fox farm help


Well-Known Member
get your fan blowing a little on the soil... if it is mold it won't grow with that air blowing on it *it'll keep the first like 1cm drier then the rest*

and get a humidity gauge... you want it to be around 50% while in bud and the closer it gets to crop you want it to dry out...
How often do you water?

*more moisture equals mold*


Well-Known Member
yea i have transplanted 3 times also it must just have to do wit strain cause we have almost same set up. also it says on that sched to start flowering at week 4 but i wanna get them bigger because im already past week 4.. shouod i not even follow the sched or jus wait till i do start to flower then jump back on the sched


Well-Known Member
i water about every 4 to 5 days when ever my soil drys out i have a meter that tells me when to water or when its to wet.


Well-Known Member
do you have your plant in a cabinet???? I've got a really reflective surface in my cabinet so all the light is used up...

thicker stock equals a larger plant aswell....

how big is the pot you have it in now??? mine is aprox a gallon *4 litres* pot


Well-Known Member
same here around 1.5 g no i grow in my closet which is painted white i will post pics of setup but the plants in the pics were from past grows. the big plant turned out to be a male a was extremely streched cause my freund had it for the first 4 months and was using 1 40w flouro that was like 2 feet away from the plant....nut this will give u a better view of my setup wit my current plant.



Well-Known Member
your using a NMH bulb arn't ya???

try using your HPS there maybe that will increase your growth..

as you can see from my pic here I bury my plant when I transplant to the first set of leafs... yours looks a bit stretched..

I've also posted a pic of my light and exhaust fan... as well as my tower fan... *I seen the one in your pic, it looks like maybe 4-6" blades... mine is 12" blades and has two of them.... also it has some air flow settings when aiming the fans that allows for increase velocity of the wind so it keeps it blowin in my cabinet pretty fast*


Well-Known Member
yeah I know... and if you look at my pic you should bury your plant to close to or to the first set of leafs or branches, roots will actually start to grow out of the main stock, and fill out the top layer of soil.... my seedlings were stretched as well only had the HPS for lights and wasn't sure as to how close to have them. I ended up killing a few seedlings til I got the height right.

Have you tried topping your plants at all??? if you do it between the 5th and 7th nodes you get some nice branches...
I'll pull my plants out and take a pic of them by themselves and post them so you can see them for what they really are.

*ARGH can't go to work today :( road is flooded out in two place... guess I get to work on my cabinet some more today*


Well-Known Member
looking good bro. i am gonna use all those nutes though they gotta be good for sutton just got the cha ching in today. hopefully the rest will be here 2marrow cause i think thats the only reason she isnt anywhere as big aas she should be.ill post pics later today.


Well-Known Member
start feeding the tiger bloom when you switch to 12 12 also i use those nutes and i just follow the bottles directions. i also use the open sesame and the big bloom too. good luck your plants look good


Well-Known Member
yeah they are lookin really good :D

I still have yet to find any fox farms but whatever... I guess what I'm doing is working lol....