SkyLight pre-flwr to harvest. w/ pics.


Well-Known Member
Medium: organic potting mix w/ added verm. and peri.
Lights: 4 23watt, warm spectrum CPF, 2 12 watt 'daylight' cool blue CPF
Strain: Unknown bagseed. Calling it skylight because I started it in one.
Photoperiod: Flowering (12/12)

Hello everyone. I origionally posted a few earlier pics of the plant in the newbie forum but decided this was a more appropriate forum. Older pics and thread are here:

This is my first attempt at flowering a plant indoors as I usually start them indoors and move them to the great outdoors. Its just one small plant. More of a winter hobby than anything, but I still hope to get a little kind off it before i am done.:weed:

It has been on the flowering period for about 3 weeks now. It was topped(attempted FIM) about 4 weeks ago and it has three growth tips from the top and many other budsites along the stem.

I will try to update every few days with pics to show the progress. Hopefully I can keep the thread going though the manicuring and curing stage.

Any feed back is welcome.



Well-Known Member
The 4 23 watt bulbs can be seen in this pic. The socket without any bulbs holds the 2 small blue spect. lights in a two way socket that scerws in, but I removed it for the pic.(made the color really weird)

The lights are usually closer to the plant but to get a shot I had to move them back some. I have tried to arrange them in a way that gives all the budsites on the plant, even the lower ones, equal light and I am thinking about tying some of the branches out to further expose the budsite along the stem to more light.

Any guesses on yield if the watts stay the same? Hard to tell I know because it has a lot to do with genetics and this seed came from unknown bagseed, but I try not to smoke crappy herb so I hope it will be nice.



Well-Known Member
Hello all. Today i decided to tie down the three uppermost branches. I tied them all in opposite directions so that all the little budsites underneath them will reach for the light and fatten up. My hope is that atleast three new little growth tips that I just exposed to more light will catch up to the three big ones that I tied down.

I would love 6 little colas come harvest time.

Anyone wanna guess expected yield??? I would love some critisism or comments.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply shefsmoke. I was getting sad :{ ... j.k. More to come in a couple days. I gotta get some lithium batteries or somthing becuase my carema is going through the regular ones like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just started mine today. got some more bagseed germing right now. and rockwools soaking in water. I just got my camera today so imma have to go buy some rechargables and Im still thinking around the thrif shops around here for a cabniet to setup for my grow box.


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vbmenu_register("postmenu_1979040", true); Learning How To Roll Learning How To Roll Join Date: Jan 2009 Location: San Antonio Posts: 39
permalink lookin niiiceee bro __________________
Thanks man. I am having a blast. If this turns out good I will definitely be an indoor convert. It's so much more fun because I can see the plants every day. When outdoors I only see them maybe 10-12 times from seedling to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I like indoor better b/c u can controll a lot of the heat/light/water/nuts and so on but u have to becareful and not fuck it up and u can grow a lot faster indoors.


Well-Known Member
I agree, shefsmoke. There are lots of benefits to growing indoors, and after reading lots of posts here I am amazed at how fast they grow in a hydro system. They a get yield in like 4 month that would take me 7 months outdoors.

Once I get a little more experience w/ indoor and I feel a little more 'in touch' with mj plants' needs I will definitely do a small DWC set up. I love what those bubblebuckets can do.

That being said, I still love outdoor growing. Nothing beats a patch 6 foot, budding monsters reaching for the autumn sun. Especially when the weather is perfect and little to now attention is required. Other than pulling males and harvesting buds :)


Well-Known Member
I agree, shefsmoke. There are lots of benefits to growing indoors, and after reading lots of posts here I am amazed at how fast they grow in a hydro system. They a get yield in like 4 month that would take me 7 months outdoors.

Once I get a little more experience w/ indoor and I feel a little more 'in touch' with mj plants' needs I will definitely do a small DWC set up. I love what those bubblebuckets can do.

That being said, I still love outdoor growing. Nothing beats a patch 6 foot, budding monsters reaching for the autumn sun. Especially when the weather is perfect and little to now attention is required. Other than pulling males and harvesting buds :)
yep i year u there. but the hydro is to expensive. i live in apt and low cost and stealth is key for me :D


Well-Known Member
Stealth isn't a problem for me to much since my wife looovves homegrown, but I am definatly on a budget. I have been planning it out, and for two stand alone 5gal DWC it really is pretty cheap once you get the PPM and PH meters. The nutes and the netpots are not that high and most of the other stuff can be gotten at home depot.


Well-Known Member
Looked at the plant today to see how it took to bieng tid down. It has really bounced back. The tips of the limbs I tied are all pointing up at the light agian, but now there is a nice gap it the foilage right down the middle of the plant if you have a bird's eye view, and all the little growth tips that were once in the shadows have now been shown the light.:-P



Well-Known Member
Looked at the plant today to see how it took to bieng tid down. It has really bounced back. The tips of the limbs I tied are all pointing up at the light agian, but now there is a nice gap it the foilage right down the middle of the plant if you have a bird's eye view, and all the little growth tips that were once in the shadows have now been shown the light.:-P
looking good man! cant wait for my seeds to get here so I can start!! im just messing around with some bagseed right now.


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed too man. I aways use it because I am to scared to spend a lot of money on seeds and then have them die. I know some good genetics can make a world of difference, but I have grown bagseed from crappy weed before and the buds still turned out to be killers.

I know gen. has a lot to do w/ it but I think the enviroment is a big factor. Also, just by pulling all the males early and growing sensi weed from shity, seedy weed you can get tons more potency.


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed too man. I aways use it because I am to scared to spend a lot of money on seeds and then have them die. I know some good genetics can make a world of difference, but I have grown bagseed from crappy weed before and the buds still turned out to be killers.

I know gen. has a lot to do w/ it but I think the enviroment is a big factor. Also, just by pulling all the males early and growing sensi weed from shity, seedy weed you can get tons more potency.
yeah right now the seeds im germ was some good dank ass skunk i just picked up this morning :D I got about 5-6 good fat seeds out of it


Well-Known Member
A lucky find man. Don't under estimate bagseed. Other than the the rare case of hermies I am usually happy with them.


Well-Known Member
A lucky find man. Don't under estimate bagseed. Other than the the rare case of hermies I am usually happy with them.
I found this thing at a groceory store and thought hmm that maybe usefull its a tomato and onion holder to keep it fresh in the fridge I thought that would so work to germ seeds on my comp monitor!

