beginner need help on aero garden


Well-Known Member
Ok i just bought some Super Lemon Haze seeds and im about to go buy the aero garden in a copule of days and i've been reading up and ppl keep bashing the aero garden cuz its not good is this true?? and what do i need after i buy the aero garder such as kits/tablets anything of that source sincerely im new to this and im trying to start growing and eventually start growing like everyone on here and by the way my seeds are already feminized is that good?? so if anyone could help me out i would really appreacite it!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ok i just bought some Super Lemon Haze seeds and im about to go buy the aero garden in a copule of days and i've been reading up and ppl keep bashing the aero garden cuz its not good is this true?? and what do i need after i buy the aero garder such as kits/tablets anything of that source sincerely im new to this and im trying to start growing and eventually start growing like everyone on here and by the way my seeds are already feminized is that good?? so if anyone could help me out i would really appreacite it!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

well my AG was free, if you invest in and AeroGarden, it has alot of convenience to it, basically set and forget, you can build you own system for cheaper but, the reason i like the AG is how you can just throw it into a clostet and your set, everything has good and bads, fem seeds are great, that means there female seeds, good strain as well, the AeroGarden i believe comes with the nutes you need, you can also buy other hydro nutrients for the AG, theres a couple different options, but they has a kit called the master gardening kit, which has a year of nutes and extra nute tablets, you would also need extra cfl's, to add through out the vegitive stage, i would go for the space saver 6 pod, its a lil cheaper, and with all the extra add on's, it can save you money, but again, you can build your own system for cheaper, but its up to you, either is good, good luck :leaf:


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2046869]well my AG was free, if you invest in and AeroGarden, it has alot of convenience to it, basically set and forget, you can build you own system for cheaper but, the reason i like the AG is how you can just throw it into a clostet and your set, everything has good and bads, fem seeds are great, that means there female seeds, good strain as well, the AeroGarden i believe comes with the nutes you need, you can also buy other hydro nutrients for the AG, theres a couple different options, but they has a kit called the master gardening kit, which has a year of nutes and extra nute tablets, you would also need extra cfl's, to add through out the vegitive stage, i would go for the space saver 6 pod, its a lil cheaper, and with all the extra add on's, it can save you money, but again, you can build your own system for cheaper, but its up to you, either is good, good luck :leaf:[/quote]
great sounds like the right thing for me then since i dont know nothing about growing and i heard people talk about putting chicken wire cuz the plants too big is this gonna be a problem for the AG cuz i know they have a set limit on how much u can raise the lights on the AG how could u make it taller to accomadate it and whats cfl's, sorry if i sound like a dumbass but im totally new and would love for my super lemon haze to reach its full potential of 22.9% THC


Well-Known Member
You cant grow weed in an Aerogarden..

Hee Hee
lol y are u messing wit me like that lol but thx for everyone for ur support seems like this thing is pretty easy and with some nute tablets i should be ok

by the way wat do u think on the seeds i got Super lemon haze is that a good choice and is there some others u recommend cuz im looking for the strongest couch lock strain


Well-Known Member
NO NUTES for at least 3 weeks or after they grown at least 3-4 nodes ,,Just the starter tablets
so just use the starter tablets the AG comes with ok nice and what setting should i keep it on cuz ppl told me to keep it in the tomato setting???:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thats the one I use ..

nice just some questions
1. whats cfl's
2. why do i keep seeing aluminum on the AG where the seeds grow
3.when the plants grow big how do u provide light with the AG cuz it only has a limit on how far u can lift the lights up


Well-Known Member

thx for the tutorial, i understood everything except this part in the pic where he says


what does that mean and whats wrong with the pic whats that stuff on it

again thx and sorry for my beginner questions


Well-Known Member
thats mold, the AG comes with plant labels, lil paper circles, just get a glue stick and glue it on the plastic rim, thats holds the sponge


Well-Known Member
yea thats why you have to glue it one the grow net, so that doesn't happen... i was say make sure you do


Well-Known Member
ok when i get my AG i will definitely do this then seems like i learned all the basic to growing with AG will post back as soon as i start growing my super lemon haze seeds thx +rep for everyone and also what is the CFl's that i should get for the AG that is supposed to be better


Well-Known Member
look on the package, it will say either DAYLIGHT or SOFT WHITE, you want daylight for vegging, and soft white for flowering


Well-Known Member
man thx ur a great person for helpin me im just a stoner who wants to smoke weed without having to pay for those ridiculous prices we have here in my state uhhhh 25 dollars for some ok bud uhh thats killing me i bet cali weed is the shit man i would love some