Joker52's DMT Extraction Log


Well-Known Member
idk, i just agreed with the other poster that it looked weird.
So you are just an agreeable idiot? Got it, I will remember that the next time you say anything at all.

Or maybe you are just hating out of the fact that you cannot figure out how to get your hands on DMT that is pure fluffy white xtals(%98 i think). dont hate on me cause you can't figure out how to get it.


Well-Known Member
OK, i had to find this thread again. Well, i did as i said once i got the lye. I extracted 1 batch and it's been drying for about 3 days now. I can see the crystals forming but the naptha is all thick around it. So i'm letting it dry.

After this i added the naptha again but a day later it wasn't seperated.
So i added naptha, still nothing after a day.
I just added a bunch of water and i'm hoping this will solve it.
Either i couldn't see the naptha or there wasn't enough heat.

I think it might be the heat because the first time the lye warmed the jar, but the second nothing...


Well-Known Member
btw here's a quick pic of the Crystals. They are a little darker and blurred on this picture.


Well-Known Member
here is a pic of my collection of DMT and 5-meo-dmt. Afew grades as you can see. In the front row from left to right: 5-MeO-DMT freebase 1g; 5-meo-dmt hcl .5g; DMT extract(gift from a guy I met while camping) .5g
Back row left to right is 5-meo-dmt freebase 5g; DMT freebase %98 lab grade ~2.5-3grams.

As you can see the extract is not very pure and that is why I dont smoke it, I was going to clean it but I haven't had the motivation with that fluffy white stuff sitting around.



Well-Known Member
what of that did u extract? Also, what about 2.2 lbs for $150 would it be safe to order that much?


Well-Known Member
what of that did u extract? Also, what about 2.2 lbs for $150 would it be safe to order that much?
None, its all lab grade. Well except for the extract that was gifted.

Look for powdered root bark. It will save you time and increase your yield. A well hidden secret of the basement shamans.


Well-Known Member
i just put mine in a blender for 10 minutes. POWDER. Anyways, did u order that online? SKETCHY


Well-Known Member
i just put mine in a blender for 10 minutes. POWDER. Anyways, did u order that online? SKETCHY
I don't think I want to give you any more advice seeing all you do is talk shit. As you can see I have my stash well situated and I do not have to worry about grinding bark or dealing with solvents. Just where I am going to smoke it and how much I want to smoke. Enjoy asking for help and making a bunch of waist product along with your lower grade DMT. I hope you know how to dispose of it all the correct way. Feels good to know a lab and have %98 pure DMT freebase.:joint:

BTW it doesnt hurt much more than a bong rip to smoke.


Well-Known Member
i'm sure you have a huge collection of dmt that random people gave you. *cough* crack... *cough*


New Member
My side is just that, what is best for me, MY SIDE. Displaying pics of final products doesn't pose the same the threat as posting photo essays of the process itself. Once the process is documented enough times by people, it gives L.E a head to cut off, in this case, it would be MHRB, because that is what Joker52 proposed to provide to the public. A photo essay of his step by step (insanely simple) extraction of MHRB to yield a controlled substance.

Off the top of my head I can outline 3 various processes that one can take that would yield DMT. There is no guessing which route Joker52 is taking because he wants to show it off to L.E. This gives them ammo to regulate the precursor. You seem like a bright guy Carni do I need to explain further?
L.E. can already do what they want. They are just a bunch of power hungry assholes and they can find how to make DMT anywhere, so this isn't doing any harm. In other words, grow up because you comlaining isn't gonna make this thread disappear.


Well-Known Member
lets simplify this because it sounds like you want to do this the HARD way.

Grind up the root bark, mix lye with distilled water(at half the weight of the bark, 100gm bark=50gms lye) very slowly, don't pour the water into the lye, dump small amounts of lye into the water to avoid a volatile reaction. This should be done in a capped jar or milk jug. also use around 10-15ml of water per gram of MHRB. Shake that shit for about 10 minutes and pour 50ml of boiling hot naptha into the solution(it is necessary to keep the solution hot in order to extract all the goodies/elf spice, one would use a hot water bath and not an open flame, examp. place the jar in a pot of hot water on an electric stove), let everything separate and do your pulls(repeat the naptha process 6-7 times) this should only take around 1-2 hours tops. Then, set the naptha somewhere where it can evaporate down to about 33-25% of the volume(examp. if you start out with 300ml of DMT saturate naptha you will end up with 100-75ml of solution). place in the freezer for around 5-6 hours and wallah you got crystals or should I say fluff. It would be a good idea to use a pyrex dish as a vessel for the naptha/DMT concentrated solution in the freezor WITH A LID, it's much easier to scrape it off the glass than losing it all in a damn coffee filter.

God, I wish people would do more research before doing an acid/base extraction with the Mimosa root bark it is so unnecessary, str8 to base works just fine and produces better yields.

Google nomans tek or DMT-nexus

Mad love for KTBotanicals and peace out!


Well-Known Member
God, I wish people would do more research before doing an acid/base extraction with the Mimosa root bark it is so unnecessary, str8 to base works just fine and produces better yields.

Google nomans tek or DMT-nexus

Mad love for KTBotanicals and peace out!
Maybe for you but others wish to pull the highest yields they can get and A/B is necessary for that.

DMT nexus is good but not the place I would go to learn extraction teks.


Well-Known Member
well i tried it and had some shroom effects but no breakthrough. FOr some reason it's would not seperate again so i'm just gonna wait till i order 100-200g more.


Well-Known Member
Maybe for you but others wish to pull the highest yields they can get and A/B is necessary for that.

DMT nexus is good but not the place I would go to learn extraction teks.
I never said anything about myself doing an extraction, that would be self incrimination!

By the way, has someone such as yourself tried both teks? If not it is really pointless to argue these facts. Str8 to base will always yield more spice(if done RIGHT) because you lose a small amount of goods during the first part of your extraction while performing an A/B, but to each their own.

If you are worried about purity a recrystallization can be performed after the str8 to base and freeze precipitation is done.

Granted this tek will not work with too many different types of plant material.



Well-Known Member
By the way, has someone such as yourself tried both teks? If not it is really pointless to argue these facts.
Since we are all just a bunch of criminals anyway, it is really pointless to argue at all. Not to mention extremely irritating to have to sift through all this bickering. post pictures of your dope "collections", half assed attempts at extracting, and throw around a couple of insults. At the end of the day, you are not a dealer or a chemist or important in any other way. You are just a criminal looking for a cell. It may do you well to remember that.


Well-Known Member
i have muriatic acid for my pool. And vinegar so i'll do an A/B with the 200g i'm ordering next.