I have to places to grow, where would you do it?


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Sorry, title should say: "I have TWO places to grow"

Alright guys, I need some brainstorming here to figure out my best option.

I am renting a house right now. My landlord stays to himself and he is a non issue.

I am trying to figure out where to set up my smaller, modest grow room, in the Attic or Basement.:wall:

I have a fiance and two children. My fiance is against growing but shit is getting 50 a quarter here in Michigan and she smokes twice as much as me. That is also part of the discussion- I'm sure (and hope) that once I got set up and started producing and I'm showing here that it is stealth and we won't get caught she will be on board. Am I bad for considering doing this behind her back?

I have a 1/2 basement which means the ceiling is about 6 ft tall. In this basement there is a small room with no door if you were to go straight down the steps. The rest of the basement holds the furnace. In the small room I was thinking about blocking off the doorway to make it look like it is just part of the wall and there is nothing behind it. Inside there are two shelf holders spaced about 4-5 feet apart.

The pro to me growing down here (besides the fact that it seems a perfect 6x6 room to grow) are the shelfs so I could very easily set up to move the light up as the plants grow. Also the basement will hold more of a steady temperature then the attic (with partial insulation). The con to this is there are a few things that would need to be accessed from the basement if something needed repaired (thus bringing in my landlords right hand man that surely would say something about a grow room). Though I could be sure to "travel light" and be sure if something did require the repair man to come down to the basement I could move it before I do (he only comes if called upon).

In addition to that, it would require something pretty obvious to my fiance when blocking off the room and I don't want to lie: Its better to ask forgiveness then to beg for permission (or however that saying goes). :dunce:

The attic has higher temperature changes (with it being partially insulated) but the areas I want to grow it are insulated and it wouldn't be too difficult to close it off. Though temperature is not a big issue, it will be something to deal with. I have two areas to choose from, both having electrical access.

In the attic it is more of a loft that is semi-finished. On the outside of the walls are a little crawl area all around the house where the roof angles off. The highest points where the roof meets the inside wall is maybe 4 1/2 - 5 feet (thus being a possible height issue for the plants too?).

This is my first serious grow (all the others were quick attempts with no real reason to think they would be a success) and the money is tight (but I don't need to DIY EVERYTHING). I don't have a whole lot of money but 20 bucks or 30 here and there won't kill me, so I'm trying to weigh options that can cut costs but still have a decent product.

With it being my first grow I don't want to go head over heals and would like to have a shorter and smaller grow to get my feet wet.

I read through the forums quite a bit and will continue to do so but there is still A LOT that I need to learn.

Any imput is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
sorry i couldn't help more lol but im on my 1st couple grows myself. Good luck! cant wait to hear how this one turns out :joint:


Well-Known Member
dude, using CFL would be the WORST idea. Get a real light and you will surprise yourself.
I am attempting to get some additional information. If CFL is the "worst" idea I would appreciate a reason why. Again, I am looking for a smaller grow with no real attempt to gather the absolute maximum yield, just something that I weigh my options and attempt to get out cheap.

I'm not discounting what you said, but I am curious as to your reason why.


Active Member
id let ur missus come on her and have a read might numb her a bit, i always thought the basement would be better specially the little room sounds perfect just line it with mylar,ut im only on my first grow myself as for money iv spent about £40 so far and have a 9" white widow plant i use cfl's for light, bat guano for nitrogen and have got a potassium feed for her flowering. im in the same situation and just blagged my girl to let me have 1 plant in the wardrobe. if u want to grow in the attic ake sure its well insulated iv heard of tons of people bein caught through heat detection( a stray copper chopper)with his ti camera on.


Active Member
from what iv read cfl's are a good source but u will need a good few probably bout 6 over ur plants and maybe a few down the sides


Well-Known Member
id let ur missus come on her and have a read might numb her a bit
Shes pretty stubborn so its hard to say if she would even be willing to do that lol.

if u want to grow in the attic ake sure its well insulated iv heard of tons of people bein caught through heat detection( a stray copper chopper)with his ti camera on.
I may not be insulated enough for me to feel safe about it with you bringing up that point........


Well-Known Member
partners can be the downfall the nipper can be a problem too, they grow older and can let loose words.

this is how i would do it.

small dwarf indicas, these can be hidden among other plants. a couple of t8 fluors for vegging plants,seedlings and cuttings ( not from weed). better with a 250-400w sodium light.

renting a house, would landlord mind if garden was planted up. a few cleomes (look like cannabis so could cause leo too snoop), tomoato's, chilli's, sweet pepper etc, these could be grown in weed room and allow a few dwarfs too be placed into grow area. landlord may be a bit iffy at first but if you keep lowkey a few dwarfs and plenty of other none ilegal plants i think it could work. the legal plants could be placed into front/rear gardens, a few placed in windowsils.

dont go crazy mad and fill out with 10 plants you have children and a wife too think about, no good you doing bird and them struggling with low incomes etc etc. a couple at a time grown with other plants. no 50lt bags of perlite and 100lt bags of composts etc etc. keep low key as possible couple of plants too test the water.

above all dont become greedy, this will be your downfall.


Well-Known Member
first i would get the wife on board with this grow...only personal use anyway and im sure she could find something to do with that 50 dollars...while she smokes for free...also the basement sounds like it would work out best for you...shealth is your friend, dont tell the kids, and get growing and save up that money....


Well-Known Member
first i would get the wife on board with this grow...only personal use anyway and im sure she could find something to do with that 50 dollars...while she smokes for free...also the basement sounds like it would work out best for you...shealth is your friend, dont tell the kids, and get growing and save up that money....
i agree - get wife on board and doing it in the basement.

thanks everyone for the help


Active Member
as for kids my boys well intersted but i tell him nothing i suggest a lock and key and keep all activity down whilst there awake u know urself they always ask questions


Active Member
I would personally go for the attic. Cellars have problems like damp and the air circulation would be harder, also surely the smell issues would be worse, Particularly in the house where the wife and kids are.


Active Member
thats a good point about the smell but u can get a carbon filter and exhaust sytem if u want as for the damp as long as the walls are covered and u have a humidity tester u should be ok


Well-Known Member
well if it were me in this position i'd buy a 250watt hps and use only a part of the 6x6 room.. by the time ur finished messing around will your cfl's and sockets and wires you could just get a 250watt hps.. cfl's don't give the greatest bud.. but it would do the trick.. i've done it before but if you were only to use cfl's i'd get a couple cheep 70 wat hps and hang them over the plants 2 that would add better quality light to the grow


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Sorry, title should say: "I have TWO places to grow"

Alright guys, I need some brainstorming here to figure out my best option.

I am renting a house right now. My landlord stays to himself and he is a non issue.

I am trying to figure out where to set up my smaller, modest grow room, in the Attic or Basement.:wall:

I have a fiance and two children. My fiance is against growing but shit is getting 50 a quarter here in Michigan and she smokes twice as much as me. That is also part of the discussion- I'm sure (and hope) that once I got set up and started producing and I'm showing here that it is stealth and we won't get caught she will be on board. Am I bad for considering doing this behind her back?

I have a 1/2 basement which means the ceiling is about 6 ft tall. In this basement there is a small room with no door if you were to go straight down the steps. The rest of the basement holds the furnace. In the small room I was thinking about blocking off the doorway to make it look like it is just part of the wall and there is nothing behind it. Inside there are two shelf holders spaced about 4-5 feet apart.

The pro to me growing down here (besides the fact that it seems a perfect 6x6 room to grow) are the shelfs so I could very easily set up to move the light up as the plants grow. Also the basement will hold more of a steady temperature then the attic (with partial insulation). The con to this is there are a few things that would need to be accessed from the basement if something needed repaired (thus bringing in my landlords right hand man that surely would say something about a grow room). Though I could be sure to "travel light" and be sure if something did require the repair man to come down to the basement I could move it before I do (he only comes if called upon).

In addition to that, it would require something pretty obvious to my fiance when blocking off the room and I don't want to lie: Its better to ask forgiveness then to beg for permission (or however that saying goes). :dunce:

The attic has higher temperature changes (with it being partially insulated) but the areas I want to grow it are insulated and it wouldn't be too difficult to close it off. Though temperature is not a big issue, it will be something to deal with. I have two areas to choose from, both having electrical access.

In the attic it is more of a loft that is semi-finished. On the outside of the walls are a little crawl area all around the house where the roof angles off. The highest points where the roof meets the inside wall is maybe 4 1/2 - 5 feet (thus being a possible height issue for the plants too?).

This is my first serious grow (all the others were quick attempts with no real reason to think they would be a success) and the money is tight (but I don't need to DIY EVERYTHING). I don't have a whole lot of money but 20 bucks or 30 here and there won't kill me, so I'm trying to weigh options that can cut costs but still have a decent product.

With it being my first grow I don't want to go head over heals and would like to have a shorter and smaller grow to get my feet wet.

I read through the forums quite a bit and will continue to do so but there is still A LOT that I need to learn.

Any imput is greatly appreciated
I'd go with a CFL grow if your gonna do it :bigjoint: it would be the cheapest.
cfls would be the way to go if your just wantin to get somthing smokeable. proble wont be big dank buds. but a sall bud is better then none. you can get a few cfls at a time till you get enough.


Well-Known Member
haha i say Led all the way, dont gotta worry bout heat , cost ,or hidding a mad source of light from your family.


Well-Known Member
well thanks for everyones help, What I have decided to do, was in fact, option C: Grow stealth in large 12X10 shed.

I did get the ole lady on board but she preferred it to not be in the house (and we both agreed, if found, she knew nothing about it).

Currently researching a micro grow. I already have a great dresser to do it with that I was going to use as a upgraded worm farm to upgrade my worm castings production (I already have just a modest rubbermaid container that produces all I need).



Well-Known Member
alright lookin good man, now lets get some plants on the roll:P
Do you know what kind of strain you are going to use?