6' bud dryer.
then the 2x4 that holds all of my moms under a 400w mh wich is across from my diy aerocloners that finally work and my rapid rooters in humidomes on heat mats. my indica likes the cloner, my sativa likes the dome......who knew?:?
3000 watts lady's and gents. no fuss no muss and more importantly fuzz. but that might be due to the double insulation i put down on the top of the ceiling and the ir block i lined the cielings with.

a plan.......check
a purpose......check
a vision........double check

get like me or get better i dont care wich but for the love of god people grow,grow,grow:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

getting ready to go fully automated and put in co2 properly.......all done in april by the latest.
wish me luck bitches:hump:
Damn, Bugs! Now that's a Weed Baron setup, brother. Good luck!
luck is for suckers and gypsy's i am the weed baron:clap:

but thank you
Feeling a little contradictory... are we????? :-P


Well-Known Member
it was the ol bait n switch......ya thats it.......hehehehehe, i'm still awesome though
Yes you are Bugs...

and if I wasn't feeling so crappy, I'd be a better person at telling you how much I appreciate you...

I'm sorry for being so PMS like...:o

Life has been really really hard on all fronts... and I am just feeling a little overwhelmed...

Can somebody stop the world real quick??? I wanna get out... :wall: